Giuliani is unbelievably gross. For Mr. Law And Order, he sure has some shady connections too like Bernie Kerik and those two Russian gonifs. Lawyers who think they're tough guys just because they're lawyers are just one reason why I hate my chosen profession as much as I do.

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Crawl on ABC this morning: “ Guiliani’s Ukrainian fixer sentenced to 20 months in prison.” Of course, no actual reporting on same but baby steps.

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Hopefully the Parnas prosecutors got some good dope on Giuliani. 20 months sounds like a brought-down sentence.

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Please, let us not throw stones, who among us does not have a Ukranian fixer?

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Look, covid has hit some of us hard. We had to let go some patreons, some streaming services, some illegal cronies. The last ones have been especially hard to replace, though there's a patreon that I'm still on the waiting list for.

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I once had a Lithuanian fixer, who showed me that if you painted used motor oil on to the rusty sheet metal of a car, it wouldn't make the rust go away but the rust wouldn't grow any farther. Shit like that's important, whether you live in Lithuania or Wisconsin.

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I almost went to law school, but I regained consciousness and became a librarian instead.

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Back in the days of Impeachment Number One, all the talking heads on MSNBC - most of them lawyers themselves - agreed on one thing: Rudy was a TERRIBLE lawyer. What kind of lawyer blurts out his client's guilt right there on CNN? But the laugh was on them, Rudy understood that it wasn't a legal proceeding, it was a political proceeding, and Mitch McConnell had already rigged the jury. Incompetence has never been a barrier to success when you're a well-connected White man.

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Thanks for an excellent reminder/primer on Rudy’s inherent awfulness. The giddy absurdist humor of Four Seasons Landscaping et. al. and his ridiculous claims of being assaulted help buttress the “oh Rudy, he’s just a deranged clown” narrative. But he was always a thuggish, vindictive, corrupt, racist little man with fascistic tendencies. His pathetic career end game, with all its toadying-to-Trump humiliations (and possible indictments), just proves he can’t quit that fascism.

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Speaking of stop & frisk, it’s back, this time with a twist: cops disguised as Fedex and Amazon delivery guys! https://twitter.com/joshuapotash/status/1542227995003322370?s=21&t=OIghdc6O6pRzcKakyCQ-JQ

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*sigh* Should note again that the entire party is an existential threat to the nation, like the right has been forever. Used to be able to vote them out, now that possibility is hanging by a thread.

But, there seems, based on anecdotal stuff, that maybe some of Donnie's fanbase is getting a clue. Whether it's enough, or whether it's enough to incite the largest voter bloc -- those whose choice is not to vote -- to do what's necessary while it's still more possible than not. I mean, it's probably only the 2024 POTUS election that's rule rigged.

As for how much of the party's rotten and how much it's Donnie, Venn diagram how much the shit Republicans are pulling couldn't have been done without Donnie. The overlap is approximately not existent. Meanwhile, at the moment, SCOTUS shat on indigenous people Wednesday and Biden just gave Moscow Mitch a little submission and ceded power to him. And the latter, libs, is why your elected officials aren't going to save the nation from the GOP. (Biden had a rationale for what he did, but not enough of one to justify what he did.)

As for Rudy, well, the only thing on the spectrum of being the son of a Mafia punk POS through his current unhinged state that isn't odious or worse is the 9/11 scam. Which, for the non-New Yorkers here by definition based less than four months because term limits and his term ending 1/1/2002. Take away the fantasy and he's nothing -- no worse than nothing. And again, fuck Donna Hanover (for whom Rudy used influence to get an annulment based on bullshit so he could marry wife #2 in the church) for only bopping him on the head instead of bashing his brains in and thereby doing the nation a genuine service.

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"But, there seems, based on anecdotal stuff, that maybe some of Donnie's fanbase is getting a clue." My own anecdotal evidence, sadly, indicates the red hatters who have had enough of Don are falling head over heels for Ron (DeSantis).

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Anecdotal. November will tell the tale. Test any softening of support is interesting.

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I also fear the fall of Trump means the rise of DeSantis. He is already being hailed in many corners of conservatism. Trumpism can flourish without Trump: the king is dead, long live the king.

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And yet, as we should be learning, the problem is the party, not any one person no matter how vile.

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Vileness is a prerequisite.

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There's an entrance exam, you show 'em a starving orphan, and if they say "Are there no workhouses?" they're in. Apply that to a few tens of millions people and see what you end up with.

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Sadly, they all are pretty vile

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What Trump brought to the table was showmanship and a style of Chuckle Hut observational comedy that appealed to deeply, deeply stupid people. Hard to imagine DeathSentence filling an auditorium with 20,000 screaming fans. I'd say he's a pale imitation, but paleness is kind of built into the White Supremacy.

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I agree that the entertainment value is just not there. But they love the cruelty.

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The red hatters couldn't win without the tax hating centrists voting for them. They might be able now with the recent SCOTUS decisions

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I try hard to think of a nationally known Republican who is actually a decent person, and I come up empty. For the moment, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are doing the right thing, but their histories of joining in the cruelty the GOP routinely pushes says they're otherwise terrible people.

And I try hard to think of a Republican from any time in the last half century who I would consider good and decent, and I still come up empty. That's a mighty sad commentary on an entire political party.

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"And I try hard to think of a Republican from any time in the last half century who I would consider good and decent, and I still come up empty. That's a mighty sad commentary on an entire political party."

Yes, this. Nixon, Reagan, Gingrich and Limbaugh are the founding fathers, so to speak, of today's Republicans.

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Exploiting racism to win elections (Nixon, Reagan) and being shameless, shit-spewing firehoses (Gingrich, Limbaugh) -- yeah, there's the two strands of the modern GOP DNA. I'll throw in a performative dedication to ignorance.

Maybe McCain was decent. I am sure we'd be a lot better off today if he'd been the one to thwart democracy and steal the WH in 2000.

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Dunno — any guy who'd call his wife a c-word onstage near a live mic cannot be all that decent a human being...

If he were still alive in 2022, that alone would have been sufficient to have 85% of all men vote for him across every demographic & political leaning...

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McCain also dumped his first wife after she was in a car accident. He shortly thereafter married a beer heiress

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That was the day Kavanaugh wept.

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McCain was a posturing POS.

And empowered Palin.

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Well, sigh, yeah: Choosing Palin was flipping Pandora's Box upside down and hoping nothing too awful would fall out. We can blame McCain for picking a dope he knew was a dope. That's a crime. I doubt, though, that he foresaw that her presence on the national stage would shake Pandora's Box entirely empty, pave the way for a psychotic game-show host, leave the stage crawling for 20+ years with nightmarish grifters, two-bit gangsters, and every dull-eyed fascist from Tallahassee to Coeur d'Alene. I remember a moment where McCain was trying to calm some woman in the audience who was yelling out that Obama hated Jesus (or something); I remember thinking "Look at that man. That's the face of a man just now realizing that too many of his voters are such total monsters, they don't even know they should pretend they aren't monsters when the cameras are rolling."

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Would Harris and Jeb have strived so hard to steal the election for McCain?

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I wholeheartedly agree. Moreover, it is impossible to separate out how much is payback for past slights, or positioning themselves for leadership roles in a post-Trumpism GOP, in any individual politician’s current condemnation of Trump. The mantle of “principled conservative” (an oxymoron in itself) is far too readily handed out to anyone who now says “oops, he went out of bounds,” many of whom eagerly supported and even abetted Trump when he was riding high.

There are no good Republicans.

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You got that right!

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The GOP was lost in the wilderness after Hoover presided over the Crash of 1929 and the beginning of what is still called the Great Depression (the culmination of the Gilded Age business model). It took some 20 years and running the man who single-handedly won WWII to take the Presidency again. They had to choose a new direction to move, and they chose Richard Milhouse Nixon, a man fuelled by grievance and resentment, who even after crushing his opponents still hungered to see them driven before him, and hear the lamentations of their women. He would use any tool that came to hand to achieve those goals, and plenty of tools like Lee Atwater, Roger Stone, and lunatics like G. Gordon Liddy, all answered the call, and embedded themselves in the party. Some are still there, you may have noticed.

It would be hard at best to be "good and decent" in that ecosystem. George Romney might qualify, he torpedoed his Presidential ambition by being recorded saying he had been "brainwashed" into supporting the Vietnam War. But he had always been on board with the core Republican principle of supporting the plutocratic aristocracy who wanted the power, wealth, and privilege of the Gilded Age restored to them.

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Much easier to presume there are none and whatever exceptions there may be are far too few to matter.

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On the local level, I know a couple of Republicans who are genuinely good people and who support genuinely good policies. They also despise Donald Trump, which doesn't hurt my estimation of them at all.

And there are some local Democrats who I routinely vote against because even if their hearts are in the right place, their heads are up their own asses.

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And I try hard to think of a Republican from any time in the last half century who I would consider good and decent

Two that come to mind off the top of my head are Edward Brooke, and Lowell Weicker. Of course the most recently either of these guys was affirmatively Republican was 1980. Weicker lost that year to Joe Lieberman when conservative Repubs went for Lieberman because Weicker was too liberal

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Weicker was governor when I first moved to Connecticut. He shepherded through the introduction of the state's income tax. It was temporary, he promised us--just until the economy recovers, and then it will be repealed. Somehow, the Connecticut economy has not recovered since 1983.

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I suppose I should qualify it to the Reagan era and after.

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This. Cheney and the never Trumpers are rungs on the ladder that gave us Trump. Or should I say, steps leading further into the sewer.

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"added ardor to my undying hated"

That's a fine phrase -

From a fine essay!.

I grew up in a cornfield with a bunch of Republicans. They've always been hateful shit people. They were so relieved when Trump was elected and they thought they wouldn't have to pretend anymore.

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They are all shitgibbons, aren’t they? I remember a doctor neighbor in 2017 praising Tom Price, whom he knew. Of course Price was out of a job a year later, victim of his own corruption. Still, the crimes of the Prices, et al, in Trump’s cabinet don’t rise to the level of violent overthrow of the government which the mealy-mouthed media is slowly tiptoeing toward speaking about, the way we “woke” normals do. Four months of appropriately escalating rhetoric about that and a radical, anti-human rights Supreme Court might give Democrats a chance to hold onto the Senate, governorships and other statewide offices that can’t be gerrymandered. An old boy can only hope the scales will fall from more eyes.

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Those (non NYers) who think Our Rudy's Gone Barmy With Age need look no further than the press conference he called to end his marriage before informing his wife (and small children). In fact, look at his entire loony tunes marital history. He (9/11) was (9/11) always (9/11) a (9/11) person (9/11) who (1) never recognized when his own behavior strayed outside the boundaries of decency/sanity, and (2) held dear the notion that no attention is bad attention. Look at me! 9/1111111111111!!!

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I hadn't thought of it until now - I'm sure others have mentioned it - but that Rudy-powered City Hall cop riot back in the 90s sure looks a lot like another riot on January 6.

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(With added Brooks Brothers Riot of 2000.)

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50-year-old Dad Cop and 75-year-old Granddad Cop share memories:

"Why, when I was a young cop newly on the force, we REALLY knew how to riot!"

"Oh yeah, dad? Did you riot against OTHER COPS? Huh?"

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I look forward to future installments of “Republicans: They Were Always This Bad”.

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Newt Gingrich alone could fill up a whole week.

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Most of the people here have more developed critical views of the GOP than I do, which spares me from having to point out when there is a choice between the lesser of two evils there really is no choice now. The greater evil should have been obvious at least since Reagan. I'll leave at that.

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For their successful efforts in continuing what Dinkins started and establishing Giuliani's undeserved crime rep, Jack Maple and Bill Bratton were exiled to where they wouldn't get any of Rudy's media attention. That said, like so many people on 911, I will forever remember where I was when I first learned about the grisly ShopRite assassination attempt on Rudy Giuliani. Not since the infamous Bowling Green Massacre have I been so shocked.

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The Slap Heard 'Round The World

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There's a video clip of Rudy trying to sell this story on NewsMax and the anchor is Not Having It. When you can't sell your shit to NewsMax, you have indeed fallen far.

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So much that predated Trump, that Trump just brought more out into the open, the racism, the misogyny, the fear and hatred of immigrants, etc., etc. and etc. But the ONE innovation that is purely Trump is refusing to concede a loss in a Presidential election. That's on Trump alone. The Proud Boys aren't making a plan to rush the Capitol without that. John Eastman would be writing crazy memos for no one to read, except for that. It's hard to think of historical examples where so much flowed from one man's mere whim.

So I don't expect them to stop being racists, or misogynists, or to stop fearing and hating immigrants, but I do actually have some small hope that they may decide that this one thing is a thing not to be done in the future. Depending on if anyone high up ends up in jail for the first time they tried it, depending on how much the voters seem to be repelled by it. As. Gen. Buck Turgidson once said, "Depending on the breaks."

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I've seen through Rudy's shtick since the early 90s myself, but given how spectacularly he continues to keep stepping on his shriveled dick, I say keep him around for a little longer...at least until the irons are slapped on his wrists.

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A really great reminder that Rudy was always trash. Sorry, I worked for the City during Rudy's tenure, can't resist piling on:

Rudy put the City's Office of Emergency Management at 7 WTC, after the attacks OEM couldn't do their job onaccountabecause their HQ got crushed.

After the 9/11 attacks he wanted to extend his mayoral term by 3 additional months, the media and most of the democratic "opposition" were ok with it, I think only Fernando Ferrer said no, Bloomberg won in the end anyway.

A strident and vocal supporter of "the air is safe in downtown Manhattan" lie, more people have died of that lie than died in the attacks.

Who could forget his announcing his separation from his wife on the news, which is how she learned their marriage was over.

God, if only the prostate cancer took him in 2000. Roy's correct the truth is always in plain sight for the those that want to see it.

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I (vaguely) remember Rudy letting Kerik use the apartment at WTC that was supposed to be a rest and recuperation area for workers as a shack-up nest for Kerik and his mistress.

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