Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Not to defend any christofascist but I'm not sure that he doesn't tithe a lot of money to a church of the insane and unhinged.

Otherwise, yeah, sure, sketchy AF.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

So, can anybody who's familiar with the wonders of the U.S. tax code guess just what scam is being worked here? If you don't have money in a bank, or stocks in a brokerage, but instead you're part of, I don't know, a Double-Reverse Tithe Sharing Commune, you never have to pay taxes?

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Well done, Roy!

I actually find Johnson hiding his payoff money to be less strange than a lot of other things about him, like his appearing and then disappearing adopted Black son – now you see him, now you don’t – or his wife running an anti-gay counseling service that seems to use the concept of medieval “humours” as its guiding philosophy. I guess leeches are hard to come by these days.

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Awesome: Fiorello is a great, and under performed musical. Here's a good rendering of the original: https://youtu.be/XrJMnONes2w?si=9NyNQzMnDdK-R8mi

And a life of antigay abuse (not necessarily directed at me) tells me Johnson has plenty to hide: no one becomes a professional anti gay crusader without some internal issues and history.

I've not thought outing most folks was a good idea: i was in the closet for too long: and with reason.

But Johnson has been a professional anti LGBTQ activist and rightist apologist for abusing the likes of me and mine for a couple decades. His actual statements on the evil and danger of us queers have had real legislative and social effects.

It’s not theater of cruelty, it’s pragmatic sharing of information, against a backdrop of dishonest murderous agitprop.

He’s also articulated “constitutional” reasons to let Donnie steal democracy and set up a dictatorship.

I’d out the appalling little Christofascist in a heartbeat: it’s that serious:

Trae Crowder:

As far as Mike Johnson goes, he’s not just a

believer; no, he’s an architect; he’s a constitutional lawyer. He tried to devise legal Arguments for why Trump should be able

to retain the presidency (back then they

called that a paper coup), y’all so I’m

telling you right now don’t let all this Suburban business dad fool you! …this milk toast Maniac is every bit as dangerous as the rest of them if not more so due to his semblance of competency and ability to mask how insane he is …


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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

2 marks right out the box!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Marvelous in every way.

(Typo alert: I believe you mean "widow's" mite.)

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I’m stunned that the NYT or WaPo haven’t yet found a way to blame Dems for Johnson’s weird finances. “FDR’s New Deal Source of Anti-Christian Banking Laws.” Meanwhile, Santos still in Congress, probably because Dems voted to oust McCarthy.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

In this world of ordinary meatheads

Extraordinary meatheads

I'm glad there is Roy

Also, I read this morning the WaPo story about the NY civil case against Trump MegaBiz. It's the bit about the Queens Man's spawn and their sketchy business acumen. Has a photo of the 3 spawn & the spawner, all looking wax-museumed. It's Vacant Stare 4, the I reckoning. So I wandered around this morning thinking about how fair-game they'd be on a dark road as the headlights caught them, and in that moment I also thought about the dissolution of South Sudan, where one spends all day collecting and processing water lillies(!) for food, and thinking "if there's anyone who'd oughta have a permanent vacant stare..." and so of course I forgot what floor I was going to with the compost bucket when I got on the elevator...

All that to say I pride myself* on this mindfull of substantial (not to say substantive) thoughts that get me thru the day...and it's not even 9am!

*in a negative sense

All that to say Itty Bitty Johnson would not qualify for inclusion in the Vacant Stare 4. He's got a vision, or visions...

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

The Supreme Court says I needn’t tell

So you can all go to hell —

Suck my little poor box!”

Suck my little poor box, you say?

Roy, how wrong can you be! fellatio isn’t in the constitution, and we all know it’s a sin against god. So seriously, you need to get your act together because Johnson would never tell you to suck that little poor box of his, because it doesn’t even work; so there’s that!

And since Johnson is fiscally conservative, and a responsible member of Congress; saving $14 billion from the IRS funding to pay for Israel, which will cost the IRS $75 billion, is a true bargain, and the basis for biblical math.

Not to be confused with actual math, because biblical math is a fantastical way to show one’s true commitment to god, while justifying every asinine policy position a conservative holds dear.

So Roy, feel free to make fun of Johnson, but do so at your own peril, as everyone knows that homosexuality is the same as bestiality and 2 plus 2 equals gods blessing!...:)

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Google News search tells me this story hasn't yet broken into the ranks of the Prestige Media, just TNR and The Daily Beast and Politico, so far. The WaPo was too busy interviewing his White Christian constituents to learn how their deep faith in Christ moves them to love Speaker Johnson. Who wants to spend their time looking over a bunch of tiresome financial disclosure forms when there's a chance at a Louisiana Diner Safari?


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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I don't actually know anything about LaGuardia, except that story about him reading the funny papers over the radio during a newspaper strike. Was he known for corruption? (I mean, above and beyond the usual.)

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I was all set for this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46ybS7cebuU .

Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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first groggy take on the subject line of this mornings email/post was maybe johnson had turned state's and agreed to testify against his shitty god..then the coffee brought me down.

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