True, but what struck me was how quickly and easily "We've gone too far regulating our corporations, it's time for the pendulum to swing back" became the new conventional wisdom. I remember that case being made, for example, by Max Lerner, probably the most liberal columnist in the very liberal New York Post. (Not a typo; there must be s…
True, but what struck me was how quickly and easily "We've gone too far regulating our corporations, it's time for the pendulum to swing back" became the new conventional wisdom. I remember that case being made, for example, by Max Lerner, probably the most liberal columnist in the very liberal New York Post. (Not a typo; there must be somebody else who's old enough to remember when the Post editorial page was maybe the left-most in the nation.)
True, but what struck me was how quickly and easily "We've gone too far regulating our corporations, it's time for the pendulum to swing back" became the new conventional wisdom. I remember that case being made, for example, by Max Lerner, probably the most liberal columnist in the very liberal New York Post. (Not a typo; there must be somebody else who's old enough to remember when the Post editorial page was maybe the left-most in the nation.)
(Outside of The Village Voice; sorry, Roy.)
Ah yes, the Dorothy Shiff era. BTW, "conventional wisdom" seems to have turned into "eternal wisdom" in their copybooks.