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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

What is making my head explode: the people who support forcing a woman to give birth after carrying a pregnancy for nine months are the SAME PEOPLE screaming that wearing a piece of cloth on their faces in public is a tyrannical infringement on their personal liberty.

The conservatives on the Court are acting like the standard-issue Republicans they are: “we only worshipfully cite democracy, precedent, and the Constitution when we feel we are at a disadvantage. When we are firmly in charge, we do whatever the fuck we want.”

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The True Believers have killed the Cash Cow and the establishment grifters are still in shock. The rubes meanwhile will turn to their time honored source of medical wisdom, Tractor Supply, and come up with some way of taking care of all this.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Statistics these days are funny things, especially when it comes to polling. Clear majorities of Americans from both Parties support getting out of Afghanistan, which means getting out of Afghanistan is unpopular? Clear majorities of Americans support access to abortion, which means abortion is unpopular? Clear majorities of Americans approve of Joe Biden's job as president, which means Joe Biden is unpopular?

It's a media quirk, I guess. Just as the media breathlessly reported that Joe Biden--a lifelong devout Catholic--isn't really terribly religious while Donald Trump (who had never set foot in a church) was just a pious exemplar that evangelicals worshipped.

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Just clocking in for my shift, punching my card for another 12-hours at the 'bortion factory, with an hour for lunch, & two 15-minute smoke breaks where I have to smoke right in the faces of five pregnant people--so it's not really a break, thank you Bill Clinton. All in all, it's a good gig, better than teaching robots how to swim.

Plus they check your lunchbox on the way out, just to make sure you're not bringing any feti out in the world. As you might imagine, anything lunch including rice is prohibited. The union's fighting it, but you know...

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

This Texas antisex law is fiendishly clever, promising pecksniffs the ability to legally torture anyone they suspect is engaging in penis-in-vagina sex without the intention of whelping more cannon fodder and wage slaves. It can only be the product of legislators who are either infertile or blithely unaware that their wives, daughters, girl friends and mistresses now have an even stronger motivation to just say no, or become an unanticipated $10k liability.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

It's just basic Aristotelian logic, Roy;

The majority of Americans believe in restricting some abortions.

These are some abortions.

Therefore... well, do I really need to collect the dots for you?

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Periodic reminder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

If there’s any silver lining to this at all, it’s that I can’t imagine it doing anything to increase the popularity of Christianity. When your fundy neighbors are rooting through your trash cans and taking pictures of your teenage daughter every day to check if her belly got any bigger, you’re not going to be inclined toward charitable thoughts.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

For those still believing the rule of law means shit to a majority of SCOTUS "justices", maybe this case will convince them. The majority was 100% party, 0% rule of law and precedent. Pure shit hole nation. (Also puts the lie to us being developed or terribly civilized.)


"But I am a little surprised that they’re staying so quiet about it..."

Hard towboats about this without or without giving an opening noting that what the five pieces of shit did was to, well, shit on the rule of law. Adhering to precedent is the core principle of appellate law and this decision is a huge fuck you to the concept. BTW: This is not developed nation jurisprudence.

So maybe the quiet is attributable to the difficulty in boasting about while ignoring what SCOTUS did. Almost speaking of which, maybe interesting how the media can't be more liberal than noting that Roberts was with the comrades in dissent yet noting the above shitting on respect for precedent is too much for the to manage. Which, you know, along with the DNC quitting the opposition party thing in the late 80s, contributed to the current state of affairs - not just in regard to this but also climate change, race, the economy, Covid (still acting like there's much of a national response as opposed to domination by the states), voting limitations, etc., etc., all turning us into a failed state.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Let's jail the parents of all kids who try any drug. After all, they're enablers, aren't they? Or bad parents. They deserve it either way.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I'm gonna need a few things from the liberal dudes of the world. First, unless you have specific expertise on the law, and the person you are talking to does not (and yes, you should check), please do not tell any of your pregnancy-risk allies that they're overreacting.

Second, please stop suggesting ways those of us who are losing our rights can fix this, especially if what you're about to say is something like "As a man, I know how lazy we are, and you're going to have to force us into it with a sex strike." I accepted the premise that I have to force Biden into doing the right thing because he needs cover against the republicans. You will get no comparable blowback for giving a shit about your partners' rights. Just fucking be adults about this, okay? This isn't altruism. It benefits you too, to do the right thing. Especially if you think you have a right to our votes.

Because at this point, the framing of hostage takers that we apply to republicans? I'm seeing it in a lot of lefty privileged men who think this is another sacrifice we can make on the way to either bipartisanship or heightening the contradictions.

I want you as allies, not as generals. Find the people who are already doing the work, and help them.

Also, ALL of the NeverTrumpers need to shut the fuck up. I no more want to hear from Norm Ornstein than I do Charlie Sykes. This is what they wanted, they're not done yet, and as soon as we let them rehabilitate themselves by not being as crass as Trump, they will try to take the next step. They have not changed, they just want, as Roy notes, to be free of blowback for it. They don't care about the collateral damage, because we're not really people to them anyway, we're still the other side.

All of the above goes also, and again especially, for white people looking at the voting crap they pulled too. Find someone doing the right thing. Ask them what they need.

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Evidently the tip line is full of Shrek memes. That's cool. Maybe we should turn in , like, all the crank ladies on the schoolboards in Texas or the secretaries of all the Baptist churches. Any woman working for a conservative of note really. Abortion Hunters would be all over that shit. The only thing a good Texas Baptist hates more than us is other Baptists. This is a real dick move, accusing innocent people and all but I'm pretty sure we're at the " All's fair etc. Stage of the game. We get those Korean Tik-Tok kids to do the reporting for us. They love that stuff and their good at it.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Just excellent as always. If they haven't yet, anyone wanting to know why the Texas bill is terrible as "law" and how the right-wingers on the Supreme Court have all the legal integrity of talk-radio callers should read Sotomayor's fiery dissent. Any legislature can write completely unconstitutional laws now as long as they are enforced by vigilantes and this Supreme Court is just fine with it.

Everything about the bill is appalling, but even the "fetal heartbeat" that is fundamental to this and other laws is complete bullshit; it's not a heartbeat, it doesn't have a heart, and at 6 weeks it's not even a fetus yet. (The text of the bill defines an embryo or fetus as an "unborn child" and calls it that throughout, but that's to be expected from supernaturally dishonest Texas Republicans.)

I expect that as other states fall into line with this -- Missouri is all set to go with their own and the SC just gave them the green light -- they'll be less cagey about it, and will start trumpeting how principled they're being saving all these beebees from the holocaust. At the very least, we can enjoy all the testimonials from virtuous wingnuts whose mothers were going to abort them but lucky for us and Jesus they didn't.


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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I think they're quiet because they're waiting to see whether it'll be polutically safe for them not to be. Remember, these days

evangelicals == Trumpites


Trumpites ≠ evangelicals

—some of them are xenophobes and misogynists who'd at least like to _think_ of themselves as rough-shod redneck boys who love raisin' Hell, a M.A.G.A. hat above an E. Normus Johnson T-shirt.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

They've just given up on trying to persuade anyone not already inducted into the cult. I haven't seen a politician make a pitch for conservative economics (cut spending, balance the budget, yada yada) since the days of Gingrich. They know it won't sell anymore, so why bother trying? I guess we're just seeing the same thing with abortion.

They all know they don't need majority support (or even a majority of the votes) to hold power, so why even bother?

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