It is my great hope that Barron, having been raised primarily by non-Trump hired help, might turn out to be someone approximating a human.

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I too am an optimist.

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I'm a realist... :) Just observe the world around you, note how things go, and then Barron's future looks very bright, as it would for any sociopathic rich white guy.

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Barron will, yes, end up wealthy but he has limitations and will be royally fucked over by his half sibs comes estate time. Barron is to Donnie what Freddie Jr. was to the old man: A disgrace and embarrassment.

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Ha ha! We can certainly hope. But a lot of those Freddie Jr. types are running the world now. They're dumb and mediocre, but don't try to tell them that.

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For the record, you've got Freddie Jr. -- Donnie's brother -- completely wrong.

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How so pray tell?

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I wish I were sanguine: I'm imagining a closet full of tormented self-taxidermied specimens á la Ed Gein. But I do love me the classics.

Props for Barron knowing Blue Velvet though, which would be a perfect resource for that one to understanding his family.

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Barron, it's said by those who knows, has limitations beyond those incidental to having a monstrous, sub-human father.

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Wasn't Barron primarily raised by Melania and her parents?

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I was too amused by this. I'm even willing to accept Roy's Barron much as it conflicts with the real one.

Why, I was so amused by this that I forgot how bummed I am by the news that Vanky won't be primarying Little Marco. I'm'a mitigating that just a little my mulling the idea of Vanky primarying Rick Scott. Little Marco is very Trumpy in a way Scott isn't so I can understand Vanky passing on the former and going after the latter. Dreams come true sometimes, I hope.

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Vanky can't run from inside prison tho

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I too am unreasonably optimistic at times.

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Rich white ppl don't go to prison. If they do get incarcerated, they go to the rich white boys and girls vanity prison.

The guillotine could solve that problem.

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Dude, you know she won't be doing time. Don't be a tease.

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I doubt she'd primary Scott, and she definitely would not win if she did. Rick Scott, as you may recall, ran the company that committed the largest documented Medicare fraud in history. Now, you might think that a state filled with retirees dependent on Medicare for their actual survival might look at such a thing and be horrified. But Florida retirees looked at that and said "Fuck, yeah! Anyone who manages to steal from me deserves to be entrusted with public office!"

Ivanka has much more criming to do before she gains that level of voter approval.

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She also don't have access to big donor money, yet at least, which is all that's keeping me sane. Sane-ish. You know what I mean.

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If you're like me, more -ish than sane.

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“There’s no such thing as ‘normal’.”

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The worst that can happen is Little Marco or Scott being replaced by someone even dumber than the former. It'd be six years of laffs. And were in such a election FL goes red, that's bad enough. Doesn't matter who wins on behalf of the Rs. Might as well be Vanky.

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I've thought that for a while too. What is matter with people?

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"Anyone who manages to steal from me deserves to be entrusted with public office, because he stole from the blacks and the browns too! He really triggered the libs!"

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The entire conservative view in a nutshell

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A cohort of those people also hope to become wealthy someday, somehow, and then tend to be the same kind of asshole.

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Of course Scott would chew her up and spit her out. Why do you think the idea excites me so?

Donnie is as what's his face correctly noted (allegedly) a fucking moron and the kids are all dumber than that. Vanky's probably the smartest and she's fucking stupid. Of course, Tiffany doesn't count and Barron has issues.

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It just occurred to me while reading this that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of Trump so much as *looking* at Barron. I think Roy did a sketch a while back where Trump didn’t even recognize him. Given his surname, there’s a better than average chance Barron grows up to be an insufferable criminal asshole, but I do feel sorry for the kid.

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Barron's an embarrassment to Donnie. And Donnie is only capable of loving himself and Vanky. After that, the tank is empty.

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Why Ivanka?—let's leave aside the incestish vibe, that's a little too easy, and beside there are plenty of men who've actually and repeatedly screwed their daughters who _hate_ them.

Here's my crackpot hypothesis: Donald J. Trump wishes he were a stylish young woman who'd have got treated better by his father than he. His sister's the only one of the siblings who seemed to have accomplished _something_ on her own and has retained something like a sane outlook, and I credit this to Fred's not bothering too much with her.

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You're touching on the theory about Donnie that good taste prevents me from detailing.

Let's say Donnie's maleness is very, very superficial, part of him literally being a lie.

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Gerald Fnord2 min ago

Please explain, the worst can be expressed with good taste if it were done tastefully, measuredly, and without undue certainty. For example, one can say in good taste that an internal trans personality in reaction to molestation is not impossible but is not as common as "The Badger" comics, "Sybil", and "Put This House in Order" would make it look. (Generally, molestation as an explanation for pathology doesn't hold up: most molestees are not gigantically damaged [though almost all are somewhat] and most sick bastards weren't molested. We should be especially conscious that pædophilia seems to be one of this generation's go-to devils and so ought to be cautious in assuming it's at work, as the Q-berts demonstrate in the breach.)

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I shouldn't have demeaned Frederick Jr: becoming a commercial pilot is not for slouches.

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Very funny, but the accent throws me. "Ehp"?

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ape? not sure myself.

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I had nothing, so I'm going with this.

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Definitely "ape"

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You're probably right, but I was imagining pronouncing "EP" (for Ex President) as a word, mostly because I like the Ex part so much.

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I think so. Ape.

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Every boy needs a movie to offer him a guide to life. “Blue Velvet” could be a good choice for Barron Trump. For me it was a mashup of “Hard Day’s Night” and “Help.” Moptops, mates, beatle boots and screaming fans - too bad Richard Lester wasn’t available to direct me in junior high.

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'Like and Comment'? like is far to mild. Love, love, love. 'looks like you fell down.' 'yes Ahlzheimmer. they fall.' absolute classic!

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Barron is a prince among men.

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I have a horrible presentment that young Barron will revenge himself on a beleaguered world some day...after his siblings face their trials...

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If only....

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MELANIA: Ees Ahlzheimmer. They fall.

She doesn't need to read the deposition.

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Laughing so hard I can't actually hit the like button.

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Incisively yucky.

I'm like Joe - I don't really want to talk about T***p anymore.

And just think, we *could* be addressing the failed/fake Biden marriage.

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I never would have thought of it, but it’s completely fitting that someone in that ghastly family *likes* the Dennis Hopper character from Blue Velvet.

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Roy, I kinda wondered if you’d persist in coming up with these l’il jewels after The Ginger Peeg lost the election. No longer!

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T***p being dusted off by his own alleged flesh and blood and bleeding all over what is probably the only white-on-white-on-white condo in Miami Beach is *everything*.

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No white-on-white-on-white decor; gonna be the same hideous mini-Versailles he has in Trump Tower.

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I have no doubt that this sort of shit actually happens in that "family". (Think mob family...)

As for Barron? He'll grow up to be the same little entitled lying, cheating, backstabbing bitch like every other Trump. Sorry to bust anyone's hopes about the kid. But this ain't Disneyland.

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I've been expecting that when the indictments start coming (please, God) Trump will be found wandering the grounds of Mar-A-Lago in his bathrobe -- the old Vincent "The Chin" Gigante move. So Melania testifying that the "peeg" has Alzheimer's isn't far off. However, I'm concerned that I find reading about Barron knocking the piece of shit to the ground way too satisfying. Might he go through with the kicking next time?

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