Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

LOL. Every single day I’m more appreciative of BlueSky, and if maybe a half dozen more of my follows moved over there, I would delete Twitter.

I was talking with people over the weekend about what Musk’s master plan is, and while I think he was originally backed by people who don’t want a reliable, centralized social media news site to still be operational before the 2024 election, I think that’s only part of it. I don't think there is any "master plan." I think mostly he’s a bigoted nut, and very, very bad at his job. If he hadn’t been born to money, he’d be working in a cubicle somewhere, desperately trying and failing to be the office clown who nobody finds funny, nobody really likes much, and everybody finds a little weird.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I watched the latest Starship attempt over the weekend. Before liftoff, I joked with Mrs. Derelict that I thought this time he might make the edge of the atmosphere before the thing blows up.

So it was very satisfying to see the first stage blow up immediately after separation. Followed by the Starship itself blowing up a minute later. And to hear the pathetic "Well, we weren't expecting continued communication with the ship because, um, ground stations and the Pacific Ocean, and um, we, uh, meant to do that."

And, of course, the ensuing stenographic media coverage repeating the company line: It was a tremendous success because it blew up and we got data that it blew up!

Anything that makes Elon look bad makes ME feel good. Does that make me a bad person?

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Wow, two of my least favorite people. It’s like a face off between scabies and jock itch, smallpox and flesh-eating bacteria, projectile vomiting and bloody diarrhea... Anyway, there was a neonazi march in Madison, a dozen guys in red shirts and black pants like a geek squad from Target. I’m sure this will turn a few hundred young voters against Biden because something something he’s old. Actually, the NYT had a useful article about how Shrub and Obama won second terms by painting their opponents in negative terms! The useful part was that in both cases the polls said people thought the economy sucked and the country was going in the wrong direction, just like now, because Americans always think the economy sucks and the country is going in the wrong direction. There’s a lot of interesting theories that could explain that, but you won’t read about them in the Times.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Jean-Paul Laurens, Le Pape Formose et Etienne VI - Concile cadavérique de 897*(“Pope Formosus and Stephen VI” - The Cadaver Synod), 1870, oil on canvas

We should have more post mortem trials...

When the supergenius billionaire villain launched the Twitter takeover, I posted the tweet of the Saudi wealth fund celebrating it and for their +$2billion contribution..One Musk fanboy tried to get it removed: it wasn’t “significant “ and “gave the wrong impression”.

The mods, of course, laughed their ass off.

This fellow has left the group, or changed his handle.Sunday, “bigoted nut” sums it up,

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

For me, the worst thing about the Chief Xit there is this:

One's been hoping for years -- well, since 2015 -- for fPOTUS' final meltdown which, finally, may be already starting.

But hope underlying that is that he'd be the end of a toxic narcissist making the discourse toxic in so many ways.

But, no, we have Trump 2.0 who has, what? 20, 30-odd years ahead of him and us? 🤮

BTW: I'm sure Jared doesn't give his father-in-law lip the way he gave it to America's Most Beloved Afrikaner Fascist.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Holy screaming yellow zonkers, I despise John Hagee. Hateful bastard, full of sound and fury signifying nothing. Wrote a book about how the invasion of Iraq was the beginning of the End Times, and how's that working out for you, John? Guess the Last Seven Years must be reverse dog years or something. Anyway, he's Rush Limbaugh with more overt Christianity, and I hope he follows Pigman into the undiscovered country tout suite.

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Putting maniacs in charge isn't a very good idea. And yet.....

Seems like we could test for that.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"And who better than you to speak for the Jewish people! [Small pause] Really, I’m asking. Who better? Because we can call that person up, and get him in a car right now."

Norman Podhoretz, right?

(Right, I know I'm a ghost from the 80s, but...who, by Elon Musk's standards, better? I mean, we've been stuck in 1987 at least since 9/11/2001, the only real difference I can see is that men don't wear cowboy boots any more.)

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I had to look up Skid Lid at the start fo this one. I don't know why and image of that guy in that helmet with a crusader cross works so well, but it's perfect.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Yeah, all of this. Slenderman was a greedy, grifting grabber when L. Ron Musth was a no-name with a receding hairline.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Last night Musk Xitted out congratulations to Argentina's new far-right-loon President Milei:

“Prosperity is ahead for Argentina”

Oh yeah, another brave new Libertarian experiment for the people of Argentina. You know, like Chile: "The people must be imprisoned so the dollar can be free."

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"the drugs I’m on right now are GAHHHH!"

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"And who better than you to speak for the Jewish people! [Small pause] Really, I’m asking. Who better?

Based on this, maybe Henny Youngman. Alas...............

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

LMAO. I don't usually go in for this kind of over-the-top stuff, but I needed this on another manic Monday.

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You had me at "gut yontif." But seriously: My brother-in-law agreed (3 years ago) with the description of Musk as "a bullshit artist who delivers." And so did I. But now? How astute do you have to be, to not be an anti-semite on an international social media platform that you own? At least your average Bond villain knows how to be fucking *discreet*.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Now I really want to read the discussion between Elon Musk and Jon Lovitz.

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