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On the one hand, go fuck yourself, Pegs - the GOP has done everything in its power to alienate the voters from the government, acting less as if it was "by, for and of the people", and more like the White House is an alien mothership landed to impose their strange evil will on the free people of America. Then there's the conservative assault on education and critical thinking, useful in duping rubes that the splashing they feel is just gentle rain from above, but kinda a drawback in a democracy. When you actively keep the electorate from BEING "thoughtful and informed", fed instead on lies and "optics", you (to paraphrase Lenny Bruce) cripple democracy then denounce it for limping.

On the other hand, if the American people are really so willfully blind that they'll vote for toxic mango swamp debris like Walker, Oz, Mastriano, Lake, and, locally, Zeldin, my misanthropy cuts in and says we pretty much deserve what we get. Not as if we weren't warned.

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"On the other hand, if [50.1% of] the American people are really so willfully blind that they'll vote for toxic mango swamp debris like Walker, Oz, Mastriano, Lake, and, locally, Zeldin..."


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More like 50.1% of 25% of the electorate, but point taken.

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I don't think a mid-term election has ever had a turnout as low as 25%, certainly not in the last 75 years. Also, there is no way, if Trump couldn't get 50% of the vote of the American people, that Walker, Oz, etc. could get 45% of the American popular vote

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