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Nov 7, 2023
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Maybe I should put him in everything, like Kevin Smith did Silent Jay

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Run-NSDAP and Poopmouth J

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Tricky – he needs his space. You can't drop poopmouth into just ANY old post, and most certainly not just append it to whatever the hell the rest of the loons are on about.

Poopmouth abides (as somebody better caffeinated than me has already posited).

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Nov 7, 2023
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I like the sound of this. Could be a chant in the bleachers when poopmouth comes to school to lecture and berate everyone.

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I don't see Haley becoming the nominee under any circumstances. Not even if Trump finally has the massive stroke he's been cultivating for 76 years. The GOP is just way too flooded with misogyny to stomach a woman, and way too racist to stomach a non-White woman.

No, they'll take Desantis if they can't get Trump. But they'll have Trump because none of us are that lucky.

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I disagree, Haley passes for white pretty well; and after all, somebody elected Tim Scott.

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They do have a history of toying with the notion of electing a POC (Herman Cain, Ben Carson) before settling back to their default mode of White Dude.

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I'm confused. Is the photo at the top of the post Haley or George Santos in drag?

Also, I, too, am bewildered by how young women are tending to have gratuitous plastic surgery.

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THAT plastic surgery may be gratuitous, but moreso is it frightening! Gratuitous smilence!

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I dunno know. Maybe I’m just an old hippie who doesn’t like artificial additives or body disfigurement...

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I'm such an old-fashioned square that I've seen only one tattoo that I thought actually enhanced the body rather than disfigured it (traditional Maori tattoos excepted).

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TMI TRIGGER WARNING: I have something of a fetish for line work, filigree tats.

But, yeah, there’s a lot of excess out there…

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I always wonder, what are those tattoos going to look like when the person is 80? Not something I would want to see, probably.

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Yeah, someone's been going hard on the Smilex™.

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Oh god, another whole year of this. I envy those countries with a six- or eight-week campaign season.

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Agree. Great Britain has the right idea -- call an election, all the politicians rush to the hustings, two months later it's done and dusted.

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Sounds wonderful, but maybe they could have spent just a LEETLE bit more time thinkin' that Brexit thing over.

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I enjoyed the Brexit fiasco merely because it demonstrated there was another major "democracy" that was capable of engaging in even dumber self-destructiveness than we were.

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Yeah, there's a particular form of American Exceptionalism that lefties engage in where we think Americans are the stupidest people in the world, when the world abounds in stupid people. Hell, the good people of Argentina may soon elect a guy who's nostalgic for the days of throwing your political opponents from a cargo plane into the sea.

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I remain a true patriot, and believe that American Stupid Exceptionalism is the finest there is.

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Getting the old escadrille back together again!

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I only approve this notion if the escadrille is all wearing espadrilles.

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I was never prouder of my country than when I was talking to a French friend who was complaining about some true idiots she had to deal with in Paris and I said, "You're just pretending France has idiots so I'll feel better about America," and she cried, "NO!! THEY AHRE EVERYWHEEERE!" (you have to imagine that in a delightful French accent).

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The problem wasn't so much the vote as it was the setup. If it had been an "advisory" vote, even a majority in favor wouldn't have meant they had to go through with it -- but they set it up as a pre-done deal, so to speak. And then they were stuck.

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They still elect absolute disasters at least half the time, but at least they don’t have to suffer so long first.

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Talk about damning with faint praise – Haley is “only” 31 points behind! 50% of Republicans would “consider” voting for her! I don’t know how the decision makers at WaPo look in the mirror after publishing this tripe, I really don’t.

Just as a point of reference, casting my mind back to the 2020 primary, there were only one or two of the Democratic candidates I wouldn’t “consider” supporting. Party affiliation and loyalty, after all. If you ran a chimp in a red necktie against Joe Biden – and the chimp wouldn’t do as much damage as a second Trump term – Republicans would vote for it. Pretending the Republican debates are anything more than a Veepstakes is insulting.

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Insulting the intelligence of their readership is what the WaPo does best.

Look at things from their point of view: They gotta pretend the Republican party is still a normal, functional political party or the cozy bothsides framing they make a living with all falls apart. So c'mon, it's like Election Night in North Korea, we all have to pretend to be surprised at the outcome. Literally ANYONE could win it! (Probably someone named Kim)

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Sure, the legacy media wants Trump back for the clicks. That's apparent to everyone with a functioning brain. I guess I just wish they'd be a little more clever about it.

I mean, "Haley is only 31 points behind in her home state, SO WE'RE SAYING THERE'S A CHANCE!" That's just dire.

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Points for the Dumb and Dumber reference.

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Between that and Idiocracy references, I think we've got all of Modern America covered.

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That's 50% of Republican voters in her home state would consider voting for her. A ringing endorsement if I've ever heard one.

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"50% of Republican voters would consider voting for her if the alternative was a Democrat."

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We can't really know until we see the "If a gun were held to their head" numbers.

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I'm trying to decide between "slightly

Jokerfying plastic surgery" and " Mennen

Speed Stick and tetracycline"

It's hard!

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I'm leaning toward "UPRIGHT: Encouraging!"

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Haley and Scott: it’s as if white South Carolinians decided, “We don’t want to look racist/sexist/xenophobic, so we’ll find a woman, a black and a Hindu who share our beliefs and put them in office while we go about being as racist/sexist/xenophobic as we wish.”

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Half the voters in a state of which she was previously the Governor would "consider" her! Take it from the people who know her best!

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They just want to dial up the Federal Government and hear "It's a great day in America! Can I help you?"

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I had forgotten all about that! Thanks?

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I think it’s significant Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is endorsing DeSantis, because “Trump can’t win.” Dare we hope some are getting less afraid the wounded jackal (he’s never been a lion) and his MAGAt Flying Monkeys?

Haley won’t cut the mustard...but must be taken seriously...

What a world, what a world.

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I’d like to believe you’re right, although I’m not really sure WHY I want to believe it, as DeSantis is a demon. Maybe it’s because I’d rather have opponents I regard as evil than opponents I regard as clinically insane? Evil is at least more predictable.

But I also believe it wouldn’t matter all that much if every elected Republican in the country supported DeSantis, because enough of the base wants Trump for him to win a plurality in the primaries. Most of the GOP base wants the entertaining fascist who reflects their Id, they don’t want the grim fascist who is a boring functionary.

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As an option, have they considered - and please stay with me here - someone who is NOT a fascist? You know, just for a little variety.

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That's crazy talk.

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"Why if we started votin' for people who AREN'T fascists, we might as well be Democrats!"

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"Most of the GOP base wants the entertaining fascist who reflects their Id, they don’t want the grim fascist who is a boring functionary."

Why settle for Brezhnev when you can have Stalin?

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or Hindenburg rather than Hitler

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That Hindenburg, what a gas bag.

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Pretty bright tho, I thought...

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"Most of the GOP base wants the entertaining fascist who reflects their Id, they don’t want the grim fascist who is a boring functionary."

I can see the campaign signs now "Hitler not Himmler. For a brighter tomorrow!"

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"Eichmann checks all the boxes, but no swagger."

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"50% of voters in North Rhine-Westphalia would consider voting for him."

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I used to believe "He can't win" would be the most effective attack any Republican could make against Trump (because obviously him being a monster doesn't concern them at all.) But I was wrong, nobody's going to buy that now, not after that NY Times poll (and sure, the poll was dogshit, but I'm talking about its influence on Republican voters, who just LOVE dogshit.)

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Applying "He can't..." to anything Queens Man is a fool's errand.

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Funny how I once thought "Routinely achieves the impossible" was an admirable quality. I hadn't considered all the possibilities.

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Do NOT search for a book titled "The Mustard Cutter". That is all.

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Dude, surely you understand human perversity enough that a tease and injunction like that means I must search for The Mustard Cutter "...

Vintage smut at ABE: looks pretty awful.

I approve of these Mustard Cutters:


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The notion had occurred to me. I felt it was my duty to warn y'all.

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That’s some fine mustard cutting. I also approve of the cat loitering in the background for part of the song lol

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What I’m seeing is DeSantis is going nowhere... there’s steady erosion of Mango Mussolini’s support..l refuse to not be hopeful.

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Our SECRET PLAN is to keep publishing bullshit polls showing Trump beating Biden, until Trump locks up the Republican nomination, then we show the REAL polls that show Trump losing by 10 points. Ha ha, Republicans, tricked you!

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Anybody else remember all the speculative talk about how much Trump would be hurt by skipping the debates? Ha ha, seems like a hundred years ago. Turns out Republican voters, not caring much for democracy, don't care much for the trappings of democracy either.

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Anybody else slightly creeped out by the term trappings? It reads to me like the sort of thing one avoids by dosing with antibiotics...

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Not really the same, but a friend who was having his kitchen remodeled introduced me to the term "lurkage", which where you have a gap between a kitchen counter and something else and all sorts of undesirable stuff comes to live there. Not sure if it's in general usage among kitchen remodelers, might be a Wisconsin thing, it sounds like us.

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And maybe "leavings of democracy" is better? Things that will be left behind as trash in a brave new post-democracy America.

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Voting: take it or leave it.

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Eh, I might skip it this time, I'm sure all my voting rights will still be there when I come back!

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No. No. No.*

It's like ice cream – Eat It All Now! Just In Case! Cause You Never Know!

*Or in the original Bidenese: Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. What did I JUST tell you??!!

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Glad to see the band back together again.

UPRIGHT: Buff, you know political beliefs are something we don’t talk about on this show. Have you been drinking?

TOEHOLD: What do you think?

Buff keeping it real. And I know I shouldn't be surprised that Chaya Raichik would take a victory lap for inspiring threats to children's hospitals. But I am. What a shitbird.

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Chortle chortle chortle!

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As the adage goes: “Never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate.”

That said, I can see how Haley is making headway. Instead of losing to Trump 81-19%, she’s cut the margin to 80-20%. OUTSTANDING!!!!!

The good news? We’re still a year out and a lot can happen.

In 2003-4, Bush was down by double digits a year out, yet he still pulled out a win.

In 2016, Hillary was up by 10% with a week to go, before losing to the bleached faced, orange weasel, who if he had half a brain, I’d consider him gifted.

In 2022, a red wave was supposed to sweep this nation: instead a bang, it landed with a whimper.

In the off election cycles in the last year and a half, democrats have made gains even in deep red states.

Today are elections in several swing and red-states including Ohio, Tennessee and Virginia. If democrats can make gains, then I’m much more likely to believe when Americans are given the choice between an old dotard and a reckless, evil narcissistic sociopath; America will choose wisely.

If not, we’ll get the government we deserve; good and hard! As for me, Costa Rica is starting to look really good...:)

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"We're still a year out and a lot can happen."

And probably will! My new fixation is on Trump's mental state. You laff (so do I), but didja see the other day, when he told a crowd "we won fifty states"? He seemed to catch the lunacy of that, on the fly, and retreated to "we did great in the election." But a year's worth of aging, four trials, and a prez campaign have got to take their toll. I'll be surprised if he's not drooling in a strait jacket by next August.

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Well said...:)

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I disagree. The true believers love when he does that. They know he didn't win 50 states. They know it's crazy. They don't care. Whether it's dementia or divine inspiration that drives him to these flights of fancy, it'll play in Peoria. In fact the strait jacket would make compelling evidence of Trump's oppression by The Elites!

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As re the true believers, yes, of course. But don't we think they lack the numbers to actually have him win? If a swath of former Trump voters see him gibbering and think, "Well, I can't vote for THAT. Or for Biden. So fuck it, I'll sit this one out," doesn't that help?

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Nah, you gotta factor in all the people who say "Gas is too expensive, time to give the other guy a try, see if he can do better." I'm talkin' about the real deep thinkers, the Common Clay of the Middle West, you know...morons.

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Not sure! I keep hearing a "depressed electorate" favors Trump, but I heard that about 2016 too, and voter participation then was middling, not unusually low. I also believe there just aren't that many NEW Trump voters out there -- but now we're leaving politics and entering the realm of abnormal psychology. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/voter-turnout-in-presidential-elections

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It's fun! Try to predict how fundamentally irrational people will act, remembering that every day is Opposite Day for them, it's only the future of American democracy and possibly the survival of the human race at stake, anyone can play!

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Keith Olbermann said on a podcast that a poll showed that, among people who think BOTH Trump and Biden are "too old," something like 61% of them would vote for Biden. His suggested campaign slogan is "My old man can beat your old man."

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“Whether it's dementia or divine inspiration that drives him to these flights of fancy, it'll play in Peoria.”

And Therein lies the rub!

The fact that his MAGA mob doesn’t care, and half would prefer to live in an authoritarian state as long as Trump is their fearless leader; while the right-wing media carries this psychopaths water, and the rest acts like it’s just another normal day in the news cycle, tells you all you need to know:

Democracy is already dead thanks to apathy, complacency and flat-out stupidity. America just hasn’t gotten the memo yet.

Bottom line: if no-one cares whether we have a democracy anymore, do we actually live in one? Especially, when a third this country would rather live in a Christian version of sharia law, while another third is either too stupid to recognize a patient on life support, or is just too apathetic to care?

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Grim, ain't it?

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Let's talk again tomorrow morning, if women in Ohio retain the right to an abortion because people turned out to vote for it, then I'll give democracy another chance.

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I suppose I should add something about how fucked-up it is that basic human rights should even be subject to majority vote. That's not how human rights are supposed to work.

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Untied Straitjackets guarantees its products against fire, acid, flesh-eating bacteria, AI and uncut mustard. Application of Queens Man drool voids the warranty.

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His fans read "We won all fifty states" as Making Reality His Bitch. Or if you prefer Humpty Dumpty, who put it more politely: "The question is which is to be master — that's all."

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Keep your adage. I'm going with subtractage.

As the subtractage goes: GOP minus Queens Man equals Mugwumps.

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They're already Know-Nothings (unofficial name of the "American Party") so yeah.

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Haley is a RINO that has NO PLACE near DC where we already have WAY TOO MANY RINOS! Haley == 🦏💩

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