Oh, man. These pictures. This is just fundie cosplay.

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Performative Trumpianity. And I wonder how many Muslims dared to show up.

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"For I say unto thee, 'Arise, and slay thou thy liberal neighbor, and the sick, and the widow, and the orphan--for I am a jealous and selfish god, and shall have no other before me." Two Trumpians 1:1

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Great stuff, thanks.

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Thank you!

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The guy on his hands and knees wearing the gunnysack shirt takes the fashion cake, even over the bearded, bald guy in the classic "Repent, The End Is Near" cassock.

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I'm a sucker for a good cassock, especially one tied with rough twine, but yeah. You gotta admire the dedication to a bit. Who the hell has gunnysacks these days? Rabbit ranchers?

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I returned to the International Congress of Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo after about a dozen years away, and I had forgotten that real-live friars & nuns attend to present their research. At a wine hour I spent a fair amount of time admiring the hottest friar I have ever seen, cassock, white alb, rope belt. 10/10.

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Oh my yes

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nunc in quadriviīs et angiportīs

glūbit magnanimī Remī nepōtēs.

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". . . a day when they’ll wake up and everything and everyone that displeases the Lord has disappeared. That is what they’re praying for."

That guy with the man-bun? He displeases me, so he must also displease the Lord. Smite him! And that woman who took my parking spot? Verily does she displease the Lord with her disobedience!

And my Episcopalian neighbors? Unbelievers and heretics! They mightily displease the Lord! As does that gum-snapping slut at the grocery store who won't give me a BJ in the parking lot. And that Black guy down the street.

You know, I take great comfort in the fact that the Lord hates all the same people I do. It's a miracle!

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The mission of Jessip’s company, Global Strategic Alliance, is “to engage the ‘Body of Christ’ in upholding our Judeo-Christian principles and discipling the nations for the Kingdom of God”

"Oh Yeshua, you hardly look like you eat at all out there at your fancy-pants ministry. Don't those apostles know how to cook? We need to engorge the Body of Christ. Get some meat on them bones."

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When it comes to thoughts of "attacking and killing your enemies," there are of course all sorts of ways of telling oneself that this is not at all something you want to see happen, let alone something you want to make happen yourself, let double alone something you constantly fantasize about. So when they pass along stuff from modern-day "prophets" like Mark Taylor about how -- unless Trump starts arresting all the pedophilic cannibalistic Democrats and putting them before the tribunals, the way he secretly had GHW Bush and John McCain dispatched -- then, the people will feel compelled to take things into their own hands... Well, they insist that this is a warning made more in sorrow than in masturbation. We nonbelievers, with our lack of spiritual discernment, sometimes fail to see that.

(Though maybe the Cahn folk are part of a particular sect of the great white Christian right which doesn't buy into QAnon, sort of like like the Baptists don't buy into speaking in tongues. I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs and divisions among the brethren.)

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They long for the day when the Lord sucks them right out of their homes and 4-wheel drives and assumes them into heaven to reward their righteousness. Sadly, their hero in the White House isn't really into this kind of thing. Sure, he may stare at his shoes for a few minutes while they prattle on around him, but he'd be the first to tell them, "I like people who aren't raptured."

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I thought it was the Saved Believers who were going to disappear during the Rapture, not the rest of us. In fact, I think Jesus was referring to that when he said, “Blessed are the mooks, for they will inherit the property of the self righteous.”

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I was thinking the same! But now that the eschaton is immanentizing they figure why should they be the ones to leave?

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Shoot. Now we'll have to find another way to convince them to fuck off.

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"So America fell even farther, spiritually, morally, away from God. We have driven God from our public squares"

Uh, aren't they in a public square saying this?

I come from white trash evangelical stock and I can tell ya - they're goddamn nuts.

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Always think it's fun to hear my Republican relatives bellyache about how liberals have outlawed public displays of Christmas meanwhile their bank THEIR BANK has a giant fake tree all lit up on its lawn and there's a SantaLand to take the grandkids to right in the municipal park and they ask me if I go to Rockefeller Center how big was the tree this year. PRETTY BIG!

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Any hot chicks with crazy eyes there

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You described our governor

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Not really! And I was bummed. I used to have such a crush on Pam Gellar and you'd think this would be a scene she could get with.

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When I saw that pic of the faithful on their knees, I suddenly got a sense of how ecstatic that could feel. All you'd have to do, to experience it, is ignore everything you know about human nature, the dynamics of rumors and gossip and tall tales, science, world history, your own history, basic psychology, other religions past and present, what the Bible really says, the typical behavior of all religious zealots, the deaths of innocents in natural disasters, the history of diseases, and your own experiences in having your prayers answered. As Geo. W once said about whatever he was talking about, "It's hard work!"

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"a day when they’ll wake up and everything and everyone that displeases the Lord has disappeared." It's uncanny how much the Lord looks just like them.

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I remember the Yahshua folks hanging out in the parking lots at Dead shows trying to snag some lost sailors into their cult.

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And I always thought the "Hey, sailor" types were prostitutes.

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how discouraging to see these people, when you stop to consider the path forward toward the maturity of the race.

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