Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Sorry, I have to get this out of my system. The NYT: Joe Biden Withdraws His Bid For Re-election. Here’s Why That’s Bad News For Biden.

Also, Manchin bursting through the wall like the Kool-Aid man to announce his candidacy, but the only person in the room is Kyrsten Sinema.

Actually, I feel relieved. And I donated to Harris. Time to stop the bullshit and focus on the target, which is as big as the side of a barn and as vulnerable to attack as a rabbit caught in a snare. No wonder Trump is backing out of the debates – ex-prosecutor Harris would take him apart, throw out the extra pieces, and reassemble him to look like the felonious fraud he is.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

C'mon – no shout out for Rollie Fingers?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Rollie is a sprightly 77. And born in Steubenville and played with the rewards. And has a penis!

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"He'll either have to lose the mustache or lose the election."

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If the stache goes, my early support goes with it.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Charles O. Finley's $300 would like a word.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

As dead as Liddy Dole.

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See below.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I’m holding out for the ghost of Dan Quisenberry.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso


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AND Bari Weiss. A Weiss-Fingers ticket would be heaven! And you could sing "Weiss-Fingers" to "Golfinger." Nuff said.

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How about Laura Bush? Sing it!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Yeah, Manchin.

"I've spent my entire life in politics running as a Democrat while doing everything I can to undermine Democrats at every turn. But, you know, I voted for most of Biden judge picks! So, despite me personally torpedoing every key piece of legislation Biden wanted, I think all you Democrat assholes should support ME!!!! for president. Maybe I can't win my own state, but I can surely lose the other 49!"

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He is absolutely the worst. He should be sealed in a coal mine like Big Bad John.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

This time the dust settles and out strides Manchin, having saved nobody.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Well, he saved himself, and that's the IMPORTANT thing.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Upvote for the song reference.

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I was just singing that to myself yesterday! "And if you spoke at all, you just said Hi to Big John."

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

No one in the current century has warranted the "Congratulations, you played yourself" gif as much as Joe Manchin this week.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Manchin isn't the only one, there seem to be a lot of rich lunatics who imagine Biden is under the thumb of the "radical left" and the Democratic party must be "saved" from this cabal of Marxists. Rather than the truth, which is that taxing the fuck out of the rich is wildly popular.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

That billet-doux I got from Heritage today says they're working on a new campaign to point out the wonderful ways entrepreneurs and the wealthy make our lives oh SO MUCH better, like Elon, who... umm... he did... well, like Peter Thiel, who... err... like Mark Zuckerberg... hm. Perhaps they're full of shit.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

They've enshittified the internet and they're working on the rest of the solar system.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh, would dearly love for "Hey, the rich are your friends!" to become the main Republican message between now and the election.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Their new site explains how "innovators and entrepreneurs raise our standard of living, make our daily routines more convenient, and enable us to live longer, richer, and more purpose-filled lives".

Suddenly also remembering how we were told about 20 years ago or so how the French have no word for "entrepreneur".

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Bring back the Billionaires for Bush!

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That's why nearly every big company treats patents as "works for hire" and thus the monetary rights go back to the company and the actual inventor maybe gets a bonus, if they get sufficient patents to get past the number required for their job

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Yes, it's right there in the damn name, "capitalism", the benefits go to the people who provide the capital. They don't call it "inventorism" for a reason.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

It couldn't be that Joe Biden is a smart and experienced politician who can easily see where the public is on the "tax the fuck outta the rich" question, and he has the political instincts to exploit that, oh no, a much more plausible explanation is that he's a doddering old fool fallen under the spell of AOC.

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Who are going to trust, a bunch of Democratic-funding rich guys or your lying eyes

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Well, AOC is, indeed, bewitching.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh noes. Did you just call for violence against the side of a barn and a wee bunny? We know who you really meant.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

"...blue Patrick James linen sport coat, white drawstring pants, a Brunello Cucinelli purple paisley print linen sport shirt, and Sperry topsiders..."

TBH, I rarely click the links to see what Roy's fashions look like but this I know enough to picture and I gotta say I'm feeling a little nauseous.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I always click those links and I must say, Roy dresses Peoni *impeccably*. I should up my game, and hire him as my own personal stylist.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I am impressed with Roy's dress-up fantasies. I am here for it!

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We can only hope that Roy's line of Received Opinion paper dolls will be out any day now.

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And I dress for shit! Shoemaker's children and all that

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I still wonder how much time you have to spend checking that stuff out? Hours a day or have you convinced them that you are about to buy, but just need to look a leeetle more?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Probably once you start The Algorithm kicks in and then there's no getting rid of the ads for overpriced, silly clothing.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

So say all of us

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Roy provides all the pointers, now all that stands in the way of me looking like a toff is money.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

You can't find knock offs?

Need I start a GoFundMe so "SteveB Can Look Like a Roy Ed Roso Vision"?

I know I would kick in a few bucks.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

It ain't just the money. Mr B is rightly concerned about the pushback he'll get in the classroom. You know, kidz theze dayz...

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Are you sure that the kids won’t be impressed?

How about he has labels slapped on the clothes: “Fashion by Edroso”? (The only good fash, of course.)

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I'd leave it at 'Ed Roso'. Putting 'Fashion' on the fashions seems pretentious, and would be off-putting to the kids.

It's like 'Hollister'. Nobody knows why some fashionista chose the name of a sleepy south-valley ag town to make a fortune on, but there you go...

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Sounds like you know the kids maybe too well…?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Old game shows used to feature credits like "suits provided by Di Fini." Do they still do that?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I would like to award this comment a nice dining room set by Broyhill.

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The recent Received Opinion musical themes have been on fire. I wish I could get a playlist for hell horns or hideous bleats.

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Yeah, I try to compose in my head the “music” Roy describes. Lots of power chord guitar, synths and/or brass, with Animal-inspired drums, with non-sequitur chord juxtaposition (can’t call it a progression), and the rhythm straight fours with the accent on beat 1, like a Hollywood imitation of Native music.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

When I read his descriptions I hear a jarring blast of synth horns and strings at eardrum-shattering levels. Like a Trevor Horn orchestra sting from Art of Noise or YES’s “Owner of a Lonely Heart,” but completely dissonant and at the decibel level of a jet engine at takeoff.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

We should put Orkestra Obsolete on the case.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Pianist friend of mine reported last night from the end of his choral group's tour of the midwest. One of the sets they performed included a piano piece for 4 hands, and the composer of the work was my friend's partner at the piano. As the piece began, the composer started off playing his own work in the wrong key, so the 4 introductory A majors were suddenly 2 A majors and 2 B flats. The conductor looked over in horror...my friend concluded that the composer's previous night's performance had been followed by a night-long spree and the chemicals lingered on...

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

That must have been quite a performance.

Related note: the college choir once was singing at a church, with the department chair playing the pipe organ. They dared him to play “On, Wisconsin” on the foot pedals during the closing hymn… and he worked it in perfectly.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

"On Miss Johnson" is the best college pep song of all.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Agreed. It was the school song at my tiny cowtown, and at my (future) wife’s school, and at literally 1/3 to 1/2 of the other schools we played. Runner up: Minnesota Rouser and (sigh) Notre Dame Victory March (barf).

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Popular t-shirt at Badger games, "Bucky did your mom", picture of Bucky with plus-size brassiere slung over his shoulder. Because we keep it classy here in Madison.

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Any town with bars on campus, and a pub that has Free Bacon Tuesdays, is okay by me

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

The concert's over, but the chemicals linger on...

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Yeah. That's what I heard too.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

The keys of A and Bb major have two notes in common (A and D). The Locrian mode on A is the same as Bb major. The adjacent semitones are different, and tend to resolve differently, but also involve the notes A and D. In spite of the scales' five differences, every note has several vanilla consonances in the other key. Contrapuntal voice-leading choices can somewhat defang the combination.

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OK, but that's not what he wrote.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I'm sure it sounded awful. I don't mean to encourage anyone. Just because it can be done doesn't mean you should try, or do it by accident.

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As the old saying goes, "the music has ended, but the chemicals linger on".

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

1.5 marks for 'white drawstring pants'. Woulda been 2 but I'm stunned that the boss could not find suitable top drawer finery sites to shop at.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

It's not yet September! Chafe ditches the white pants (at least in town) on 8/31 as any gentleman should.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I'm envisioning Chafe walking along the edge of some desolate stretch of road in the hinterlands, in his skivvies, and on his right a ditch fully lined with white drawstrings...

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Normally, I'm in favor of psychedelic mushrooms and other hallucinogenics. I think it's one more way that we can see proved that God loves us and She wants us to be happy. When you see how fucked-up that Sorkin guy is, though, it's got me worried about some past decisions I may or may not have made.( I really can't recall.)

Mitt for Democratic presidential candidate. Jesus Maroni Christ.

I'm pretty excited about Kamala. Righties beat up on Pappaw. We need to make them pay. I bet she feels the same way.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I,for one, await my promised "flashback": as much as I dropped acid, the last time +30 years ago, i could use it about now.

I prefer to see it as a rebate.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I simply love the very serious way in which we approach politics here in America, very serious, responsible, mature. As seen last week at the RNC!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Kayfabe Nation.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho in 3,2,1... election cycles

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I'm a horticulturalist. A greenhouse grower mostly. I spend a lot of time with other growers and I bet I hear someone say "It's what plants crave"on a weekly basis.

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"It's what plants crave"

is the phrase we should all adopt this week. Throw it into every conversation no matter what the topic. Impress your friends! Baffle your enemies! It'll be FUN!

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As in: "The RNC! It's what plants crave!"

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Cue the Triffids!

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Joe Biden! The choice of vegetables everywhere!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Once again, your wardrobe specs make me wonder just how Roy spends his idle scrolling time. Always on point, always au courant!

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Rollie Fingers! He’ll bring in the mustachioed urbanite vote!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

"He is one of us," explained dapper Crispin Lemonhouse, owner of Lemonhouse's Superlative Artisanal Pickles and Etc in Williamsburg.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

If he’s got them locked up as well as the be-flanneled mountain biking set, it’s in the bag!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Be-fore be-cold be-flanneled!

2 marks.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

beflanneled and encorduroyed!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Careful now – don't overdo it.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Tweedy and plaidful!

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I have a herringbone to pick with you

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I fucking hate unnamed sources and would tell them that to their faces if I knew their names. Anyway, among reactions to Sunday’s news, Mike’s Johnson, the Speaker of the House by the grace of Hakeem Jeffries, said Biden should resign the presidency, giving his Johnson a shot at the post if the Secret Service keeps up its fine record of screwing up while screwing prostitutes. Ordinary Dems sent $50 million to Harris but, according to an ABC crawl, a major Biden donor (unnamed, as is the source) said he (you can bet your future reproductive rights he’s a he) won’t fundraise for Harris, so the Entitled Rich Fucks wing of the All Things Horrible party is not satisfied with proving America hates old people more than felons but has to reassert its racism and misogyny. And Joe Manchin, what can you say about the guy who did more than anyone to fuck with Joe Biden’s legislation? Always for the laughs. Sen. Sinema hasn’t spoken yet but unnamed sources say she’s considering a run for Robert Kennedy’s VP pick. Gotta run, named source Chris Christie is on TV for some unknown reason.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Standing in for Manqueman? Fine effort.

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"I fucking hate unnamed sources and would tell them that to their faces if I knew their names." Marks are not my business but I think this deserves some.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Props to Johnson for pointing out the tip of the 1/6/2025 iceberg

He’s, like, 12,000% correct.

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With any luck, Johnson will be minority leader come vote counting day

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Oh, fuck me, I assumed it was the last act of the old Congress, not one of the first acts of the new one.

I'm sure you can guess how hopeful I am of a D majority for 119th (conceding races, not contesting all seats, backing losers) but instead, some hopium®:

As we know, even a presidential cycle has a shit ton of voters sitting it out instead of voting. Maybe a woman of color, specially in the post-Dobbs era, is exactly what's needed to get a lot of stay-at-home Dem voters off their asses. Time will tell.

And for all my pessimism, I won't be sad to be proven wrong.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

The boss sez you deserve a couple marks, and who am I to demur?

2 marks!

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[twiddles toe in dirt: "Ah, t'weren't nuthin"]

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I’m blushing.

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My work here is done.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Someone might want to point out to Herr Johnson that what he suggests would make Kamala Harris the President for the next six months if not longer. And now she's immune to prosecution!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

King me, Johnson!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Let me guess. George Clooney?

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I don't know if the Dem moneybags would accept Harris unless she promises to be worse for normal and poor people and much better for rich people. That's why they turned on Biden once they had a pretext

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It'll be trying to convince people who think that misogynoir is a kind of soup.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

“Liddy Dole or someone else who’s dead” lol.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

That and "keeping score on a lady, that’s why we don’t invite you to pinochle!" were the Peony lines that got me.

Also want to say that in my brain, in the 2-3 cells where memories of Liddy Dole were stored, I now see and hear Margaret Dumont. Not going to go watch old Dole videos to see how accurate this is, just going to enjoy the nightmare.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

An SNL sketch once had Betty Ford saying, "You can't imagine me going to the bathroom."

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

If Margaret Dumont ever had to socialize with the Doles, she’d be impeccably polite but you’d sense her grimacing internally the whole time. After a half hour of Bob Dole snarling at the wait staff and stuffing his face with cheap hors d’œuvres, she’d discreetly remark aside, “I think the Europeans do it better.”

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Agog? AGOG? Those hacks were BORN agog.

Thanks ever so:

When we come back, Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen will be in the studio to tell us how this is still bad news for Joe Biden even though he’s no longer running.

Now, that's a pippin. It was pretty much the first time I could laugh about the tragic and bloody way this was handled.

So to be serious: are the press rabble who hounded Joe going to start forcing Daffy Don into a press conference, or is this not the way it works for some reason?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

This is not the way it works for some reason. Thanks for giving me an easy question this morning.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Let's just skip the primaries and ask the New York Times and Washington Post who the candidate should be. Save lots of money and bother, seems like that's how it works anyway.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

We are the Pakleds. Our politics is broken. Please fix it!

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Rollie! Rollie! Rollie!

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Let's go, Oakland!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

"Let's Go Oakland" is burned into my psyche because it was chanted, over and over, by a gaggle of third- and fourth-graders the one and only time I ever visited Oakland-Alameda County Stadium (a game the A's lost to the Blue Jays, 14-0)

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

America is swept by Rolliemania!

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A tidal surge of consumer demad for Rolaids sweeps the nation! “My heart burns for Rollie!” one supporter cried. Purchases of Rollo chocolate candy are also on the rise.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

The works of Rollo May are flying off the shelves of the psych section at Borders!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Secretary of State Robin Yount!

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VP Reggie Jackson or Catfish Hunter

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Now that I read the words 'catfish' and 'hunter' I suddenly realize that is one weird name.

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Normally Catfish Hunter would be ineligible, being dead, but these are Dems we're talking about.

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rollie fingers america!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Rollie! Knock it off!!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

"[BUFF has gotten ahold of a grease pencil and is trying to write the N-word backwards on the front glass.]"

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

In other words, "Republican cognitive test"

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Two marks, adjusted for inflation.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Only works if it's misspelled.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Don't they do that deliberately to get past the content filters?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Nope, as can be seen from multiple examples on signs and newsletters. Or have we already forgotten "Libety or TR*NNY?"

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Get a brain, MORANS!

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First hack who compares Biden to the Fisher King who sacrifices himself for the health of his kingdom wins a stale croissant, with a street value of $1

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh, no, no, Donald is the Cincinnatus, the man who stepped away from fame and fortune to sacrifice himself 😢 for the nation, who...

I can't, I just fucking can't.

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"Everybody loved him!"--Kari Lake

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and he did it extemporaneously, all on his own – played it by ear, you might say...

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(Periodic reminder that "Cincinnati" was the name of the horse Ulysses S. Grant rode during the Late Unpleasantness.)

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Which has little to do withe the City of Cincinnati which was chartered 20 years before Grant's birth

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George Washington was the original US Cincinnatus

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

A word of concern: "coronation." No good can come of this framing; none is intended. To be clear, I want Harris.

Here's an example: "The problem with coronating Kamala Harris" https://tinyurl.com/thcwnmuz

Look (as Biden would say). The coronation of Harris means any process resulting in Harris. The Trump campaign will call her nomination undemocratic and so forth. We ought not fan the flames.

From the above: "She’s in the unfortunate position of either having helped conceal Biden’s current condition or having been too far from the action to observe it up close." Demsas is concerned, you see, and this apparently entails dichotomies echoing the Trump campaign. Why, with concerns like this swirling around we can't afford to nominate - excuse me, coronate - Harris!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

What the hell do I know, but I 'spose there will be some kind of vote? At that convention thingy they're having? And, it's true, the conventioneers are not 5000 Americans chosen at random, they are, in fact, Biden delegates who may still harbor some warm feelings for Biden and be happy to take his suggestion as to who should replace him. So yeah, CORONATION for Harris.

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Yeah, I don't recall a nail-biting roll call in Milwaukee.

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My wife has a friend who lives in Milwaukee, she was calling every night for moral support, she said the evil was palpable, miles from the convention center.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

BTW, name the Dem, or media gnomeling, who CAN'T be tarred with that stupid either/or.

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

In the actual world, Dems "conversate", Repubs "coronate"

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh, the GOP is already descending into "election interference" and "millions of votes STOLLEN from Democrat voters!".

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I could go for some nice stollen right now.

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I'm going for some nice Stoli ASAP.

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I think the only choice that makes sense is Harris. I would be happier if her primary campaign had made into 2020 but she would be a much better choice than the neo-classical shill Mayor Pete

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I'll admit I don't know much about Buttigieg. I hope he helps. I've seen him talk good on TV.

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Yes, Mayor Pete learned to talk good. He ran in 2020 as the great centrist hope

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Why are we talking about him? You heard something?

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In the narrow sense, because Bill mentioned him three comments up.

I have seen him mentioned as a possible nominee in the same breath as Newsom et al.

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"Bill mentioned him three comments up"

No, you're doin' this all wrong, we want UNNAMED sources, those are the only ones worth listening to! Who's gonna listen to a source named Bill?

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

We do have a clue. He might be in San Diego, or South Dakota.

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I once saw a band named the Uncalled 4. Is that good enough for you?

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The horse race will not be ignored!

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Sorry, OT but I need a quick reality check here, did JD Vance really tell America a story about how the family found 19 loaded handguns in MaMaw's house after she died (surprisingly, not of a self-inflicted gunshot wound) or did I just hallucinate that?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Stepping on rakes, but it's loaded handguns


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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Okay then, Mitt Romney for VICE president? Anyone?

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Jul 22Liked by Roy Edroso

The response is... underwhelming.

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It’s what plants crave.

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You should see his Nitrogen levels.

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