Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Wait, what happened to the “caravans?” I thought all refugees traveled in caravans, or maybe that’s only the way refugees roll BEFORE elections – after the votes have been cast, they just approach the border in small, staggered groups like the desperate people they are.

Shorter York: why isn’t the old bullshit working as well as it used to? This sucks.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Is it me, or does the high pissy old fart content here, in proportion to the yuks, seem worrying? I mean, I'm cynical and misanthropic AF and it bothers me; no need to seek more of it out.

Anyway, I hope it's a stage that Roy's passing through and he's fine. May be the stress of needing to cross post his tweets to John Mastodon's site. (Speaking of media fails, if one must fail, it should always be as epic and awesome and the accidental doxing of John Mastodon.)

But Roy's conclusion here begs a question: pace Dean Baquet, is it possible that the masses have sussed out that the border issue as described and reported by the media has, at best, an excessively high bullshit content?

And let's ignore CNN in its decline into irrelevance. Promoting establishment horseshit without the entertainment of nattering nabobs of nonsense isn't a winning model.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"hang on — now I’m told they’re all Honduran!"

2 marks!

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

[L]aughing like Mapache’s men after they capture Angel in The Wild Bunch...

A nice touch. I'm sure that's how all these xenophobes perceive immigrants at the border instead of some poor man who just wants to support his family.

PS: The Wild Bunch is my favorite film of all time.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I feel pressed to acknowledge all the dysfunction Texans have been forced to endure thanks to that loathsome immigrant Ted Cruz...

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I bet Byron York has paid a not inconsiderable fortune on maintaining that fucked up haircut for the last 30 years. You know everyday before he leaves his house Byron looks in the mirror and says to himself

" Looking good!" while giving himself a big thumbs up.

Stephen Miller wishes he had nice hair like Byron York.

I bet several times a day on Fox News they segue from

" Scary Brown Horde Crisis at the Border" to " Biden Inflation

Highest in the History of the Universe!" while showing pictures of grocery store shelves where the lettuce it's $3 a head and the bacon is $8 a pound.

Wild Bunch references are the best.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

If we had a functioning immigration system, there wouldn't be any "crisis" at the border. But we don't have a functioning immigration system.

Reagan tried to reform it, but his own Party blocked him.

Clinton tried to reform it, but Republican blocked him.

Dubya tried to reform it, but Republicans blocked him.

Obama tried to reform it, but Republicans blocked him.

Draw your own all-too-natural conclusions from this.

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So the Supreme Court has decided that Trump's authority as a former president outweighs Biden's authority as current president? That doesn't even make any sense, since Trump's authority as former president, such as it is, derives from his having been president. We've officially entered Looney Land, folks. The crazies are in charge.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Illegal immigrants can't vote, so that scare tactic isn't that useful. Look at the Paul Pelosi attacker - a visa overstay from Canada - the howls of "illegal immigrant" from the wingers didn't land at all.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

With trepidation I suggest Roy is wrong, based on my watching Good Morning America, which has been beating the “crisis on the border” drum for months, including an interview with Gov. Abbott about the “catastrophe.” Adrienne Bankert’s new morning news show from Chicago has also been touting the border crisis. I can’t speak to the other networks, but ABC consistently amplifies the latest Republican talking points. “Inflation!” “Gas prices!” “Border crisis!” If it wasn’t for bad weather, and the recent Antigay Games, GMA would just be GOP.

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Byron York (onstage at mic, tugging at his collar & pretending to sweat): What a crowd, what a crowd. Let me tell ya, most people don't know how bad the border crisis is...

Audience: How bad is it?

BY: It's so bad, [Biden head of USCIS] Ur M Jaddou just wears one sparkling glove & squeals "hEEe-hee" on her tiptoes.

[There's more to the routine, feel free to add ur own]

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Thanks for this, a ray of snarky sunshine to brighten my morning. Since the midterms, I've been feeling like maybe the fever is passing, not among all Americans, of course, but in just SLIGHTLY enough Americans. And, following my lifelong belief that "the secret to happiness is low expectations", I'll take "slightly enough" and enjoy it.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Wait till Byron hears what his pals are saying about Fox. "Might as well be CNN now", according to various folks on twitter.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I checked, and during its peak years, Ellis Island admitted nearly two thousand people a day, or nearly three quarters of a million people a year, year after year into a country much poorer and less populous than the one we enjoy today. Did that qualify as a "crisis"? Well, no, it was an orderly process because we were willing to let people in instead of trying to keep everyone out.

Also, my inner math teacher can't resist pointing out we could be admitting FOUR MILLION PEOPLE A YEAR and it would amount to just a 1% annual increase in our population. As much as reporters like to claim they want to "put things in perspective", doing so through the use of arithmetic is something they generally avoid.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"When asked how many illegal crossers are entering the U.S., they grossly underestimate the number."

Are they including legal asylum-seekers?

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I especially enjoy that Republicans never touch just how Biden "opened the gates", or beyond the raw number just what the "crisis" actually is. Kevin Drum of all people notes today that the stuff Republicans claim a result of "illegal immigration", rising crime and unemployment, that stuff, none of it is happening. Of course, none of this puppet show is meant to convince anyone of anything. It's an old standby button and by God they're gonna keep pushing it.

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