"much derring-do and CGI" – ie, no derring-done, and crap eye-filler...

"the feminized Canadian Army" – who's feminized? The Canadians, or the Army? I need to know before I address the privates.

"parkour routine at Habitat 67" – isn't that the only reason it was built? Way ahead of its time, for sure...

"Many guest stars visit, usually Tommy Chong"

2 marks!

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Hey, no one here is gonna tell you how to address your privates -- that's your business!

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I used to address them General Delivery, but ever since the general ran afoul of the new woke policies about that sorta stuff, I'm finding it increasingly difficult keeping them at attention. At ease seems their default these days.

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How many marks has Mr. Roso accumulated thus far, Mr. Tallyman?

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Well that's easy. 2. It always resets to zero at EOD, 'cause we do not want the boss to get too full of himself.

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Quite honestly, I just find it completely impossible to care about this, well, freakshow. Depp was defamed? It all just reminds me of my favorite exchange from Casablanca:

"You despise me, don't you, Rick?"

"I suppose if I gave you any thought at all, I would."

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I think I prefer "Vultures everyvere..."

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The nearly incomprehensible verdict was that Heard defamed Depp, but Depp also defamed Heard, only a little less so, or at least that's what I gleaned from reading the headlines. Insert meme with Oprah saying, "You get defamed! And you get defamed! Everybody gets defamed!"

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All god's chillun got defamed!

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Depp has lost both his looks and apparently his mind, yet still won his suit against Heard. I fervently wish he'd slink off into obscurity, but nobody does that nowadays. I bet his embarrassing behavior continues until we reach a public denouement/meltdown of volcanic proportions.

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I myself was obscure before obscurity was a thing – no slinking necessary – so there's that...

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You are, in the words of the immortal Strongbad, the "'so cool you don't know I'm cool' kind of cool."

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Perhaps I am so cool I do not even know it myself...quite likely, actually...

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I dunno, Charlie Sheen seems to have slunk off into a comfy retirement, so maybe Depp can do the same. One can only hope...

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What I wasn’t paying attention to. I had a sense before this that Depp was let’s say lacking as a human being in the way that fame and fortune protects and enables but no, he’s much, much worse and fully worthy of condemnation despite whatever one might want to say about Heard:


What can I say? Tracking societal collapse and the collapse of civilization requires exposure to so much and things get overlooked. Glad to see all the happy powerless Roganites rejoicing. Their lives are such shit that shitting on Heard is all they do to feel like they’re anything. Worse than sad.

I don’t know, I’d really like to see that first one made. Not to actually watch myself but see how it would perform with audiences.

Otherwise, I’m a bad American and barely have a shit about the latest trial of the century.

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I deliberately ignored the Depp/Heard trial as much as possible, as I try not to exceed the normal daily quotient of misogyny that is unavoidable when you walk around in a female body.

All you need to know about that conflict is that the Right supported Depp. Rod Dreher, Mr. Divorced Guy, actually posted an open forum for conservative Christian men to air their grievances about their own Amber Heards, their wives who were inexplicably divorcing them. Trust these guys not to look at their own role in the failure of their marriage, or even their own joint contribution to it. Nope, it’s all Bitches Be Crazy.

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Rampant Rod ran outta stuff to think moons ago (many). So this does not surprise me, tho repel, yeah...

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I also pretty much ignored the trial, so now when someone asks me what I think about it I can honestly say, I have no idea and since I religiously refuse to read the NYT, which is I think where the essay was that first started this whole thing, I can even say I don't know what started it all. It was only about 3 days ago I learned that he sued her, as opposed to the other way around.

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Ooops, I just found out it was the Washington Post the op ed was published in. Wow, I guess I didn't follow it at all.

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I was sorta proud of myself for not learning the name of the Buffalo mass shooter for nearly a week. The media helped, seems like they're trying to dial back the "instant stardom for murdering lots of people at once" thing. Although it might also be that a major mass shooting a week just makes it harder to remember each one.

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Mass Murderer of the Moment! Hard to stay in the spotlight, especially since they kill or arrest you before you can follow up. Maybe that'll change -- Kyle Rittenhouse, time to shake off that sophomore slump!

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Hearted for 'sophomore slump'...I'm kinda leaning toward naming/shaming these losers by calling them and their ilk 'losers' at every opportunity – that is, always. The losers.

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Me too.

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The whole thing seemed like an excuse to rub salt in the PTSD of survivors of all stripes, but this is again a case, conspiracy theories (Is "make the bitches remember their place" a conspiracy theory?) aside, where who you're standing side by side with says a lot about your cause. I've unfollowed some people. I don't know who's right or wrong, because PTSD, but I feel like maybe the Depp stans and some of the Nazis and incels and rapists and wife-beaters and MRAs and eugenicists and republicans and misogynists ought to talk about where you're going with this.

Is it just this one bitch because you love Johnny? (I am agnostic on this score because I've always found him creepy and inexplicably uninteresting as an actor and a personality and even as eye candy.) I mean, that's a limit you can have in your own mind, but I promise a lot of the people you're retweeting today think it's "all bitches, always, for the lulz and controls, and that includes you". You might want to find out before you get too far into this.

There are terrible people on all sides of this. But there is a power imbalance that's coming with a great deal of money.

Incidentally, Rod? I would be really careful encouraging the people you rely on for donations to go out there and test the precedent that anonymously defaming people on the internet is now enough to earn you a lawsuit.

"Social control for thee but not for me."

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I agree with all of this, and when you say "Depp stans and some of the Nazis and incels and rapists and wife-beaters and MRAs and eugenicists and republicans and misogynists" you're talking about a more or less single group of people. Where they go one, they go all.

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Roughly 74 million lone nuts, who happen to bump into each other on a regular basis...

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a more or less single group of people

There's a reason why these dudes are single, which is different from why I am single

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"(Is 'make the bitches remember their place' a conspiracy theory?)"

Nope. Not even close. This is actually happening. As a Black man I feel something similar.

"There are terrible people on all sides of this. But there is a power imbalance that's coming with a great deal of money."

I have suspicions that Peter Thiel is somehow involved.

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Trust these guys not to look at their own role in the failure of their marriage

These guys are anachronistically perfect, so no way the d-i-vor-say could be their fault. They don't make public things that are personal

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I hate to break it to you, but quite a few people on the left supported Depp too, including some womens' advocacy groups. That should speak volumes; even the hammer is saying this isn't a nail.

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The only thing I really noticed about the trial- JD sure looks like shit these days.

That was gratifying to see.

The "Yo, Bitch" guys are the ones always blubbering how they can't get laid. If they tried to pull that shit with MTG she'd probably rip their arm off and beat them to death with it.

I can't think of a single Johnny Depp film I've really enjoyed. He did star in the only Polanski film I didn't like.

I remember seeing a theater marquee that read " POC III" and thinking that that could also stand for "piece of crap"

Nicely done, Roy. Highly entertaining!

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I heard some vague blithering about a sixth "POC" movie that supposedly didn't get made because Amber Heard ruined everything. Like, when was there a fifth "POC" movie? I never heard of one.

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And the first one was enough. It was somewhat amusing when they brought in Keith Richards as his father (in the 2nd one I think), but it wasn't enough to base an entire movie on.

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Ugh, I had a student paper in my writing class this semester blargling about the sins of women against Johnny Depp.

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Hope you notified the authorities.

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What a tool.

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I liked him in "Benny and Joon," "Edward Scissorhands" and "Ed Wood," and "From Hell," but given that the most recent of those was 2001, it's fair to say I haven't cared for much of what he's done in the past 20 years.

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Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi was just about the best performance in the history of performance.

"HOOOME? I HALF no home..!"

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I like his acting! Particularly fond of "Don Juan de la Marco" and "Sweeney Todd."

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Oh yeah...the Don Juan thing was a good flick overall.

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Ben Shapiro as "Half-Pint" is brilliant. Ben should get at least a cameo appearance in The Chemist, seeing as how he's inspired contemporary Canadian mass shooters like Alexandre Bissonette, who shot up a mosque.

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"Mister/Monsieur Stochastic/Stochastique" as the credits roll. . . .

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"Special cameo by Tom Cruise as The Bitchmaster!" LOL! I'd buy that for a dollar!

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"Mr Cruise? Can you lose the shit-eating grin? It's not appropriate for a bitchmaster."

"Why did you hire me then? – it's what I do."

"I'm beginning to wonder that myself, Mr Cruise..."

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Glad to see Poopmouth making a reappearance. Does he still have his castanets?

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So the good news is, Baby Face Kyle is not trending because some backwoods sheriff hired him to be a school resource officer. Apparently he's just going to see if he can sue some bitches too.

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Ben Shapiro as "Half-Pint." Hah, I guess "Cabin-Boy" was already taken! Definitely worth the price of admission!

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When this Trial of the Century About Celebrities' Reputations first showed up I thought the were talking about "Johnny Depp and the Amber Herd," and figured the world's Ambers had had it with J.D. Little known fact: Depp was going to make "Edward Semiautomatichands" but the funding from the NRA fell through when Ted Cruz complained Johnny was getting more blood money than he was.

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"Deppraved! The Podcast" needs to be trademarked. Brilliant.

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Ben Shapiro as Half-Pint made me spit out my coffee.

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