
"Disagreeing with my opinions is worse than what happened to the Jews in the Holocaust, which totally did not happen, by the way."


"PS: I am not a crank."

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Related: “There are too many states these days. Please eliminate three.” —A. Simpson

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Please eliminate three America-hating liberal ones

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Actually, as a member of the Olivia Nuzzi school of showing these assholes unfiltered since mainstream journalists are incapable of exposing them, I approve of the Times running the Cotton piece. And I even more approve of the Times' inept response which is keeping the story of the debacle alive when really, please, the piece should have and been immediately ignored. And by running the piece, pace Nuzzi, the Times allowed Cotton to show himself the way Times' reporters never would. (Cf. coverage of Trump.)

In the Times' father defense, Cotton quite possibly will be POTUS someday (albeit preferably after I pass on) so why not start stroking or pleasuring him now? And the op-ed page that provides us with Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, Bret Stephens, and Maureen Dowd on a regular basis is slammed for this one-off? Please.

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Slightly disagree. Cotton wrote that because he really, really wants to be President someday. . .of Russia.

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"Konstitutional Khristian Konservative"


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I assume this will run after Drew Brees’s 5th grade essay, “What the American Flag Means to Me.”

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Laugh out loud, so good I had to spell it out.

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Ha, thanks!

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When you drill down this deep into the crazy* I picture your head spinning completely around several times before you puke this out on the page in a foul smelling pea green soup- like sludge.

Thank you for your Service!

* And boy is it ever deep -I started reading this and I said to the Misses "Christ Jesus Honey, your asshole brother got an editoril published in the New York Times!"

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We understand that many readers find Assessor Galligash's argument painful, even dangerous. We believe that is one reason it requires public scrutiny and debate. In fact, we believe the more dangerous and painful, the more scrutiny and debate it requires. So I hope this one is really, really dangerous and painful. I wouldn't know since I haven't read it. The other reason is to get Hiram's Constitutional Christian conservatives to stop sending me emails with vile sexual suggestions and death threats.

James Bennett, NY Times

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If he could have, John C. Calhoun would've retweeted this.

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Oh my it's funny because it's truuuuuuue

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Hiram's a hoot and a holler short of Tommy Cotton's shitcan craziness but he gets his point across real nice.

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On behalf of all fair-minded moderates, I would like to earnestly but unemotionally thank you for teaching the controversy.

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if this ISNT a joke or satirical ignorance, it IS a self-indictment of a raving racist anti-american. trouble with that assessment? get the f out of my country. my familys veterans fought and died to defeat everything this m-f’er is upholding. Crawl back under your god forsaken rock and STFU.

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Not real Americans if you disagree with him? Not even human.

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So updating the Bennet/Cotton affair.

It seems that the rank, fact-challenged spew of shit from future POTUS Cotton was solicited by Bennet's people. Curious who.

Bennet quit, depriving the Times of Baquet's heir apparent. This whole affair makes one wonder how shitty he'd be as editor of the Times, not that we couldn't guess. And with Bennet gone, what's up with Bari Weiss, who's great sin is her riff deploring anti-Semitism even as she encourages it.

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Just wait awhile – it'll get patheticker along about late January 2023...but I reserve the privilege to award myself a couple marks when it happens...

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