Two words: Whipped Cream.

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"from a real paper, the Chicago Tribune:"

Slow down there, Roy. The Tribune may not be the right-wing rag it was in my youth, but it still employs the execrable John Kass. Also, having just had a 25% share bought by notorious newspaper rapists Alden Capital, the clock is ticking on its viability.

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Periodic reminder that the Chicago Tribune endorsed a Democrat, Obama, for the first time in its (then) 171-year history.

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Then turned around and endorsed Gary Johnson in 2016.

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". . .Donald Trump is a creature that thrives on attention and impeachment is attention. . ." That's an awfully la-di-da way to describe someone with his finger on the nuclear button (and who is going to die in jail).

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I'd hope so (if I did hope), but: really? I just don't see him seeing an hour in a cell, ever.

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UBI is a nice talking point, I guess. It would be next to impossible to implement, especially for those who would most benefit from it, i.e. the poorest quartile of the population many of whom don't even have a bank account or are on the move frequently (migrant workers, others) or are imprisoned or any of a number of handicaps. I doubt Yang has thought about any of that. Take away his UBI proposal and he's just another tech bro without any particular qualification or experience to be president.

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Plus this: UBI was tried in Kenya. Every dollar each family spent in the community resulted in $2.46 being circulated in the community! However, the amount given each family was equivalent to 78% of their annual income. A UBI equivalent in the US would have to be in the vicinity of $3,500 a month. Yang was looking at what the 1% feels is affordable...

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This is America, goddamnit! And we do trickle-down. Our research has shown that for every million dollars in taxes the Koch brothers did not pay, .00137 cents circulated in the community. That's how we do prosperity!

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That whipped cream GIF should have ended his campaign. No serious candidate can do stuff like that, not even Trump.

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If you had written this before November 2016, I probably would have agreed with you.

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Seconded as to goofball candidates. I cannot believe Harris is out but a wackadoo like Yang is still running. Yeah, Harris is a cop, but she was my fourth choice after Warren/Bernie (who are tied for 1st place) and Julian Castro. I would take her in a heartbeat over Biden or Buttigieg, and even they don’t scrape the bottom of the barrel – that belongs to Gabbard, who needs to just sign on the dotted line as a Fox contributor, and to Bloomberg and Steyer, both of whom need to be guillotined.

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If Harris had Yang's $$$ she might be able to carry on.

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Now we should be defending that giving all Americans money would help our consumer-based economy? Hell, I'm still working on single-payer universal health care and why it's inevitable. (Hint: as more boomers go on Medicare, private insurance will have to absorb the difference in cost between what hospitals want to charge and what medicare pays; premiums, deductibles and copays will go up more and more; employers will shift costs to employees more and more; then when that reaches the breaking point in not too many years, everyone will want to be on Medicare where the government can control prices.)

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Speaking of Ross Perot, I once met an attorney who had a client who was Ross Perot's neighbor. They got into a dispute because every time Perot would ride by on his horse, his client's 12 year old son would throw rocks at him. Even at an early age, the kid had good taste. They finally settled the matter by building a high fence between the two properties.

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