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A great career, a shit ton of jobs without any hint of prima donna stuff. Just got up there and banged it out of the park, time and again. (Allusion to his baseball fan side.) Something admirable that transcends the show biz stuff.

And rare these days I think, I don't know.

Meanwhile, none of the obits are even touching *scene* in "Don't Look Now", but I'm at the age that I much prefer crediting a good acting job than a reality caught on film. IYKYK and if you don't, I'm sure Google can help. Me, šŸ¤.

Should have added that being Canadian surely factored in somewhere around in his foundation.

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Well, The Guardian did mention it, in both the straight obituary, and the personal view of their film critic:



The only sex scene that I heard my very-straight-laced mother praise.

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The issue if thereā€™s no truth the rumor is that it didnā€™t look faked to be fake. Reasonable if oneā€™s seen the scene. (The least fake part remains seared in my memory. But ditto the endā€¦)

Of course, given the era, the rumor may well have truth to it.

BTW: isnā€™t the Guardian some sort of bolshevik outlet?

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