Peggy is more and more like the late Queen Margaret, a holy relic of a distant Era whose only connection to the present is that she exists. She's a great example of how the human mind can simply block unacceptable reality (if you have enough money to insulate yourself from the offensive parts). She has a column simply because she is in T…
Peggy is more and more like the late Queen Margaret, a holy relic of a distant Era whose only connection to the present is that she exists. She's a great example of how the human mind can simply block unacceptable reality (if you have enough money to insulate yourself from the offensive parts). She has a column simply because she is in The Club, but it is a window into the fading WASP world that used to run the Republican Party. It's like listening to Blanche DuBois talk about walking the precinct. If you asked her, she'd bob and weave like the pro she was, but she'd eventually admit that invalidating elections that Republicans lose is a necessary evil to save The Republic from the chaos of Democracy. This is what the Republican Party has been since Teapot Dome, they're just getting stupider about it.
Always was, though. There was a passage in her first book about her one personal conversation with Reagan, which was about her personal theory w/r/t his transcendent patriotism being inspired by Jimmy Cagney tap dancing on the White House stairs in Yankee Doodle Dandy.
He had no idea what she was talking about. She interpreted that as evidence of him being a zen master of working class americanism.
Peggy is more and more like the late Queen Margaret, a holy relic of a distant Era whose only connection to the present is that she exists. She's a great example of how the human mind can simply block unacceptable reality (if you have enough money to insulate yourself from the offensive parts). She has a column simply because she is in The Club, but it is a window into the fading WASP world that used to run the Republican Party. It's like listening to Blanche DuBois talk about walking the precinct. If you asked her, she'd bob and weave like the pro she was, but she'd eventually admit that invalidating elections that Republicans lose is a necessary evil to save The Republic from the chaos of Democracy. This is what the Republican Party has been since Teapot Dome, they're just getting stupider about it.
"I have always depended on the kindness of Rupert Murdoch."
Always was, though. There was a passage in her first book about her one personal conversation with Reagan, which was about her personal theory w/r/t his transcendent patriotism being inspired by Jimmy Cagney tap dancing on the White House stairs in Yankee Doodle Dandy.
He had no idea what she was talking about. She interpreted that as evidence of him being a zen master of working class americanism.
Wait. What about Ronnie's darlingly shod feet?