Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

LOL. Romney et. al. fail to recognize they have no base, or at least none sizeable enough to matter. The Episcopalian golfers at the country club to whom they believe they will appeal have all gone MAGA or joined the Democratic party. Maybe they should ask Kyrsten Sinema how well the Centrist act plays.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

You outdid yourself today, Roy. Bonus: And now I know what I’m gonna watch this weekend.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

So I'm in Brazil in 74. Someone mentions that upon returning from a trip up the Amazon said that all of his wife's photos had huge black splotches. They then open the camera and find that a ~2" cockroach had moved in during the trip.


One of the things that burn my ass is the plethora of pieces about the GOP getting back to what it was. That there's little difference between the Party of Trump and the GOP theretofore should be a given. But what burns the butt isn't that but the storyline that the insanity is something fixable while ignoring that it's embraced by the people who actually matter, to wit, Republican voters, more so primary voters.

More important: what happened to Tim Miller? He used to be amusing. Now he's dull as wet cardboard.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

Romney then picks up Joe Manchin, asking, "Who else is with me?"

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

This is what I'm talking about. There are no goddam decent people in the Republican Party and haven't been since Eisenhower (and he was kind of an asshole too, to be honest). Modern Republicanism is based on the age old premise that compassion and empathy are just too gosh darned ANNOYING and DEMANDING to follow through on, selfishness is WAY more comfortable and immediately gratifying, but people get mad when you say that out loud so by God let's be selfish but we'll CALL it being compassionate and anyone who doesn't like that can fuck off.

Then MAGA came along and said "we don't understand all these big words, let's just kill people we don't like and take their shit".

Cheney, Amish, Romney, these guys... they're all just like 'for the love of baby Jebus can we please go back to pretending we care again? PLEASE? People were nice to us when we pretended to care but now they just spit on us in restaurants. Also, irate mobs of unwashed crackers make us do poopsies in our special garments and that's really uncomfortable. Can we PLEASE pretend to be noble selfless statesmen with principles again? PLEASE? PLEASE?"

Democrats have also been doing the pretending to care thing for a long, long time now, but we have seen steady social progress under Democratic leadership -- VERY slow, gotta give the megadonors a chance to reposition themselves in a changing world, shore up those secret bank accounts against the goddam four day work week, a revival of union power, and the necessity of grudgingly implementing some token profit sharing for a little while before snatching it all back, dontcha know -- so that's where we've got to put our votes until we can finally get ranked voting and start putting in some real reformers.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

I saw the Aguirre still and said to myself, "Oh Shit, here we go!" Not 30 seconds later I was busting a gut at " Can it be true there is no food aboard? "

Thanks Roy - This was hilarious!

There are a lot of German language films on YouTube. A whole buttload of them are"Krimi" which were a popular genre of lurid German films of the '60s and early '70s. Few are subtitled - doesn't really matter. The films make no sense. They are kind of like the Italian Giallo films, accept in black and white. Like Giallo films ,they are an endless stream of violent death (That's entertainment!)Every single one of them has Klaus Kinski in a role. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that every European film made in the '60s and '70s had Klaus Kinski in it. For a while he was truly the hardest working man in show business.

I saw Aguirre when it first came out on a big screen. I bet I've seen it five or six times since. I still don't know what to make of it.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

Bill Barr: Donald Trump is a criminal who attempted to overthrow the government and is a direct threat to the very foundations of the United States.

Also Bill Barr: Yeah, I'm gonna vote for Donald Trump because the alternative is a Democrat.

(Also worth noting: Trump has threatened to have Barr arrested should Trump regain the White House. So I guess even going to jail is better for Bill Barr than suffering through one more minute of Sleepy Joe Biden's Reign of Normalcy.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

Great take, Roy, although in my Wrath of God parody, Aguirre is Trump, drifting down the Amazon with “Speaker” Johnson, MTG, Ronnie Jackson, et al and Elise Stefanik as the daughter (Ivanka stayed behind in Spain). The natives with blow darts? Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Judges Engoron and Merchan. Aguirre’s final speech starts with, “Gettysburg, wow!” and goes down from there.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

"small but influential number of Republicans"

Peddling furiously!

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

3 marks for the whole thing.

My day is loaded with Tasks of the Outdoor Suasion (Hitoned Ladies Subset*), so I got nuthin' else to say fer whatever amounts to the duration.

*Don't pray for me – do something useful!!!

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

Methinks the author really has it in for this Hogan fellow, for some reason.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

Thune of Pierre is a nice touch. He might as well be from there too. You know those interstate signs that say “Townname, Home of Politician”? Thune has one by his actual hometown of Murdo, and also others on the interstates around Sioux Falls (where I don’t think he spends much time, but he almost certainly spends more time there than in the sticks West River). It’s all just stupid, meaningless advertising for him—though it does give us more opportunities to flip off his name as we drive by.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso


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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

Like most descriptions of what s happening among the Rs, it sounds more convincing in the original German, Der Zorn Gottes. But, yes, Klaus Kinski was born to play Romney, or vice versa, I'm a bit confused.

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Apr 18Liked by Roy Edroso

There's a Great American Novel of what happened in the bureaucracy of the Republican Party between 2016 and today that will never be written, because if you salvation rests on bringing the Great Wizard back to Oz, you're not pulling back the curtain. I mean, Trump,strolled in and took control of their voter base, but not by much. A lot of those nomination delegates were because of a winner-take-all scheme in a crowded race. Clearly the Old part of the GOP considered him a fool, but not a dangerous one. After all, he was rich, right? And he exited the base like no one since Reagan. They had so much in common, surely they could come to an understanding. The slow roll of condescension to contempt to disgust to horror culminating in the little extravaganza in the street on Jan 6 is an epic arc, and now they are powerless to stop him, and are in the position of praying he is defeated by a man they despise with every Republican bone in their bodies so they can sweep up the wreckage and go back to their original plan of killing democracy by a thousand paper cuts. It would make Game of Thrones look like Little Women.

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John Thune is from Murdo, not Pierre. Also, just because Pierre is named after a French guy it is pronounced pier

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