Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

I read the report, and was surprised to be reminded that Ronny [what grown man still wants to be called Ronny?] Jackson began his term under Obama.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

"TRUMP: Bullshit. You think I don’t know what crack smells like?"

I think he doesn't know what crack smells like.

Many people, many fine people, claim he cannot even smell the overflow from his Depends. (God help us fro Roy doing a sketch around that.)

"[To the AGENT:] Don’t get that on me."

Clear at least that agent smells it. BTW: I'm sure fake-Tubby's cologne or perfume and/or body paint smells worse than Glade Mist.

Meanwhile, loathe as I am to quote my own environmental toxin* of a Bluesky feed**, this:


(*H/t Eric Adams.

(**Got a couple of invite codes for the needy. It's like Xitter but much more pleasant and no algorith forcing shit in one's face.)

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Having played in rock bands, I find none of this shocking or offensive. It's kinda re-assuring to know that "normal" people like to get fucked up sometimes, too

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

One little touch with these sketches that I love is how Trump, like any good mob boss, knows where all the stash houses and safe houses are, and holds the keys to all of them. He may be an addled fuck-up, but he remembers where all the bodies are buried and he doesn’t let any of his capos slip the leash without yanking them back.

That Trump’s staffers were popping pills as if they were breath mints is one of the least surprising reveals about his administration. The only surprise is there wasn’t a more flourishing market for anti-anxiety meds such as benzos. It has to be pretty stressful to know you’ve been sucked into a rolling criminal enterprise, and neither reporting it or extricating yourself from it are viable escape routes in the immediate future.

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Nice! Nice undercurrent of dread.

Dr. Ronnie " Kid Charlemagne" Jackson knows he has no choice. His Master calls.

"Could you see the day?

Could you feel your whole world fall apart and fade away?

Get along -"

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

I started taking Provigil this month to alleviate daytime drowsiness related to having sleep apnea for a couple of decades.

Thanks to Roy, I now feel very fashionable 🤣

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

Hippocrats All!

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

Ronny (?) Jackson is in Congress now.

What an absolutely fucked up country we have.

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

"Don’t worry. When we get back in it’ll be happy days."

In the same spirit as Edward G. Robinson in Key Largo, spinning a tale of how things will be when they get prohibition back.

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

Have to admit when I saw this story going around my first thought was to wonder where trump was gonna get his formula now

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

".....he thought it was a snowcone."


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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

As a pharmacy tech, I'm not so much worried about the Benzos For Bozos program as the fentanyl and morphine. Who the fuck were they handing out THOSE to? Oh, and the ketamine. Was that for a visit? "Hey, guys, I seem to have left my 'vitamin K' in my other pants, lemme get a bit to tide me over..." "Sure thing, Mr. Musk!"

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

Sorry, OT I know, but is anyone else enjoying The Nikki Show as much as I am? They had some clips of her in South Carolina, she's clearly relishing her role, needling Trump and watching him respond like a cranky toddler.

God forbid she should ever be President, but she's perfect for this part, and you know that even if she would never identify as a woman of color, that's how Donald Trump is going to see her, which just makes her continued existence even more of an irritant to him.

Sure, all the smart ex-Republican strategists on MSNBC explain that the smart strategy here is for him to just ignore her, but Trump didn't get where he is by listening to strategists, so we get "Give money to her and you're banned from MAGA world forever" which just provides more material for her standup act, while highlighting his pomposity and impotence.

How long can she keep this up? If she becomes the standard-bearer for Women Who Hate Trump, the small-donor money will never dry up. And why stay in when she's got no chance? Well, if anyone could persuade her to keep going just out of pure spite, it's Donald J, Trump.

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Jan 25Liked by Roy Edroso

A well known side effect of Ambien is short term memory loss. Sometimes I wish I had started taking it in November of 2017 and detoxed in February of 2021. “Hey, I’ve been out of it for a while guys, anything happen the last few years?”

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