Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Kane says as he signs away control of the media empire, "Well I always choked on that silver spoon." Yeah, I'll bet.

Reminder that the encomiums regarding Orrin Hatch last week mostly skipped over the time and effort he spent trying to make Arnold Schwarzenegger President.

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You see, Ed, it's totally different because Musk will put the gas in the [gas]light[ing].”

I was holding out hope that the birbs would weather the storm, but I've been off there for two years now. It's a scum hole, it's a time-suck -- & my blood pressure & anxiety are much improved as a result.

We'll just wait for Musky to set his Deep One eyeballs on TikTok.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Sorry, I had to step away for a moment to deactivate my Twitter account and delete the app. Now what we’re you saying about psychopaths and free speech? Oh, yeah, if an oral cavity can modify the sonic vibrations generated by a human’s vocal cords, that (and big piles of money) counts as free speech - facts, logic and morality be damned.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

In case anyone's interested, Citizen Kane is available on HBO Max. Or at least it was a few months ago when I watched it again. I managed to make it through the whole thing!

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Alternative explanation: the way Twitter was working was something that stuck in his craw, for entirely stupid reasons which seemed like brilliant insights to Elon Dunning Kruegerand Musk, so he took some money out of his petty cash fund to dislodge it.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I’m agnostic on your “Musk wants to be President” pitch -- but only because I believe his ultimate goal is power and attention without too much scrutiny, and he may believe he can gain that without the presumed accountability inherent in the Oval Office. Sure, Trump wasn’t accountable, but he WAS scrutinized. Musk is at bottom a fuck up: his respirators are C-PAPs, his fancy cars crash, his “offer” to end world hunger fizzled when presented with an actual plan. Don’t get me started on Space X. So I would imagine he knows real, intense scrutiny is his kryptonite. His ego is certainly big enough – the man seems to believe he actually invented the concept of “tunnels” – but I think that may be trumped (pardon the expression) by his casual, ambient laziness. Which makes sense since he hasn’t really worked a day in his life.

None of this means you’re wrong, and in lots of ways he fits the profile of the kind of substance-free clown -- always convinced he knows what’s best, and that might makes right – GOP voters swoon over. They’ve never met an arrogant asshole they didn’t love.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I think you’re right. And given the model of Trump, who needs a tedious career in public service?

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Elon Musk deserves to be President because he's more American than you Americans who have forgotten our cherished principle of free speech, which can be summed up thusly: Nazis -- let's hear them out.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

You may be right about his presidential aspirations. As a business decision, it looks like Musk's expensive acquisition sucks -- it's no wonder Twitter shareholders jumped at it. Besides, Twitter doesn't seem all that difficult to replicate by somebody competent.


In a world where, still hard to believe, Donald fucking Trump was President of the United States for four years and might be again, predictions about politics or anything else are moot. I don't doubt Musk wants to be President of the World and, who knows, maybe one day a Tesla will ram Air Force One*, but the only way I see the MAGAts falling for him is if he shoots a few billion into Trump's lap for his imprimatur. We'll see if we live so long. Lucky us.

I do appreciate that you called him "Musk" throughout this piece. I'm reading stuff even by non-techbros who should know better that refer to him as "Elon", like we're all best buds or something. Must be a product of our age. I somehow doubt the rags of the time wrote Tesla puff pieces about "Nicky".


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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I laughed out loud at" Jewhunter7274 and HelicopterRidesLOL" started to feel bad but then I figured fuck it- funny is funny.

I'm sure you're right about Musk. Whenever you start thinking " this guy would make a terrible president" these days I can just about bet the asshole is going to turn up on the ballot somewhere.

You would think with the proliferation of Criterion, all the streaming services and the websites devoted to classic film that maybe everyone's knowledge of film , and consequently the society's knowledge of film would have significantly increased. Evidently not . Mostly it's the same foundational set of knowledge and ideas we've been working with since shortly after each of the films were released plus a million and one halfwit bullshit poser hot takes.

Maybe it's too easy see and read about and discuss classic films. I had to spend years reading through my local libraries admittedly very good film section two books at a time (that's all they would let anybody take)The first time I watched the Yojimbo was on a 12 inch black and white set with a coat hanger for rabbit ears. (It seemed to be snowing in Japan .) When I was a junior in high school I drove from my house to the OSU campus, trip of about 60 miles, to go to a showing of " The Rules of the Game." It snowed pretty heavily on the trip over and while I was in the movie it turned to freezing rain that covered everything with an inch of ice.

I was the only one in the theater except for two drunk couples they completely ignored the film and talked and laughed all the way through it . I sat right down the front to get away from their noise . Thank God for subtitles.

It took me almost two and a half hours to drive home. I was driving my mom's Pinto station wagon I managed to spin around completely two different times on the interstate. I got off the interstate and took these narrow country roads, driving 25 the whole way.I figured I was going to be in deep shit when I got home. Fortunately everyone was in bed and nobody knew I came home after midnight .

Funny, I didn't like the film the first time through. I re-watched it 20 years later after I knew some shit and now it's one of my favorite films.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Eh, you put more thought into Musk buying twitter than Musk did, Roy. He’ll try to monetize it, destroy it in the process, and end up selling it for peanuts. His only talent is shooting shit into space (would that he do it to himself), everything else he touches turns to dust.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I expect no significant change from Musk ownership, if it in fact happens.

Such censorship or cancelling or whatever Twitter exercises is mostly a cowardly, proven incompetent management fearful of liability from seeming to okay or endorse toxic stuff that would never happen. Even without 230 but as a practical matter, that toxic shit the PTB are concerned about pretty much limited to those actively looking for it or follow feeds that would spew that garbage. But by and by, it’s not fed to a user any way like it’s forced on people as Facebook does.

And while the deal is a safe bet of going through, that the board apparently didn’t push for a higher price and hasn’t seemed to look for an alternative buyer opens things up to possible litigation -- again, that’s possible, not likely. So we don’t have quite a done deal exactly. Yet. (I know; the media are mostly ignoring it; doesn’t make me wrong, just means it’ll be at least a couple of days before I’m proven wrong.

As for Article II, well, snicker that. Who would do anything about it and if anyone world, the highest court in the land has the precedent of Bush v Gore to appoint Musk. I suppose that silly case holding it illegal to shout fire in a crowded theater is also as go as obsoleted.

Flash bulletin! As I was typing this, a notification popped on the screen that Jack Dorsey said that Musk buying Twitter is the “singular solution I trust”. Note that that’s the opinion of someone who’s running of the company can correctly be characterized as incompetent including but not limited to setting up an equally if not more incompetent and unfit board of directors. That said, sure, I guess going private is better than being a public company for now but dunno that Musk is the right private owner. God help me for ever referencing such motherfuckers but I think a private equity firm interested in turning the company around -- that is, turn it into a profitable company -- is the best solution. Or second best; best of course turning it into a public utility after the socialist revolution that is never going to happen.

But over all, this is just a meh story. Interesting enough but meh.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I have no explanation to offer, but I hope: 1) people flee Twitter in large numbers (f&*k if I'll use it after Musk takes over); 2) Musk loses money hand over fist on this deal (he heavily borrowed to buy Twitter); and 3) he ends up sleeping under a bridge panhandling. I know the last is highly unlikely, but I really hate Musk's guts.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"not actual, competent tech workers but surly youngish males who know nothing except tech (and that mainly through User Experiences), think NFTs and crypto are the dawning of the Age of Aquarius..."

Surely you meant to say "Age of Virgo" (which will have to stand in for Incel here)

"he was born to real estate agents in Sandusky, Ohio, as sort of a reverse birther thing"

Yeah, that would cause me to crawl back up the birth canal too.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I've never heard him give an actual speech. Has anyone else? Is that still a requirement for Presidential campaigns?

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Love this, but the Art. II problem really does seem intractable. It'll take (among other things) affirmative votes from the legislatures of 38 states to enable him to run. That's not happening by 2024, and even by 2028 which of {California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, NY, Oregon, RI, Washington} do we figure is going to go for it?

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