As above, he's a Celebrity, who has Been On Television. They don't just put *anybody* On Television. (Well, they do, but I digress.) The people who watch Television are generally old enough to remember when Being On Television was a Big Deal. You had to either have Done Something or Knew Something.
As above, he's a Celebrity, who has Been On Television. They don't just put *anybody* On Television. (Well, they do, but I digress.) The people who watch Television are generally old enough to remember when Being On Television was a Big Deal. You had to either have Done Something or Knew Something.
Now all of a sudden some Children Who Don't Know Anything (never mind they showed you what this "streaming" thing is and how it works) want your vote. They've never even Been On Television until now; how can you trust them?
As above, he's a Celebrity, who has Been On Television. They don't just put *anybody* On Television. (Well, they do, but I digress.) The people who watch Television are generally old enough to remember when Being On Television was a Big Deal. You had to either have Done Something or Knew Something.
Now all of a sudden some Children Who Don't Know Anything (never mind they showed you what this "streaming" thing is and how it works) want your vote. They've never even Been On Television until now; how can you trust them?
I'm no fool, I'm not signing my home over to just ANY reverse-mortgage company, I insist on the one that employs Tom Selleck!