Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Is it okay to say "class traitors"? With racism as intersectional.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Republicans: All you Blacks and Spics should be voting Republican because Democrats are the REAL racists!

Also Republicans: We're working hard--so very VERY hard!--to make sure the Blacks and the Hispanics can't vote at all, or if they do vote, that their votes aren't counted.

Also also Republicans: Hey White people! Ooga-booga! Scary minorities are coming! They'll rape your daughters and give out candy-crack for Halloween! If you don't vote Republican, you'll have THOSE people living right next door!

Also also ALOS Republicans: "Why won't these minority people vote for us!?!?! Look at all we've done for them!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Any non-white person who gets aboard the MAGA train gives white conservatives an invaluable fig leaf. And it’s important to remember there are Black people who are actual conservatives – but the great majority of them won’t vote for Republicans because the GOP is so nakedly the party of white supremacism. So the majority of ethical Black conservatives are politically homeless.

And let’s not forget Herschel Walker. The cynical racism of the GOP in choosing Walker – “let’s pick any old Black guy to go up against the Black Democrat” – is on full display. And Walker is exactly who white racists would like all Black men to be: he affirms all their prejudices and stereotypes, and he’ll be very, very tame and vote how he’s told to vote.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

They think it's a game because they think racism is as natural and inevitable as breathing; therefore, anti-racism to them is a mere pose.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Who has the energy for all that hate? I bet it's those energy drinks.

The New York Times Morning brief thing I get just to give my blood pressure a jolt is a warm inspiring story about how The Plucky Marjorie Taylor Green has made a Comeback. Not once does it say anything about her being a racist piece of shit. There are glamor shots.

(To be fair, maybe they did mention it. I just opened it, saw what it was about and said " Ha Ha oh fuck no!" And deleted it.)

This came up in conversation with my daughter last week. Truer words and all that.


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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

There are always people willing to join the group they see as winning, even if those winners clearly hate their kind. I think that explains Sen. Scott. As for the Republican base, the presence of a black, Hispanic, gay or woman joining their group feeds their confirmation bias, evidence they aren’t as racist, homophonic or sexist as we know they are.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso


Again, because I am now, as we approach the election in cynical, lo-hope, dotard mode:

The most unhinged POS GOP candidate can be trusted to vote the party line. So we libs getting upset over a RoJo or Walker or whoever is a waste of time. Focus and energies should be on that party line.

So there's Black Republicans condoning if not supporting racism. BFD. The party's racist (among other pathological positions), been that way since the 50s, and who's or what's on the party line is irrelevant.

And while we obsess one way or another on the provable traitor Trump, Walker, or whoever ad nauseam, the GOP will be entrenched in power -- that is, cannot be voted out of office -- within the next two cycles.

I should qualify that shit ton of hopelessness there and again note that all that is at the federal level, the top-down stuff. As Rebecca Solnit for one noted (it's just that she noting it is my favorite) there's the potential, possibility of pressure from the bottom up.

But the feds? Didn't SCOTUS say that they don't have the power to do anything progressive?

Bottom up's the way.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

My favorite example is Trump calling Tish James, the New York Attorney General now prosecuting him for fraud, "racist." Nothing further is said (or needs be said) about what makes James "racist", she's black and he's white, and she's bein' mean to him, ain't that enough?

I suppose, if there's any long-term plan to this, it's to drain the word "racist" of all its meaning and moral force, simply through over-use.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

All I can say about Ye and others of his ilk is that every barrel has rotten apples in it.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

A perfect title for a thoughtful piece. I love how the bigot brigades claim it's people supporting civil rights and racial justice who are the natural cause of their own racism. It's as if the students who tried to patronize the Pickrick Restaurant were just "playing the race card," forcing real victim Lester Maddox to whip out his pistol and chase them out at gunpoint.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I’m willing to take Tim Scott’s “conservatism” at face value, i.e., that he holds the threadbare tenets of that blinkered, cartoon-like and illogical ideology as sincerely as any white person of that ilk. I don’t think it’s necessary or useful to posit that Scott (and others, like Maya Flores) may be just along for the ride because it beats walking with the Dems and progressives. Who knows what he “really” thinks? Who cares? I guess if the political winds shift our way enough we’ll find out.

But sometimes the cynicism displayed by them is so breathtaking you can’t help but think they don’t really believe this crap.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Reminder that Herschel, like Tim Scott (and Clarence Thomas), is The Black Person White People Picked. There was and is no support for either of them in their respective Black communities (especially in Herschel's case; he was literally brought in from Texas). Those people have always existed; they used to call them "straw bosses" and "overseers". They provide a brown veneer to White supremacy.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

There's a car at the Tops Supermarket gas station near me which I assume belongs to the cashier in the tiny booth, as it's often there. There's a "Hispanics For Trump" bumper sticker on it and it always makes me sad someone could be so willingly blind.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

We can choose a political party for all sorts of loopy reasons, including that one hot girl in college that we wanted to get close to who was a member of the College Republicans. But once we're in, we're in, we buy the full package and there's no getting out.

Flores is 36, she claims she voted for Obama in 2008 when she was 22, but shortly after leaving college she was already working for the county Republican party on Hispanic outreach. I mention all this because Trump wasn't in view when she joined, but she made a decision to stay after he became the Republican party, root and branch, so not deciding to leave is on her.

I don't think there's really any difference between Democratic voters and Republican voters on this question of what to do when your party nominates a monster. Republicans were tested in 2016 and 95% failed the test, but I don't want to flatter myself by thinking I'd do any better in similar circumstances.

If there's a difference between the parties, it's not in the force of party loyalty, which is baked into our tribal human nature, but in the ideologies of the two parties, which makes the Democratic party less likely to produce a monster ("less likely" because lookin' at you, Woodrow Wilson).

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

When you believe that an issue were fundamenrally bullshit—Republicans seem to believe variously that racism weren't real, is real but were just, or is real but were only addressable by a Freed Market—you can do anything you like with it with a clean conscience.

You don't have to treat tissues like 30-lb cream bond.

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