Nov 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“Trump Takes Veteran’s Day Speech in a Very Different Direction”

There was a lot of criticism of the NYT for that headline, and also criticism that Ivanka Trump’s testimony in the fraud trial had been covered by the Style section. I agree an organized crime family’s trial doesn’t belong on the same page as the latest offerings from Saks, but what struck me most was their infantilizing description of Ivanka herself. The combination of whiteness, blondeness, and wealth is so potent it can transform a savvy 42 year old businesswoman who has run her own company for 15 years and had an office in the West Wing into an innocent ingénue, as if she were a recent college graduate who had merely interned at Daddy’s office.

So in reference to the above unconscionable headline, my newest theory is the Times has assigned the writing of ALL headlines solely to people from the Style section. If Trump promised to unleash a world-destroying nuclear holocaust when he is re-elected, the headline would read “Trump’s Second Term Plans May Impact New York’s Fall Fashion Week.”

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“They tell reporters in journalism school not to let themselves turn into the story, but people are talking about the New York Times’ recent coverage of former President Trump. Some say it’s irresponsible — others fair and balanced!”

I used to be an avid reader of the times before it allowed Senator Fascist, I mean Cotton, to call for the use of the military on peaceful protestors, spewing his hate, lies and alternative facts.

The times “is the news that always fit to print,” except when democracy is on the line, or they want to profit off of a manufactured war, like Iraq. Or when they hold a story for more than a year about Bush’s illegal wiretapping of Americans after 9/11; only to print the story once they realized a competitor was about to go to print.

The NYT’s is dead to me! They were never the bastion of liberty ideas and democracy; just pretenders who throw enough red meat to its base, to keep them occupied.

End of story!....:)

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

There's a 50-50 chance that American democracy will end next year. The media in this country is either cheerleading this (like the NYT, NBC, and many other major organizations) or just unable to deal with understanding this. Roy's parody of a Sunday snooze show was overtaken by Poe's Law just this past weekend as the Sunday Showz danced around and away from Trump's actual statements and announced plans for ending American democracy.

So depressing!

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Unfortunately I had a mouthful of coffee when I read, "Picture of TRUMP giving a Nazi salute with the caption WHAT, ME WEIMAR?" : )

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"UPRIGHT: Actually, Peoni, it was fifty-five years ago, the Columbia president was Grayson Kirk, and they held Harry Coleman hostage, but I take your point."

Wait! The hosts correct their pundits? Is that a thing? Surely if it happens it's too rare to matter.

"How can the Times loosen the death-grip of its radical leftist reporters?"

Their editors and, more so, the headline writers don a fine job doing that.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

The current NYT’s pandering to and sanitizing of the most authoritarian fascist to enter American politics in a hundred years, not to mention his grifting spawn, is the perfect bookend to its relentless attacks on the Clintons. I read the Times to know what the oligarchy wants the hoi polloi to believe. Also the crosswords. I do miss the women’s lingerie ads in the Sunday magazine section of 60 years ago and also Hirschfeld’s Nina. Plus the digital edition doesn’t meet the need for matériel for paper mache projects that the Times of my youth did. And their op ed page is only surpassed in rightwing pseudo intellectuals by the Washington Post.

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Israel Takes Gaza In An Intriguingly Different Direction

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Maybe two decades back I was appalled to see the fictional Hannibal Lecter views as not just a protagonist, but a hero. This hits me the same way..

II’ve heard racists and kluxer/ milita types speak approvingly of Hitler all my life; and actually shocked this hasn’t gotten more pushback, especially from the GOP officeholders and candidates...but, like Bari Weiss and A.Sullivan they are really quiet.

I see Ronna McDaniels actually defending it.

Of course, the death threats would flow if she did.

Jefferson said of slavery:”It’s as if we had a wolf by the ears: fearful, but we may not let go.”

Same with whatever was once sane in the GOP and the MAGAts who are in the driver’s seat.

And I hate it when Jim French is the NYT moderate.

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I love how they've each written a new book every time they appear. Our host's creativity knows no bounds.

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Kingman Brewster...Grayson Kirk! Now those are names I haven't thought about in 25, uh, 55 years. Ivy president names so ideal, even a non-lush might conflate them.

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"Maldito Triunfo!"

That's what I heard first thing this morning working with my new co-workers. I hope I spelled that right. It means "Fuck Trump" Don't let anybody with blow smoke up your ass about the "emerging bloc of Hispanic Trump voters"

These aren't stupid people and they know

all about Trump's plans for immigration.

I'm moving my department to another facility. One full of greenhouses . The staff are these beautiful, hard-working, good-natured brown people. The kind of people that grow all of our food and all the beautiful flowers.

Fuck a bunch of Nazis. We really didn't need that. At least it's all out in the open.

You know, Hitler and the original Nazis we're veterans of some of the most brutal combat ever known at places like Verdun and the Marne. Trump , on the other hand, is a pussy and his followers are veterans of some of the most brutal virtual combat ever known in games like Call of Duty or Halo.

I really want a Bolt Upright t-shirt. Or maybe a decal to put on my Trapper Keeper.

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Here's another headline: "Peter Thiel is Taking a Break From Democracy"

It's the Atlantic, not a paper, but c'mon. He says he's keeping his money out of this presidential race. Zero for Trump this time! (We'll see.) Anyway, there was nothing for him to take a break from. If he could have bought the government directly, he would have done so, democracy be damned.

I won't miss an opportunity to mention "seasteading" on my way out.

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I'm fully expecting a headline from the Times if Trump wins like "Reporters confined to new Trump camps" with a subhead "Questions raised over strategy".

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Cleanup on aisle NEIN!

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I’m sure if the Post reporter or someone could just reach out even more to Mr. Cheung, we could straighten this whole thing out.

Reaching out to them is like approaching a lion with a T-bone in your hand.

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"Look what you made me do!"

Oh, Butch, as a wise man once said, you gotta know when to hold them.

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