Sep 12, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

Vape Moms And Vapid Dads, A Primer

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Sep 12, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

I love the way this Trump is opposite to the dumbed-down (well, slightly dumbed-down) Trump of Colbert's monologues (struggling even with the ellipses between tweets, or attempting to mine them for drama); and indeed opposite to most of the other comic Trumps - e.g. Seth Myers's, Trevor Noah's, Tom Tomorrow's. Despite expressing his nihilism with such implausibly sharp wit (or, somehow, just because he does), there is something about this Trump that feels equally true to life

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Sep 12, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

During the 2016 election season, my fondest hope was that Trump's abortion payments history would reach the public eye—I wasn't sure that would help, given how much evangelicals love reformed sinner stories*, but I thought it might, and in commenting D.T. might let his true colours show.

"Old "Griffith Observatory" strip featuring a preacher and a couple, names likely changed because I forgot them: 'Bob used to hang around schoolyards seducing girls! —and Lil here used to give them heroin and abortions!!'. Japanese Amida Buddhist saying: 'If it glorifies the Amida Buddha when a good man is saved by chanting "Namu Amida-butsu. " , how much more so when a bad man is saved!'.

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Sep 12, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

I have to say, you capture the disgustingness that is Trump so, so well.

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Sep 12, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

This is Trump on a lucid day. On a fuzzy day he says," Vape? I didn't vape. Those chicks

were beggig for it."

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Loved the last line! (The one before "CURTAIN." Well, maybe that one, too. If only we could ring down the curtain on the Trump shitshow.)

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