LOL...I always wonder when I read these: does Rod read them, do you know? Do you two have any kind of "relationship?"

That is one weird dude.

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So for his next book about leftwing totalitarianism in the U.S., Dreher is interviewing people in Russia who are mostly over 80 years old, remember Stalin, and lived through the worst of the Soviet regime. Dreher then tells these old folks that the Left in America is becoming just like the Communist Party that oppressed them and their families. Alarmed, they tell him that sounds very dangerous. Dreher then claims his fear of the American Left has been validated by people who suffered under a totalitarian regime themselves, and he plans to write an entire book based on the old Russians’ reactions to the lies he tells them. That’s about the gist of it.

And don’t get me started on the obscene outlandishness of Dreher trying to portray the *Left*as the authoritarian bogeymen while Trump is in the White House. Yeesh.

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Re: Dreher and his fans: As always, fuck their feelings.

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I always choose my fast food emporia based on their ideological stance. That’s why I frequent Karl Juniors Borscht Cafe and Lil Mao’s Hot Pot Shack.

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One thing I owe to you, Roy, is the ludicrous pleasure of hate-reading this ridiculous little man's umbrage-filled dribblings. I never would have encountered him otherwise.

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What’s funny, at least to me, is that I had no idea anything had happened re Chick-fil-A until someone posted a Dreher tweet about it in an LGM comment thread. And the main reaction was, what did they do? From Dreher it sounds like parades of progressives are filling the streets celebrating this “victory,” when it was more like, oh , right, Chick-fil-A is a thing that exists, well, good for them.

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Liberal Fascism 2: Actually, They're Communists.

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I seem to remember a positive New Yorker profile of Dreher. Ingrate.

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Here in CFA Central the news was greeted with something less than a shrug. Because there isn't a college campus in the metro area that doesn't have a store, if not within walking distance, right in the cafeteria.

Dan and Bubba will just have to disguise their donations through the foundation, as usual.

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Dreher's updates and replies to himself make for a solid read.

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Given you were beat and took the easy path on this i'd say this was a sterling success, Sir. Also, "Just the Tip, Trumper" *snort*

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Someone [ maybe at Atrios' ] suggested that the reason for the change is the increasingly typical reaction to someone very close to the big bosses coming out as gay.

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(This is what you write when you're *tired*? Jeez. We should all be so tired.)

It goes without, or maybe with, saying, that Dreher would write essentially the same column if someone on the CFA board proposed that they stop donating to anti-LGBQ orgs *and it was voted down.* The topic is catnip to Brother Rod: He can both flaunt his gourmand preferences AND show he and his family have got the common touch, plus he can, regardless of silly old "reality," continue to act the virtuous, brave victim.

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My favourite part of Dreher's endorsement of Carlson: 'large parts of our country depopulated by suicide and opiate abuse'. 'Large'? 'Depopulated'? Any depopulation as such is from economic causes, which Dreher and Carlson could easily blame on capitalism…and young people who _want_ to move to the Cities, which is what really sticks in conservative craws.

…and I beg to differ: there are no 'locker room tension relievers' in Heaven because 0.) that would be wrong and 1.) women in Heaven _want_ to have done to them exactly what you want to do with them, which might to the Natural Man constitute a paradox if you want to rape but the Justified Man knows just won't, as up there all tears shall be dried.

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I actually respect the relative honesty of Dreher et al in seeing Captalism as the enemy of Tradition it usually is. This is in contrast to 'The Market cannot fail us….' Panglossism and Polyannism of the 'libert'arians that either says the world can do no better, or acknowledges problems but blames them on Gummint Interference, or goes full-tilt Social Darwinist and claims the occasions of suffering are actually virtues of the system.

Traditionalists hitched-up with Free Marketeers when the State stopped enforcing their moral codes, most notably White Supremacy, Male Supremacy, and Sex Laws. (To be fair, Catholics traditionalists were of two minds about the first.)

Both they and I (maybe 'we' here, to some extent) reject Pure Capitalism because we have moral or ethical norms that it ignores or tends toward violating. We both speak of human dignity: they consider it mocked utterly when the wrong body parts voluntarily come into contact, we when people starve or suffer exposure or treatable illness or ignorance.

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Weird how these bible humpers made a cause out of a 'nothing burger' and are then surprised to see how easily they are defeated by time.

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