Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Day-um: another gotcha post. Had me for two entire ‘grafs til I got a clue.

Meanwhile, also amused by this: all the never-Trumpers telling the media how bad a candidate their probable POTUS candidate is. Really, why should Dems dis Trump when Republicans doing so has at least some extra credibility ? Besides, the media listen to them more than to Democrats anyway.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“I like that he wants to make it illegal for young people to vote,” said “Just Deb,” an elderly housewife. “I think he’s about the only young person in this world that I like, and I have seven grandchildren.”

I don’t know much about Vivek Ramaswamy, but what I do know is that he’s another “tell them what they want to hear” fraudster. He doesn’t believe half of the things he says, or at least he didn’t believe them a month ago. He was for pride month, now he’s against it. He was progressive about voting rights, including 18 year olds, until he realized they vote democrat 70% of the time. He was for privatizing Social Security before he realized 65% of seniors who vote republican, are against it.

So whatever the hell he stands for, your guess is as good as mine, since no one really knows, least of all Vivek Ramaswamy...:)

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh sure, we laugh now. But wait until Ramaswamy runs third party as the No Labels candidate. If anyone thinks there aren’t enough Americans who would vote for a “Free The Ancient Aliens, Abolish The Government, and Let Elon Musk Be The Congress” ticket to swing the election to Trump, I have a bridge to sell you.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

The actual Ramaswamy is like some kind of deadly walking parody. He has promised that, if elected, his first order of business on Day 1 of his administration will be to fire 75% of the entire federal government. Yep, just gonna shitcan three-quarters of the federal workforce.

Because that's obviously how things work, right? Ask any businessman and he'll tell you he could easily do away with 3/4 of his payroll and his business would be just fine! It's not like any federal employee actually does anything--look at Trump who spent four year alternating between watching TV and golfing!

Yep, Ramaswamy is definitely the candidate to watch. If you found Donald Trump too deeply philosophical, too thoughtful, and too prone to seeking good advice, then Ramaswamy's the man for you!

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This was funny! " My son's an elitist. "


I am so hoping to see Eminem kick Ramaswamy's ass.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Okay, this is my second comment because I wanted to investigate his past comments and rhetoric. Apparently, Vivek is a republican president’s candidate in the mold of Tucker “Toucan” Carlson; just asking questions.

On 9/11: “How many federal agents were on those planes. We don’t know, a lot! None! We need a commission because the people deserve to know Huh????

When asked whether 9/11 was an inside job on Blaze TV he answered: I don’t know,” Ramaswamy said, “I don’t believe the government has told us the truth,” Ramaswamy said. “I’m driven by evidence and data. What I’ve seen in the last several years is we have to be skeptical of what the government does tell us.”

Huh? What data are you referring to? The same data Giuliani found on voter fraud? Did you also meet with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to confirm the data?

When asked about the J6th insurrection, he said, “ I don’t know,” Ramaswamy said, “but we can handle it. Whatever it is, we can handle it. Government agents. How many government agents were in the field? Right?” Huh????

I’m just waiting for the the “data” to confirm MTG’s assertion that it was actually “Jewish lasers from space, that caused the Wild fires in California.

My conclusion! Vivek may be very bad for America, but he fits in perfectly for the “tin-foil” hat party, I mean Republican Party....:)

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Media gotta write about something other than “Trump: guilty, guilty, guilty,” so Republican candidates get more attention than they deserve. I’m struck by how much Trump, and now Vivek, behave as if they read Altemeyer’s “The Authoritarians” and thought, “That’s how to get wipipo to make me dictator for life!”

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I would worry about Ramaswamy if some of the MAGAts weren’t already calling him “Ramashithead” and worse, noting his skin tone and sayin’ he’s a “Pagan Devil worshiper”.

Here in Redneckistan, There’s still the occasional kerfuffle when the god bothers decide they need to forbid teaching the furrin practice of Yoga as a slippery slope from the True Religion . (Google if you must.)

I hope he’s just Mr. Thiel’s new vanity candidate: and still expects money boys to back Youngkin. or attempt a Dark Horse Brain Kemp...

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I believe every word of this. And, to borrow a formula from our right-wing brethren, the fact that it all -could- be true is somehow even more significant. The VCHC, who likes to tout himself as a scientist, is just one more Wall St. grifter extraordinaire living in the realm of deals 'n deals, where pharmaceutical companies are like real estate to buy, sell, and shill to investor suckers. There's a long section in his Wikipedia bio titled "Roivant Sciences and subsidiaries" which details the swamp of swindles 'n grift of just this one company. A few quotes:

"The company's market value initially soared to almost $3 billion, although at the time it only had eight employees, including Ramaswamy's brother and mother."

"Ramaswamy took a massive payout..."

"He claimed more than $37 million in capital gains in tax year 2015..."

"Shareholders who lost money included various institutional investors, such as the California State Teachers' Retirement System pension fund. Ramaswamy was insulated from much of Axovant's losses"

"In 2019, Roivant sold its stake in five subsidiaries ...Ramaswamy made $175 million in capital gains from the sale."

"Ramaswamy remains the sixth-largest shareholder of Roivant,[33] retaining a 7.17% stake."

The punch line: "Roivant has never been profitable."

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Beautiful. The whole thing about Dizzy Missouri reminded me of red-bearded dobro man, who also appeared out of nowhere and is now apparently headlining arena shows. Could he be the VP candidate for VR? Dobro guy probably not old enough but constitution, we don't really need that...

Oh and his initials are VR, makes you think.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I was wrong when I said Roy couldn't top his Rachel Maddow quip. A "buttermilk cosmetics company" raises the bar.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I was going to say never listen to Gus Wallop’s codswallop, but I realized he’s making some accurate, if alarming, observations about the electorate.

Also, Dizzy, Missouri is genius. I assume the Batter Barn is ‘twixt the Fireworks Shack and the trailer park, if my memories of driving through rural Missouri are accurate.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

There was a massage parlor back in Cleveland called 'The Batter Barn".

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Ripped from today's headlines, as they used to say. As I suspected might happen, it's getting harder to tell reality from satire, and we've got another year of this. Roy's gonna need a bigger boat.

The only thing about this scary haircut that cheers me up is imagining the massive clusterfuck a Rammalamma administration would be. Like Trump, he'd go in thinking he was CEO of America, Inc. and start rightsizing like a motherfucker. Many wacky situations would ensue, and foreign governments would take him to the cleaners. But it is not to be. He's Not A Politician, which is crucial, and I don't think the skin color thing is a deal beaker the way most do, but he lacks the secret sauce of connection. They approve of his jibber-jabber, but like DeSantis he's focused on the wrong thing. It's about making the voter feel special, not about driving their enemies before them and hearing the lamentations of their women. Necessary but not sufficient. You'd think Darling Nikki would get this, but she has the Hillary problem of having to Appear Tuff backwards and in low heels.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

This guy is a fatuous tool. A glib, fake panderer. He's like Musk in that he's made money, ran some businesses, now he thinks he understands everything and has all the answers. Wrote his "Ten Truths" on the back of a napkin in five minutes or some such bullshit.

As a public figure and candidate he has excuses for being fake, which is lucky for him, because as a thinker he's nothing. Couldn't last a round on any topic vs. a person who has really thought about it.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

He doesn’t have much chance of getting the nomination because he’s:

1) the wrong shade of beige and

2) we as a nation will not elect a President whose name we can’t spell easily (see Giuliani, Dukakis, Fiorina).

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