That spew of whatever that's Kelly's tweet there... I mean, the target audience is believers closed to facts and therefore immune to accusations of hypocrisy. Still. Even by the standard of pandering to those people, that is kind of loony. OTOH, Kelly's irrelevant.
Meanwhile, in defense of the GOP (I know, tough writing this), it's the contemporary conundrum. The party doesn't give a shit about banning abortion, let alone a complete ban. But the pathological sub-human voters who select the party candidates want so... (That said, of course, the party has a shit ton of sins, as it were, and is still completely unfit to lead the nation.)
As for SCOTGOP, it's interesting (to me at least) that Douglas did a triple reverse somersault of jurisprudence in laying out the argument for a right to privacy in Griswold while in reversing Roe, Alito crafted a decision essentially jurisprudence-free. Comparable to that was Heller were Scalia held that the "well regulated Militia" part of the Second Amendment was to be ignored -- written out -- for no better reason than to make the gun lobby happy, if that. Of course, that "well regulated Militia" is a foundation for a shit ton of regulation but there you go.
Speaking of going, two laughs or whatever for a Monday:
I think the Republicans in state legislatures are part and parcel of the “pathological subhumans” who vote for them, as are a large number of Congressclowns and Senators. They enjoy disempowering women and building a Post-apocalypse Now! country.
I know the standard view from the left is that it's crafty billionaires manipulating the base, but the more we've learned about the billionaires, the clearer it's become that they're the craziest of the lot. Say what you want about the average suburban Republican, they probably don't have Hitler napkins.
I’m so old I remember when Hitler stuff was what your Dad brought back from his killing Nazis days, the days he never talked about. But that helmet, medal, bayonet in the attic did the talking for him.
Here in the Midwest, "Antique Malls" are a thing. Judging by the few I've visited, "Mall" means "Pole barn filled with the contents of Grandmas kitchen and living room." But hey, when life gives you an aging-in-place population with zero opportunities for economic development, you take old, dead people and make old, dead people-aide.
Anyway, Nazi stuff is often scattered among the bric-a-brac. I assume it's the story you're telling, these are Grandpa's mementos, just throw 'em in the box with the rest of the crap and off to the "Antique Mall."
For a while I nursed the notion of buying this shit up and having a YouTube channel where I'd set it on fire and then piss on it. But like all of my greatest ideas, nothing came of it.
My points of dead-German reference are my grandfather’s iron cross, yanked from a Hun’s neck, and the hand railings in our posh art deco apartment lobby - the ones featuring swastikas all ‘round. To be fair-ish (but not without a struggle), the building was completed in 1931, but it is not as if no one in America knew what was going on in Germany then. And given the building originally excluded Jews, not a good look. However, even otherwise smart people here don’t give a rat’s patoot.
On a more positive note, for the first time ever, autocorrect did not flinch at “patoot” I takes me progress where I finds it.
The other thing about Kelly's rant is, what other policies does she suggest and which Republicans would actually vote for them? Improved mental health treatments? They'll get to those just as soon as they repeal Obamacare.
Which is why it skeeves me out every time they talk about transgender folks as "mentally ill" - it's already stupid and patronizing, but you know they'd be perfectly happy with shipping Those People off to desert camps with the homeless where they'd never be seen by Decent People ever again.
The State, which is totally untrustworthy and can't be trusted to properly regulate an oil refinery, should have the power to examine every American's mental state to determine which ones need to be locked up for the safety of the rest of us. Well, that seems reasonable, at least they're not coming after our GUNS!
That was in fact one of the policies she said we should consider (though Republicans always vote such proposals down) while we're doing nothing at all.
C'mon, we're Democrats, we're not allowed to advocate for things that can't pass the House of Representatives tomorrow. The idea we might advocate for these things today and then pass them at some point in the future when the balance of power changes is some kind of seven-dimensional chess with which we are unfamiliar.
Another great one Roy. Any neutral observer would think between Dobbs and the Clarence Thomas scandal and the near-daily -- if not occasionally twice-daily -- mass shootings, the GOP and conservatives are on the path to political suicide. But I agree with you that it's because they aren't all that worried anymore about "politics" as it has traditionally been conceived. They understand rule by force, with the support of the deranged minority in their base, is their only option at present. That plus the hope a new generation of children will take active-shooter drills, never hearing about our history of racism, and being unaware LGBTQ people exist as the New Normal.
There were a couple of Republican-controlled state legislatures that failed to pass abortion bans, the key figures were a handful of Republican women legislators who voted with the Dems. Much was made of this, as perhaps a sign that Republicans are having second thoughts, but to me it looks more like an example of, "Oh, now that they're coming for ME and not just those pesky Jews and Trade Unionists, I can see there's a problem." The Republican men were still all full-speed-ahead.
This is possible, but it could also be political self-preservation based on their knowledge of their own Congressional Districts. For example, Brian Fitzpatrick (R) represents the county of Bucks, one of Philly’s collar counties that went for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. He is very well known and liked in the county and his brother held the seat before he did. But he’s also very aware no Republican not named “Fitzpatrick” can win that seat. So he takes very moderate stances whenever possible – for example, he was the only Republican Congressman who joined the Democrats to commemorate J6.
Awww, I'm secure that the same Very Serious People who told us in 2002 that they were just *thinking* about torture, entirely hypothetical, we'd never DO such a thing and who told us in 2021 to just relax, Roe was safe, it's established law, certainly the GOP isn't serious like US, now tell us It Can't Happen Here, they talk really big about contempt for democracy and liberalism but would NEVER do anything, it's all fine, go back to sleep.
It's worth noting that in the aftermath of Newtown, there was a wave of legislation in the red states to remove gun restrictions, to allow for open carry and concealed carry, and to arm teachers. All of this happened against a backdrop of dead kindergartners and something like 95% of the populace wanting stricter gun control laws.
We liberals look at mass murder and we're horrified. We want to stop it, prevent it, and keep people from suffering and dying and grieving.
Conservatives look at the mass murders of children and say "Yeah! We want more MORE MORE!!! Let's do everything we can to make sure this happens every day in America!"
There was a cop on the scene at the Texas mall shooting (do I need to be more specific? Have there been other Texas mall shootings since yesterday?) and he shot and killed the mass shooter pretty quickly after the attack started, the result was only 8 people dead. Because the shooter had an AR-15 and could kill 8 people in the time it took the cop to unholster his gun. The "arm the teachers" people could hire Gen. Buck Turgidson as their spokesman: "I'm saying no more than 8 to 12 dead kids, depending on the breaks."
Which I realized last night is the proper response to "he coulda used a KNIFE!" trope; yes, but it's a LOT harder to stab someone to death, it's hands-on and messy, and it takes time. As well, if there's a stabbing we don't have dumbasses shrieking about "Democrat false flags to confiscate our knives!".
I noticed there was a vehicular homicide yesterday as well and some of the blue check rocket surgeons popped off with "Now they're gonna ban Range Rovers HAW HAW". Gosh, you mean the things that are required to be licensed AND registered with the State?
One of the flagship training videos in cop academy is the one with the knife guy moving really fast through a roomful of trainees, pretend-stabbing them all before anyone pulls a gun. Lesson being “Just shoot ‘em all and sort it out later”.
Might as well play hardball.What are they going to do? Attack the Capital Building?
Have terrorist attacks leading to large losses of innocent people? Maybe if we get lucky a bunch of Texans will hijack some planes and fly them into Disney World. Then we can invade Texas.
Been saying this for years but not as eloquently as Roy. 2024 agenda: win back House, add liberals to Senate, then put four people on the Court who know how to diagram a sentence and voila! the Second Amendment goes back to being a [racist] defense of state militias against Federal interference. Finally, let the gun control, banning and confiscation laws roll down like flood waters and make opponents present arguments that claim, against all evidence, that fewer guns will mean more murders, suicides and accidental deaths. C’mon, America, get your head out of your ass and do it! Make Warren Burger proud!
There was a guest on MSNBC, didn't catch his name but he was an African-American guy, state legislator or member of Congress, who finally came out and said it: We need to repeal the 2nd amendment. I'm sure a clip of that is getting played on heavy rotation on Fox and Newsmax and right-wing talk radio now. But what of it? They were always accusing us of wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment anyway, why not play the part?
Like I said on the electric Twitter yesterday, these fuckers treat the 2A (among other things) as galactic law, natural law, something handed down from God and/or baked into the physical world, instead of something a handful of human beings wrote 250 years ago and that we can damn well change if we want to.
And unlike any other originalist (bloody hell - autocorrect changed “originalist” to “originality”! Had enough, AI?!) “reasoning”, 2A is automatically updated to include every single “upgrade” to “arms” no matter how impossible they would have been when the Floundering Fathers were alive.
I say we should unpack the courts. The Republicans have been packing the courts for this entire century. We need to unpack that Republican courts and let justice reign
"Nonetheless the average prestige press columnist’s desire to believe, even as Republicans are hoisting the no-quarter flag all around him, in the old soft-soap and sunshine is invincible."
Because, no offense, they're White Guys. What is to everyone else an existential threat is something that doesn't happen to White Guys.
You've got people paid to write about politics who spend most of their time and column-inches telling us not to get so worked up about politics. If there's a political question we're all intensely interested in, meh, it's really no big deal, I'm a seen-it-all pro and your excitement marks you as an amateur.
Which, AFAIK, only happens in political journalism. Nobody who writes for Car & Driver tells their readers, "Eh, those new 2024 models are nothin' special, it's just a box on wheels that gets you from A to B, stop getting so hot n' bothered about it."
I thought that's what Heller said? That then 2nd Amendment wasn't about well-regulated militias, but was an individual right to own and carry guns? Seems like a future court find that was mistaken and go back to the plainly-worded text of the amendment as written.
Yes. It is time to add justices, and if anyone squeals, shoot them!
I am far from certain we can head off deepening madness but I suggest working hard to increase voting and activism on behalf of actual majority opinions and policies.
I always saw the hypocrisy charge as lame tactics and wankery. It was always clear in my lifetime that Republican professions of concern and morality were performances, since they were completely disconnected from their actions and philosophy. All a charge of hypocrisy offers in a political context is a warm feeling of superiority, which Republicans can point to as proof that liberals think they're better than us.
And what's stopping Meygn from offering up her solutions? Silly rabbit, solutions are for Democrats! It's a real testimony to the core apathy of the average American voter that even limited gun control is D.O.A. in the face of the argument that we need the 2nd Amendment to overthrow the federal government if they get out of line. Civil War II is a battle between the irresistible force of Fear and the immovable object of Apathy. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
Plus, hypocrisy is the least of their offenses. When you're throwing a fire extinguisher at some cops as you try to break into the capitol, who needs some liberal version of Gotcha Guy to say, "Hey, thought you backed the blue?"
Pack that shit and pack the Court, too! 13 justices, baby!
The only thing standing in our way is Triskaidekaphobia.
I know, we could do like we do with buildings, when we add the 13th justice we'll call 'em Justice Fourteen.
That spew of whatever that's Kelly's tweet there... I mean, the target audience is believers closed to facts and therefore immune to accusations of hypocrisy. Still. Even by the standard of pandering to those people, that is kind of loony. OTOH, Kelly's irrelevant.
Meanwhile, in defense of the GOP (I know, tough writing this), it's the contemporary conundrum. The party doesn't give a shit about banning abortion, let alone a complete ban. But the pathological sub-human voters who select the party candidates want so... (That said, of course, the party has a shit ton of sins, as it were, and is still completely unfit to lead the nation.)
As for SCOTGOP, it's interesting (to me at least) that Douglas did a triple reverse somersault of jurisprudence in laying out the argument for a right to privacy in Griswold while in reversing Roe, Alito crafted a decision essentially jurisprudence-free. Comparable to that was Heller were Scalia held that the "well regulated Militia" part of the Second Amendment was to be ignored -- written out -- for no better reason than to make the gun lobby happy, if that. Of course, that "well regulated Militia" is a foundation for a shit ton of regulation but there you go.
Speaking of going, two laughs or whatever for a Monday:
Your new wallpaper:
And this headline from the Times whose editors must surely be suffering from brain worms:
"After Mass Killings in Texas, Frustration but No Action on Guns"
I'll bite. Who's doing what to enact any meaningful gun control? Better: Why would anyone, especially in Texas, expect any action?
"OTOH, Kelly's irrelevant." What do you mean? She's a pretty blond lady who all the Fox News watchers know.
You think she still has any sort of significant following?
She’s still my favorite Fox blond, but my opinion doesn’t matter.
(and thus amply qualified to be a GOP Presidential nominee)
I think the Republicans in state legislatures are part and parcel of the “pathological subhumans” who vote for them, as are a large number of Congressclowns and Senators. They enjoy disempowering women and building a Post-apocalypse Now! country.
You’re correct. I was thinking of the highest levels of the party.
Does the Republican party still have levels? From what I can see it's an undifferentiated mob of screaming lunatics from top to bottom.
I know the standard view from the left is that it's crafty billionaires manipulating the base, but the more we've learned about the billionaires, the clearer it's become that they're the craziest of the lot. Say what you want about the average suburban Republican, they probably don't have Hitler napkins.
I’m so old I remember when Hitler stuff was what your Dad brought back from his killing Nazis days, the days he never talked about. But that helmet, medal, bayonet in the attic did the talking for him.
Here in the Midwest, "Antique Malls" are a thing. Judging by the few I've visited, "Mall" means "Pole barn filled with the contents of Grandmas kitchen and living room." But hey, when life gives you an aging-in-place population with zero opportunities for economic development, you take old, dead people and make old, dead people-aide.
Anyway, Nazi stuff is often scattered among the bric-a-brac. I assume it's the story you're telling, these are Grandpa's mementos, just throw 'em in the box with the rest of the crap and off to the "Antique Mall."
For a while I nursed the notion of buying this shit up and having a YouTube channel where I'd set it on fire and then piss on it. But like all of my greatest ideas, nothing came of it.
My points of dead-German reference are my grandfather’s iron cross, yanked from a Hun’s neck, and the hand railings in our posh art deco apartment lobby - the ones featuring swastikas all ‘round. To be fair-ish (but not without a struggle), the building was completed in 1931, but it is not as if no one in America knew what was going on in Germany then. And given the building originally excluded Jews, not a good look. However, even otherwise smart people here don’t give a rat’s patoot.
On a more positive note, for the first time ever, autocorrect did not flinch at “patoot” I takes me progress where I finds it.
I wonder if Hitler had Attila napkins…
I was, too.
Yes, but the further down ticket, the more than in sync with GOP primary voters.
Building an old world from the ashes of the new
Eventually that devolves into a pyramid scheme.
The other thing about Kelly's rant is, what other policies does she suggest and which Republicans would actually vote for them? Improved mental health treatments? They'll get to those just as soon as they repeal Obamacare.
Good question, but sorry, Republicans don't do policy. Kelly's tweet is just simple points-scoring, that's all they do these days.
The thing with Kelly is just how big is her audience?
Too, unlike maybe Fox News, establishment media aren’t echoing anything she says.
Hence, irrelevant.
"Mental health" is codeword for "Let's lock up anyone who looks different *before* they commit a crime."
Which is why it skeeves me out every time they talk about transgender folks as "mentally ill" - it's already stupid and patronizing, but you know they'd be perfectly happy with shipping Those People off to desert camps with the homeless where they'd never be seen by Decent People ever again.
The State, which is totally untrustworthy and can't be trusted to properly regulate an oil refinery, should have the power to examine every American's mental state to determine which ones need to be locked up for the safety of the rest of us. Well, that seems reasonable, at least they're not coming after our GUNS!
You can only be imprisoned for the thoughts in your head, and I don't have hardly any of those anyway! Now GUNS, on the other hand...
And examine every kid's crotch equipment
Ah, but what if I have a GUN down there? Hands off, Mr. Government Inspector! No peeking at what I've got hidden behind my Glock!
That was in fact one of the policies she said we should consider (though Republicans always vote such proposals down) while we're doing nothing at all.
forget it Jake, it's the times
It is yet it isn’t.
“ I see no reason why Democrats shouldn’t just step up and pack that shit.” Umm, because they are Democrats, duh.
C'mon, we're Democrats, we're not allowed to advocate for things that can't pass the House of Representatives tomorrow. The idea we might advocate for these things today and then pass them at some point in the future when the balance of power changes is some kind of seven-dimensional chess with which we are unfamiliar.
Another great one Roy. Any neutral observer would think between Dobbs and the Clarence Thomas scandal and the near-daily -- if not occasionally twice-daily -- mass shootings, the GOP and conservatives are on the path to political suicide. But I agree with you that it's because they aren't all that worried anymore about "politics" as it has traditionally been conceived. They understand rule by force, with the support of the deranged minority in their base, is their only option at present. That plus the hope a new generation of children will take active-shooter drills, never hearing about our history of racism, and being unaware LGBTQ people exist as the New Normal.
There were a couple of Republican-controlled state legislatures that failed to pass abortion bans, the key figures were a handful of Republican women legislators who voted with the Dems. Much was made of this, as perhaps a sign that Republicans are having second thoughts, but to me it looks more like an example of, "Oh, now that they're coming for ME and not just those pesky Jews and Trade Unionists, I can see there's a problem." The Republican men were still all full-speed-ahead.
This is possible, but it could also be political self-preservation based on their knowledge of their own Congressional Districts. For example, Brian Fitzpatrick (R) represents the county of Bucks, one of Philly’s collar counties that went for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. He is very well known and liked in the county and his brother held the seat before he did. But he’s also very aware no Republican not named “Fitzpatrick” can win that seat. So he takes very moderate stances whenever possible – for example, he was the only Republican Congressman who joined the Democrats to commemorate J6.
Also it's a dodge. As the whole anti-Roe movement shows, they can dodge and weave a bit when necessary, but as soon as the coast's clear, zing!
The 12-week NC ban was just to show they could do it. 6 weeks (that is, an effective total ban) will come when the rubes aren't looking.
Awww, I'm secure that the same Very Serious People who told us in 2002 that they were just *thinking* about torture, entirely hypothetical, we'd never DO such a thing and who told us in 2021 to just relax, Roe was safe, it's established law, certainly the GOP isn't serious like US, now tell us It Can't Happen Here, they talk really big about contempt for democracy and liberalism but would NEVER do anything, it's all fine, go back to sleep.
At least given the proliferation of guns among them and their fellow ear 2A-res the political suicides will be conveniently accomplished.
It's worth noting that in the aftermath of Newtown, there was a wave of legislation in the red states to remove gun restrictions, to allow for open carry and concealed carry, and to arm teachers. All of this happened against a backdrop of dead kindergartners and something like 95% of the populace wanting stricter gun control laws.
We liberals look at mass murder and we're horrified. We want to stop it, prevent it, and keep people from suffering and dying and grieving.
Conservatives look at the mass murders of children and say "Yeah! We want more MORE MORE!!! Let's do everything we can to make sure this happens every day in America!"
There was a cop on the scene at the Texas mall shooting (do I need to be more specific? Have there been other Texas mall shootings since yesterday?) and he shot and killed the mass shooter pretty quickly after the attack started, the result was only 8 people dead. Because the shooter had an AR-15 and could kill 8 people in the time it took the cop to unholster his gun. The "arm the teachers" people could hire Gen. Buck Turgidson as their spokesman: "I'm saying no more than 8 to 12 dead kids, depending on the breaks."
"We promise only the dumb kids will bite it"
"We raised our standardized-test scores in one day!"
Which I realized last night is the proper response to "he coulda used a KNIFE!" trope; yes, but it's a LOT harder to stab someone to death, it's hands-on and messy, and it takes time. As well, if there's a stabbing we don't have dumbasses shrieking about "Democrat false flags to confiscate our knives!".
I noticed there was a vehicular homicide yesterday as well and some of the blue check rocket surgeons popped off with "Now they're gonna ban Range Rovers HAW HAW". Gosh, you mean the things that are required to be licensed AND registered with the State?
One of the flagship training videos in cop academy is the one with the knife guy moving really fast through a roomful of trainees, pretend-stabbing them all before anyone pulls a gun. Lesson being “Just shoot ‘em all and sort it out later”.
Might as well play hardball.What are they going to do? Attack the Capital Building?
Have terrorist attacks leading to large losses of innocent people? Maybe if we get lucky a bunch of Texans will hijack some planes and fly them into Disney World. Then we can invade Texas.
They got oil.
This is pretty dark for Monday morning.
Doo doodoo doo doo doo doo- Living in the USA....
Dispense with Texas. Give it back to Mexico, if they'll still take it.
Mexico can have the Texans but not the ground underneath em. We get to keep Big Bend and all those wind farms.
The very responsible peaceful law abiding gun owners will be forced into civil war, because that's what the 2A was *written for*, natch.
Been saying this for years but not as eloquently as Roy. 2024 agenda: win back House, add liberals to Senate, then put four people on the Court who know how to diagram a sentence and voila! the Second Amendment goes back to being a [racist] defense of state militias against Federal interference. Finally, let the gun control, banning and confiscation laws roll down like flood waters and make opponents present arguments that claim, against all evidence, that fewer guns will mean more murders, suicides and accidental deaths. C’mon, America, get your head out of your ass and do it! Make Warren Burger proud!
It's not like we still need slave patrols
There was a guest on MSNBC, didn't catch his name but he was an African-American guy, state legislator or member of Congress, who finally came out and said it: We need to repeal the 2nd amendment. I'm sure a clip of that is getting played on heavy rotation on Fox and Newsmax and right-wing talk radio now. But what of it? They were always accusing us of wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment anyway, why not play the part?
Like I said on the electric Twitter yesterday, these fuckers treat the 2A (among other things) as galactic law, natural law, something handed down from God and/or baked into the physical world, instead of something a handful of human beings wrote 250 years ago and that we can damn well change if we want to.
And unlike any other originalist (bloody hell - autocorrect changed “originalist” to “originality”! Had enough, AI?!) “reasoning”, 2A is automatically updated to include every single “upgrade” to “arms” no matter how impossible they would have been when the Floundering Fathers were alive.
Also, the 2A is a collective right not an individual right
Remember the 18th? People figured out it was creating more crime than it was supposed to prevent, so they repealed it.
"GOVERNMENT never gives you back freedoms they've TAKEN AWAY!!!"
18th Amendment, WW1 sedition laws, repeal of the draft, Trump's repeal of the Assault Weapons Ban...
I say we should unpack the courts. The Republicans have been packing the courts for this entire century. We need to unpack that Republican courts and let justice reign
Whichever way.
Well, there are 13 circuits, so maybe that bullet’s been bitten.
Ah, I see what you're doing there, using both logic and arithmetic, when we both know these are TOOLS OF THE DEVIL.
Ok, minion…
"Nonetheless the average prestige press columnist’s desire to believe, even as Republicans are hoisting the no-quarter flag all around him, in the old soft-soap and sunshine is invincible."
Because, no offense, they're White Guys. What is to everyone else an existential threat is something that doesn't happen to White Guys.
You've got people paid to write about politics who spend most of their time and column-inches telling us not to get so worked up about politics. If there's a political question we're all intensely interested in, meh, it's really no big deal, I'm a seen-it-all pro and your excitement marks you as an amateur.
Which, AFAIK, only happens in political journalism. Nobody who writes for Car & Driver tells their readers, "Eh, those new 2024 models are nothin' special, it's just a box on wheels that gets you from A to B, stop getting so hot n' bothered about it."
Time to dust off "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
Overruling Heller would be better, IMHO.
But, you need the 2A to not be an individual right for that to happen
I thought that's what Heller said? That then 2nd Amendment wasn't about well-regulated militias, but was an individual right to own and carry guns? Seems like a future court find that was mistaken and go back to the plainly-worded text of the amendment as written.
That is the intent of the words I wrote. You can't overturn Heller, if the 2A is adjudicated as an individual right
Yes. It is time to add justices, and if anyone squeals, shoot them!
I am far from certain we can head off deepening madness but I suggest working hard to increase voting and activism on behalf of actual majority opinions and policies.
I always saw the hypocrisy charge as lame tactics and wankery. It was always clear in my lifetime that Republican professions of concern and morality were performances, since they were completely disconnected from their actions and philosophy. All a charge of hypocrisy offers in a political context is a warm feeling of superiority, which Republicans can point to as proof that liberals think they're better than us.
And what's stopping Meygn from offering up her solutions? Silly rabbit, solutions are for Democrats! It's a real testimony to the core apathy of the average American voter that even limited gun control is D.O.A. in the face of the argument that we need the 2nd Amendment to overthrow the federal government if they get out of line. Civil War II is a battle between the irresistible force of Fear and the immovable object of Apathy. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
Plus, hypocrisy is the least of their offenses. When you're throwing a fire extinguisher at some cops as you try to break into the capitol, who needs some liberal version of Gotcha Guy to say, "Hey, thought you backed the blue?"
“I believe in conversation, I believe in empathy”
I believe in stomping on Republicans' faces with hobnailed boots. Isn't it nice we could find this common ground?