I am in awe. That speech, Roy, is exactly what every Democrat from Biden to Sanders to Pelosi to Shiff should say whenever they have to respond to Trump’s kindergarten taunts. Genius. Thank you!

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Another winner, Roy. Hard to overstate how much I’d like to hear somebody, ANYBODY really, say that to Trump’s face. The emperor has no clothes and has been naked since day one, and now with a possible pandemic bearing down on us it’s high time to call it out bluntly and in plain English.

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Cosign. (I would pay folding money to see this.)

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[BORNSTEIN does an extremely lousy impersonation of TRUMP:]

Hey, Sleepy Joe Biden, I hear you stam, stam, stammer all the time. Even your wife is sick of your stammer and that’s why your kid died, you stupid stammerin’ Joe Biden!

I can hear a bad imitation of Trump's voice if I try, but I can't hear what it says as other than a very good imitation of Trump's words. Which only makes "Biden's" response all the sweeter. If only the real Biden could do something half as effective - which he would, if he could perform as well as he did against Paul Ryan.

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Another knee slapper! Well done. I started laughing out loud at "STEFAN: Huh. I thought you acted like a son of a bitch because in the 1980s the Democratic Party became a bunch of neoliberal shills and you wanted to fit in." and couldn't stop laughing all the way through.

I really appreciate reading these vignettes in the morning, helps get my day going right! You're providing a useful service.

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Well, GREAT. I always hope you get some pleasure and even inspiration from this stuff!

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I am happy to see that the ECU (Edroso Cinematic Universe) continues to expand.

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If Joe recited that speech verbatim in his first debate with Trump, the election (and Trump) would be over. So c'mon, Joe! Here's where you can finally put that penchant for plagiarism to work for you, and for America.

Maybe we could all start emailing a copy of the speech to his campaign every day. A modern, too-lazy-to-get-off-the-couch version of the Hippies' old "Get Clean for Gene!" program. "Crib Notes for Old and Crabby".

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Bernie don't need none of your stinking formula.

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