Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

That there guy up top has bolts but they ain't upright!

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

I know, what a great story Mags had! Except for the part that (I think) it's uncorroborated. Still, Fake Tubby looked like absolute shit entering the courtroom. The story's so feeble and I'm so old I flash back to Judy Miller's historic page 1 (albeit below the fold) scoop of being told by some army putz what someone off in the distance was telling another Army all of which Miller reported not as how the Army bullshits a reporter but reporting what she was told as fact.

Meanwhile, I still don't understand how Obama chose to have the alcoholic RWNJ cracker Jackson as his WH physician.

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

After Trump fell asleep in court, I half expected today's NYT headline to be "Trump's Coolness Under Pressure is Bad News for Joe Biden."

Trump's legal team really should consider the feasibility of placing him in a medically-induced coma as part of their strategy. It will at least prevent him from incurring any contempt of court charges.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

I can picture Roy sitting in his office, coworker sticks his head in the door,

"I'll have those reports ready here in a bit"

Roy responds"Thanks Tom!" Then goes back to typing -

,"Hey Hitler! Mommy sucky sucky!"

Roy rereads the sentence and smiles.

This was funny shitI I was hoping Dr Ronnie would get his ass beat again.

Funny how you get attached to continuing characters. Like Mary Worth.

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

Good stuff: check and see if Admiral Doctor Cowboy Congressman isn’t actually from the Insane Gator State, but the other insane megastate, Texas.

Ronnie should get a Dr. Of Divinity degree (i think they’re running for $100 from the Universal Life Church: cheap!) so now that he’s Exadmiral, he can add Reverend to his bona fides…

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

I really miss Dr. Harold "Healthiest Individual Ever Elected to the Presidency" Bornstein. He had a very promising Dr. Gonzo vibe.


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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

Funny, I when heard about Trump snoozing, I assumed he didn’t sleep very well the night before. It takes a lot less stressful intrusive thought to keep me up in the middle of the night than “Shit, I’m gonna be on trial and I’m gonna lose! No, I can’t lose, I’m a winner! But my lawyers are shit! And the judge hates me, maybe i shouldn’t have ragged on his daughter. And the jury is gonna be New Yorkers - are there any New Yorkers I haven’t screwed over? What if we moved it to Queens? Naw, they hate me there, too. Now Staten Island, they love me there, right? I’m a winner in Staten Island. Jeez, how’s that for pathetic, Staten Island? I’m such a loser! No, no, stop it, I’m a winner!” and so on for hours till dawn breaks over Trump Tower, soon to be seized when the Knight Insurance bond is thrown out (a 2014 statement from Charles Schwab? Sure, Bunky).

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

Minsky pickup FTW!

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

This is exactly what Trump and his handlers are most terrified of -- him being forced into a public forum where they can't control the vertical or the horizontal. The old lawyer's adage 'you never ask a question you don't already know the answer to' is scaled up, down, and sideways to unexplored quantum depths, breadths, and heights with Trump. How can you dare put the old prick in a live spotlight when you have no idea what's going to come out of his mouth? He might actually get up and threaten the judge in front of several hundred witnesses, and then he's GOT to go to jail. There are certain things the justice system simply can't tolerate and won't do no matter how corrupt or deferential to power it may be, and not holding Trump in contempt when he's standing there screaming abuse and death threats at the judge and his family is one of them. (Another is granting anything remotely like blanket Presidential immunity. Thomas, Alito, Kavenaugh, and Roberts might be dumb enough to let that fly with a Republican in the Oval, but they'd never do it with Joe; Joe might have them arrested the minute after they sign that opinion.)

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

Don Snoreleone is getting roasted over on Xwitter. He won’t be able to stop himself from responding. Streisand Effect. And that was Day One.

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

Nah, you're all wrong, these trials are HELPING him, not hurting him! I talked to a half-dozen people who had waited four hours outside in the cold to get into a Trump rally and they were all more charged-up for him than ever before!

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

I SO want to hear the judge say, "Mr. Trump, are we keeping you awake?"

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

"Like I was on drugs.

[JACKSON opens his mouth, thinks better of it.]"

Supplements, they're fucking SUPPLEMENTS, like Alex Jones sells, Alex takes his own stuff and you'd never know, sure he talks really fast like a cokehead but he's DEDICATED, the tip of the spear, and he doesn't do the show stinkin' drunk more than every other week

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

It's a mob trial; Trumpov has cast himself in the role of Teflon Donnie. Except there's all this live-on-video evidence of him trying to overthrow the government.

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

I think former admiral Ronny Jackson is actually a rep from the state of TX, not FL. Although they are interchangeably horrible states right now, and I'm sure many Floridians would gleefully accept him as their rep...

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Apr 16Liked by Roy Edroso

This stuff doesn't even seem over the top anymore. Still funny tho :)

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