Not at all apropos of today's post, but I get little thrills when Donnie tells stories in which he quotes someone calling him Sir. Of course, it's a formality that should mean nothing to anyone capable of lucid, rational thought. Still. Excites me and it seems Seth Myers pointed out that Donnie told the ultimate Sir story the other night: https://mashable.com/video/seth-meyers-donald-trump-melania-sir/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29

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Well, I for one have seen the light. I now realize I’ve been hopelessly bigoted against those good people who want to strip away my rights and institute minority rule in America, because I wasn’t taking into account the fact that bald-faced hypocrisy and the lust for power were part of their religious observances. I feel so ashamed.

[Roy, you are crushing it. Another gem]

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When Barrett gets on the Court, we'll probably see a real explosion in "religious freedom" cases. And I will be quite surprised if none of those cases pushes for reinstituting segregation. After all, if it is within my religious freedom to refuse to serve gay people, trans people, and queer people, why WOULDN'T it be within my religious freedom to refuse to serve Black people? And if my god tells me I should not have to associate with the inferior races, why WOULDN'T it be perfectly constitutional to pass laws barring Black people from public accommodation or forcing them to sit in the back of the bus (or Airbus, as the case may be)?

Yes, I look forward to a glorious time in which completely unrestrained religious freedom means nobody is free in any meaningful sense.

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And Clarence Thomas will write the majority opinion.

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Finally, a real return to our Puritan roots! MAGA

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I presume if Donnie and Moscow MItch are reelected, Alito and Thomas will be stepping down so they can be replaced with young party hacks. Of course, Thomas is irreplaceable, if you know what I mean.

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My indication of when you've done it again and spoken the truth, is that when I read this at 8:00 in the morning, I feel like I need a stiff drink after. I think I need to find a full bottle after this one.

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The names alone are aces and too numerous to single out for praise, although the name of Goody Fisticuffs will remain with me, yea, somdeal long.

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Judge Amy doesn't scare me one bit,

I'm a guy so I don't give a shit,

But for you ladies it's all very simple,

It takes a strong pair of lungs

To be speaking in tongues,

And it's time to invest in a wimple.

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Oh now I love this one. Funny shit! LOL

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Check- out "The Undead" , by Roger Corman


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Now I know I'm double commenting here and that's a bad thing but ya know...


I'm so high... but I ain't drunk, I'm just drinking.

Got a bad feeling about this country Roy. But we can survive. Just a few more drinks is all I need.

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It is so 2020 that Amy Coney Island Baby is a member of a group, People of Praise (and how scary a name is that - I guess Children of the Corn was taken), that actually had "handmaids" as "advisers" to women.

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