In wingnut media, there really is no Other Side besides the caricature villains they present. They portray Both Sides at the same time, they write, direct and act out the Good Guys and well as the Bad Guys in a simplistic, ongoing soap-opera drama 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In wingnut media, there really is no Other Side besides the caricature villains they present. They portray Both Sides at the same time, they write, direct and act out the Good Guys and well as the Bad Guys in a simplistic, ongoing soap-opera drama 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In wingnut media, there really is no Other Side besides the caricature villains they present. They portray Both Sides at the same time, they write, direct and act out the Good Guys and well as the Bad Guys in a simplistic, ongoing soap-opera drama 24 hours a day, seven days a week.