Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso


Did OBL win or did he just end up as a useful tool for helping our masters to take a huge step forward in turning the US into an authoritarian anti-democratic oligarchy? (Which, TBH, isn’t really all that much different from what the Founders likely wanted.)

The huge decline in the US state is what I mourn about 9/11. (BTW, over dinner last night, the mother-in-law was telling me how 54 of 55 members of her father’s family was wiped out as a result of the Holocaust (the sole survivor apparently suffered mental issues) — you know, something conservatives and much of the pundits at the Unz Review are cool with. So, you know, maybe I have issues with how we responded to 9/11.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Brilliant, Roy. We're having a 9/11 every two days indeed.

Fuck All The Way Off And Take Karl Rove With You should be put on a billboard or cross stitched on a sampler or something.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso


I'm glad it's fading for you.

I got the anger at the time. I just didn't see how killing civilians in Afghanistan was going to help anyone. And what I felt then was pretty much what I feel now. Impotent fury and targets we shouldn't lash at. I suppose there's catharsis in killing people you can pretend to blame, but I think it only works for really terrible people.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

"They hate us for our freedoms" said the second-dumbest president ever. And then he and his Party set out to make the terrible mooslims not hate us by . . .

. . . passing the Patriot Act which seriously curtailed those freedoms! That'll show 'em!

. . . bombing the shit out of civilians because killing people's wives, husbands, children, fathers, cousins, friends is always a good way to make them feel affectionate toward you. Just look at how much we loved Muslims after September 11, 2001!

. . . invading a country that had nothing to do with the attacks and killing many more wives, husbands, etc.

. . . cynically using the attacks as a partisan wedge and loudly saying that Democrats are pro-terrorist because they're Democrats who hate America.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

There’s not a millimeter of distance between the fantasies of Noonan, et al, and the ongoing lying about 9/11 by TFG, most recently starring “two big firemen” rescuing everyone from his “creaking” building at his direction. It’s all narcissism, personal and national.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I remember that time. I was lucky and was practicing in a small town where I was known for my leftist views and respected for my skills. So when I said things about these invasions being BS I was treated as "Oh, it's just the town atheist mouthing off again" kind of thing. I do remember betting a judge a bottle of the best Scotch we could find that no WMD would be found. He has yet to pay up. I'm still bitter.

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RWers are mad we pulled out of Afghanistan because where else will we train future cops to run the streets like a fucking first-person shooter

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fuckin' A!

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Hear! Hear!

Anyone decent would appreciate your anger.

" We experienced 9-11 as a spiritual event. A profit center and a spiritual event."

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Fuckin-A. Every year the 9/11 zombies come out from under their rocks to regale us with tales of brave carpooling and courageous mall shopping, and then berate us for our insufficient blood lust, or something. And fucking Noonan! Still pushing the manly manliness schtick she spewed back then. Sick of this shite.

A 9/11 every two days! My wife and I were fully vaccinated by the beginning of April, right about when every adult became eligible for it. Since then, over 100,000 Americans have died of COVID, almost certainly avoidable if they were vaccinated. Meanwhile the forever-brats stamp their feet because you can't make them do anything they don't want to, then they threaten to get their 2nd amendment toys out if you come a-knockin' to try and persuade them to grow the fuck up.


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9/11 is over-- if you want it.

The memories are fading for me too, but it's always been my birthday first, and then everyone else's maudlin festival of tearful eagles.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Periodic reminder, and the thing that stuck with me the most: that Rudy ("Noun, verb, 911") Giuliani tried to *cancel* the results of that day's mayoral primary, in which he was ineligible to run, so he could continue to be Mayor-for-life despite what the city's voters wanted. So yeah, they've always been anti-democratic, not just anti-Democratic.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

On the bright side, "The Project For A New American Century" now lies in ruins. The pigfuckers who saw 911 as Christmas in September gave it their best shot, and the world is still not an American protectorate. I'm hoping the collective national leadership got the message and will calm the fuck down for the next few years. At least when it comes to imperial wet dreams.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

What I remember most was the paranoia. I was at work, at my office job in San Francisco, when it happened, and we were told we could take the rest of the day off. Walking to BART, I kept looking up at the tall buildings, wondering if whoever hit New York and D.C. would be sending planes into the Transamerica Pyramid or the Bank of America building, too. I went home, collected my son from grade school, and hunkered down with him and my wife, grateful for small things. The myth of American invincibility was destroyed forever that day. No wonder so many people went mad, and never got better.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Some are born to shittiness; others have shittiness thrust upon them. Still others are born shitty and spend their entire lives becoming even shittier, the absolute worst, most inexcusable pieces of shambling human garbage imaginable.

Fuck every one of those assholes Roy listed in his righteous litany. Fuck them for turning 9-11 into a grotesque annual celebration they pretend is a solemn memorial. Fuck them through every level of Dante’s Inferno, then line them up and do it all again. Repeat as necessary.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Damn right, say it brother!

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