I was laughing at that first sentence -- I mean PragerU and Douglass in the same sentence.

As for the rest of the post, funny but not all funny obviously(?).

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“Prager U doesn’t pay its animators” LOL.

It’s a hard row to hoe for conservatives, when about 70% of the country hates their actual political policies. The only possible solution is a two-pronged approach: restrict and repress voting – fuck the consent of the governed – and try to turn the generation that follows Gen Z into citizens of Idiocracy so in about 15 or 20 years they may actually vote for Republicans.

It isn’t really much of a plan, but it’s the only one they’ve got.

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"What the fuck?"

Obviously this isn't original but I gotta say, seldom have I seen it used to greater effect . I laughed really hard!

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

School cartoons have fallen a long way from “Hemo the Magnificent,” the way a generation of doctors learned about red and white blood cells. The combination of an 8000 teacher shortage and introduction of PragerU in Florida promises a state population of future adults who think Abe Lincoln was a tyrant who got what he deserved.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Alternate ending:

A stiff, zombie-like Martin Luther King appears to repeat "content of their character" and "better to be a slave than killed, no?" over and over.

This was brilliant, sadly. Look at how low these motherfuckers have taken us, that a half-assed right-wing radio host's completely unaccredited propaganda grift is approved to indoctrinate kids in Florida, and countless other states to come.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Since conservatives see all Black people as two-dimensional, it's only natural that they'd view history-making Black folks as 2-D cartoons. King only uttered a single sentence, and Douglass was secretly a Trump supporter before Trump even existed. Looks like Poe's Law strikes again!

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I got a plan. You know how the Cons have mostly fucked up education with the charter school scam? The one they put in place so that they can resegregate the schools, keep their kids under the yoke of ignorance with their Bible nonsense while they Hoover up every dollar they can to steal for themselves?

Let's open our own charter schools based on the Arts, Humanities, Science and basic human decency. We will teach our kids actual knowledge. We take all the money charter schools steal for their owners and put it back into the schools. I bet they'd be almost as good as public schools but even better because the whole curriculum won't be based on teaching no-neck little racist kids that Jesus rode dinosaurs.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

This is a righteous rant: Thank you! and the reduction of great men to cartoons is a feature of Conservative "thought": it's what the Judicial Necromancy of Originialism and Textualism exists for: resurrect the dead to hold convenient opinions on the matters of the day they never imagined.

Of course, Clearance Thomas (like Mayor Adams seems to be trying) made himself a cartoon since his confirmation hearing.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Prager U and education are an oxymoron. Our kids might as well be educated at Trump University. At least Trump U only pretends to deliver a top-notch education, Prager U actually believes all it’s nonsense and is nothing more than a propaganda machine.

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That Douglass is doing an amazing job and being recognized more and more!

I'm guessing Trump uses PragerU as a news source.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

„If I weren’t animated so goddamn stiff, I’d beat your ass into the ground“ Damn it, what a truly awesome way to start the week

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I haven't read better satire since "A Modest Proposal."

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Hey, anybody else catch this NY Times story over the weekend, seems like renewable energy is really taking off, growing much faster than the experts had predicted:


Meanwhile, kids in Florida can watch Prager cartoons about how solar and wind are too expensive and unreliable which is why we need to stick with coal:


Then when they graduate High School they can look at all the new job opportunities in green energy and go, "Nah, there's no future in that, I'll just go work at QuikTrip."

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I watch some of that stupid video. Cartoon Douglass said that the Funders knew that slavery was wrong. There were no founders from South Carolina and Georgia?

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Finally! One of these with a happy ending! Thanks, Roy!

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Respectfully: 'Clarence, youʼre a crook!' would be terser and puts the two 'k' sounds closer to each other, and I gather that 'k' sounds are for humour as fissile materials are for chain-reactions, which is why 'K.K.K.' is the funniest word in English, I guess.

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