Speaking of voting, WaPo has a Ruth Marcus piece "The Tragedy of Chief Justice Roberts." Oh, cry, cry if it makes you feel better, set it all down in a tear-stained letter, you anti-democracy life-long opponent of the common man! He's lost control of the Court he steered into voter suppression! Whatever will he do? (More speeches about h…
Speaking of voting, WaPo has a Ruth Marcus piece "The Tragedy of Chief Justice Roberts." Oh, cry, cry if it makes you feel better, set it all down in a tear-stained letter, you anti-democracy life-long opponent of the common man! He's lost control of the Court he steered into voter suppression! Whatever will he do? (More speeches about how "legitimate" the Court is, dontcha know.) Marcus, in a very long piece that is 15 years too late, admits that Roberts, whatever restraints he might want to apply to his run-away fascist Court now, played fast and loose with the rules and gave us Dark Money Elections and stripped down voting rights (not to mention abandoning women to the dictates of Republican legislators whose knowledge of human biology is somewhere south of an E.coli's). But "tragedy"? Oh, "that this too too mortal flesh would melt" or "is this a dagger I see before me?" No, more, "I coulda been a contender except now I'll go down as the leader of the worst Supreme Court since Dred Scott." Not tragedy, not even farce. Pathos, Ms. Marcus, pure pathos.
To be fair, pretty much every SC justice in the last (checks watch) oh, I don't know, 230 years has voted in lock step with their corporate overlords. The voting/human rights stuff is just the frosting on the cake (if I can be allowed to fracture that metaphor beyond all redemption).
Agree with your first point but disagree about voting. Eliminating the chance of changing the policies (including economic) of the country in favor of social justice requires degrading the power of voting. The Founders started the ball rolling with the Electoral College and the two Senators per state (not to mention the 2/3s rule about slaves) and now gerrymandering and voter suppression (the New Jim Crow) are poised to finish the job, thanks to the Roberts' Court. Once voting no longer matters, the oligarchs can dictate whatever they wish without fear of effective push-back.
Speaking of voting, WaPo has a Ruth Marcus piece "The Tragedy of Chief Justice Roberts." Oh, cry, cry if it makes you feel better, set it all down in a tear-stained letter, you anti-democracy life-long opponent of the common man! He's lost control of the Court he steered into voter suppression! Whatever will he do? (More speeches about how "legitimate" the Court is, dontcha know.) Marcus, in a very long piece that is 15 years too late, admits that Roberts, whatever restraints he might want to apply to his run-away fascist Court now, played fast and loose with the rules and gave us Dark Money Elections and stripped down voting rights (not to mention abandoning women to the dictates of Republican legislators whose knowledge of human biology is somewhere south of an E.coli's). But "tragedy"? Oh, "that this too too mortal flesh would melt" or "is this a dagger I see before me?" No, more, "I coulda been a contender except now I'll go down as the leader of the worst Supreme Court since Dred Scott." Not tragedy, not even farce. Pathos, Ms. Marcus, pure pathos.
As a 10-year-old girl is wheeled into the delivery room to deliver her rapist's baby, let's not forget who the REAL victim is here.
To be fair, pretty much every SC justice in the last (checks watch) oh, I don't know, 230 years has voted in lock step with their corporate overlords. The voting/human rights stuff is just the frosting on the cake (if I can be allowed to fracture that metaphor beyond all redemption).
Agree with your first point but disagree about voting. Eliminating the chance of changing the policies (including economic) of the country in favor of social justice requires degrading the power of voting. The Founders started the ball rolling with the Electoral College and the two Senators per state (not to mention the 2/3s rule about slaves) and now gerrymandering and voter suppression (the New Jim Crow) are poised to finish the job, thanks to the Roberts' Court. Once voting no longer matters, the oligarchs can dictate whatever they wish without fear of effective push-back.
not to mention the 2/3s rule about slaves
Do you mean the 3/5ths rule?
Now with 6 2/3% more slave power!
Bonus points for quoting RT, Dr. BDH.