May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Pack that shit and pack the Court, too! 13 justices, baby!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

That spew of whatever that's Kelly's tweet there... I mean, the target audience is believers closed to facts and therefore immune to accusations of hypocrisy. Still. Even by the standard of pandering to those people, that is kind of loony. OTOH, Kelly's irrelevant.

Meanwhile, in defense of the GOP (I know, tough writing this), it's the contemporary conundrum. The party doesn't give a shit about banning abortion, let alone a complete ban. But the pathological sub-human voters who select the party candidates want so... (That said, of course, the party has a shit ton of sins, as it were, and is still completely unfit to lead the nation.)

As for SCOTGOP, it's interesting (to me at least) that Douglas did a triple reverse somersault of jurisprudence in laying out the argument for a right to privacy in Griswold while in reversing Roe, Alito crafted a decision essentially jurisprudence-free. Comparable to that was Heller were Scalia held that the "well regulated Militia" part of the Second Amendment was to be ignored -- written out -- for no better reason than to make the gun lobby happy, if that. Of course, that "well regulated Militia" is a foundation for a shit ton of regulation but there you go.

Speaking of going, two laughs or whatever for a Monday:

Your new wallpaper:


And this headline from the Times whose editors must surely be suffering from brain worms:

"After Mass Killings in Texas, Frustration but No Action on Guns"

I'll bite. Who's doing what to enact any meaningful gun control? Better: Why would anyone, especially in Texas, expect any action?

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“ I see no reason why Democrats shouldn’t just step up and pack that shit.” Umm, because they are Democrats, duh.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Another great one Roy. Any neutral observer would think between Dobbs and the Clarence Thomas scandal and the near-daily -- if not occasionally twice-daily -- mass shootings, the GOP and conservatives are on the path to political suicide. But I agree with you that it's because they aren't all that worried anymore about "politics" as it has traditionally been conceived. They understand rule by force, with the support of the deranged minority in their base, is their only option at present. That plus the hope a new generation of children will take active-shooter drills, never hearing about our history of racism, and being unaware LGBTQ people exist as the New Normal.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

It's worth noting that in the aftermath of Newtown, there was a wave of legislation in the red states to remove gun restrictions, to allow for open carry and concealed carry, and to arm teachers. All of this happened against a backdrop of dead kindergartners and something like 95% of the populace wanting stricter gun control laws.

We liberals look at mass murder and we're horrified. We want to stop it, prevent it, and keep people from suffering and dying and grieving.

Conservatives look at the mass murders of children and say "Yeah! We want more MORE MORE!!! Let's do everything we can to make sure this happens every day in America!"

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Might as well play hardball.What are they going to do? Attack the Capital Building?

Have terrorist attacks leading to large losses of innocent people? Maybe if we get lucky a bunch of Texans will hijack some planes and fly them into Disney World. Then we can invade Texas.

They got oil.

This is pretty dark for Monday morning.

Doo doodoo doo doo doo doo- Living in the USA....

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Been saying this for years but not as eloquently as Roy. 2024 agenda: win back House, add liberals to Senate, then put four people on the Court who know how to diagram a sentence and voila! the Second Amendment goes back to being a [racist] defense of state militias against Federal interference. Finally, let the gun control, banning and confiscation laws roll down like flood waters and make opponents present arguments that claim, against all evidence, that fewer guns will mean more murders, suicides and accidental deaths. C’mon, America, get your head out of your ass and do it! Make Warren Burger proud!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I say we should unpack the courts. The Republicans have been packing the courts for this entire century. We need to unpack that Republican courts and let justice reign

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Well, there are 13 circuits, so maybe that bullet’s been bitten.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"Nonetheless the average prestige press columnist’s desire to believe, even as Republicans are hoisting the no-quarter flag all around him, in the old soft-soap and sunshine is invincible."

Because, no offense, they're White Guys. What is to everyone else an existential threat is something that doesn't happen to White Guys.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Time to dust off "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso


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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Overruling Heller would be better, IMHO.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Yes. It is time to add justices, and if anyone squeals, shoot them!

I am far from certain we can head off deepening madness but I suggest working hard to increase voting and activism on behalf of actual majority opinions and policies.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I always saw the hypocrisy charge as lame tactics and wankery. It was always clear in my lifetime that Republican professions of concern and morality were performances, since they were completely disconnected from their actions and philosophy. All a charge of hypocrisy offers in a political context is a warm feeling of superiority, which Republicans can point to as proof that liberals think they're better than us.

And what's stopping Meygn from offering up her solutions? Silly rabbit, solutions are for Democrats! It's a real testimony to the core apathy of the average American voter that even limited gun control is D.O.A. in the face of the argument that we need the 2nd Amendment to overthrow the federal government if they get out of line. Civil War II is a battle between the irresistible force of Fear and the immovable object of Apathy. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.

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“I believe in conversation, I believe in empathy”

I believe in stomping on Republicans' faces with hobnailed boots. Isn't it nice we could find this common ground?

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