Yes, cults are interesting, aren't they? But with a cult I get the impression the members actually mean it. That's what's so maddening about these fucking people, maybe they're just putting us all on? Do they actually believe anything? (a question I have asked a thousand times before and am no closer to answering)
Yes, cults are interesting, aren't they? But with a cult I get the impression the members actually mean it. That's what's so maddening about these fucking people, maybe they're just putting us all on? Do they actually believe anything? (a question I have asked a thousand times before and am no closer to answering)
No matter what happens in the usa, nothing fundamentally changes for angry dentists with boats. They can act out all they want and no matter what chaos results all their ducks are still in a row.
Yes, cults are interesting, aren't they? But with a cult I get the impression the members actually mean it. That's what's so maddening about these fucking people, maybe they're just putting us all on? Do they actually believe anything? (a question I have asked a thousand times before and am no closer to answering)
Yeah, cults are True Believer-dependent. MAGA folx go home at the end of the day to their bibles and guns and video games like nuthin's different.
No matter what happens in the usa, nothing fundamentally changes for angry dentists with boats. They can act out all they want and no matter what chaos results all their ducks are still in a row.
"angry dentists with boats" is perfect.