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Finally Scalia will have friends in his particular circle of Hell (level 2, the one where a well-regulated militia forces him to drop and give them 50 for all eternity).

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Well, Dante reserved the Second Circle to the lustful, but—come to think of it, the way some people feel about guns—but on the third hand, I always considered their kind of lust perverse, which would the fire-rain in the Eight Circle…. O.K., now I see that King Minosʼ job deciding this stuff could be another form of torment….

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That's what we need, sure as I'm a fool for a quieting of the blood, don't ya know...

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My only criticism is if you were actually going to kill everyone, having Douthat, Barr, and of course Rod Dreher also be present would have provided a much more satisfying payoff.

But you did get Kissinger, and I take my pleasures where I can find them these days, lmao.

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The is wonderful, isn't it? But what about Dick Fucking Cheney?

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Every time Liz speaks out about Today's Republican Party and What It Has Become, the devil deducts a couple of pitchfork-pokes from the old man's regimen.

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After Liz got kicked off her committees for not being vile enough (imagine that!) Dick came to town for some reason. I was hoping he was there to shoot Marge or that asshole Kevin McCarthy in the face. It would of gone a long way towards correcting my opinion of him - I'd of still wanted to see him burn in hell, maybe just not so much.

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I think he'd make a fine demon, which doesn't mean he wouldn't be punished—C.S. Lewis thought so, and _he_ was extremely annoying.

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Given that for awhile he had no pulse, he'd be a candidate for what Dante assigned to a still-living enemy: so evil and irredeemable his soul fell straight into Hell while he yet breathed, and a demon was walking-around in his body, sort of vampire-style. (See, it all ties together.)

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Also, too: "Mr. Kissinger is upstairs visitin’ the man what pumps him up with baby blood, an’ I’m afeared ye’ll put him off his feed."

I always hate when that happens. Kissinger off his feed is worse than Trump without a burger, for sure.

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Such a delicate palate, this week he asked for Cambodian.

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Ok, that earns an 'Oof', if 'earns' is the correct term...

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Oh, man, such a painful tease here.

In anything like a decent nation, these fuckers -- by which, to all intents and purposes, I mean the entire GOP as well as complicit tools like much of the media and the DNC -- would be he'd accountable for all their shit-pulling, if you know what I mean. Instead, we have them about to lock in power for far too much time to come. OTOH, a tyranny of the minority is what the Founding Fathers wanted so sure, what's coming.

Meanwhile, best use play of Irish tropes since I sw Ruth Negga's super-Irish spin on Lady Macbeth last week.

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Oh, yeah? How was that in general.

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I cannot say being no Shakespeare expert. It’s a great story, of course. Craig was competent but brought nothing to the part I think. Also, he had that lisp of dentures slipping which, you know, being on the spectrum, was somewhat distracting. OTOH, last thing I saw him in was No Time to Die which was a mind blowing POS so, you know, better than that.

Negga, OTOH, I saw and enjoyed in Hamlet at St. Ann’s just before Covid. Great production and she was terrific as Hamlet. Her Lady Macbeth was played as whatchacall an Irish shrew.

Still gotta catch up to the Coen Macbeth.

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This is the content my beleaguered soul requires.

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Well, you know how it is with all of us "addicted to wanting particular outcomes."

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“There’s your problem, Earl. You thought representative democracy would work.”

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Obsequies At The Rectory. (These guys should be at the reformatory instead of the rectory.)

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Now that is gross calumny against Fr Jack Hackett, pictured atop. Every one of those Republican men is a Bishop Len Brennan; none of them possesses Father Jack’s strength of character or firm moral backbone.

Ah but sure, Mrs Noonan, ye’ll have us spoilt with the Ferrero Rochers and gin! But mostly with the gin.

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I forget who reported it, but someone once claimed that an house-keeper for many priests said she preferred the ones who drank, because '…itʼs either The Drink or The Boys.' though I'm pretty sure many a gay bar had its contingent of priests in mufti.

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I do know what "mufti" means, but in context it sounds dirty!

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Who am I to argue with a True Artist, but I feel like Noonan should have been drunker.

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She's very good at hiding it!

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Three Stooges theme = the theme of heavenly justice. Who knew??

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Isn't it the verse for "Listen to the Mockingbird"?, a great tearjerker of a song, 'Iʼm dreaming now of Hallie'…'The mocking bird still singing oʼer her grave'.

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Yes, that's it. I've long recognized it from the version I'd heard as a child on the Sing Along with Mitch album my dad had. I remember the words "She's sleeping down in the valley" or something like that. Such a merry melody for a sad lyric.

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Nothing like that Nineteenth Century morbidity…see also "Poor Kitty Popcorn, or The Soldier's Pet".

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Magically inspiredl! LOL cackling

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Don't mind me, in my mood it's pleasing but then I get a rebound of 'Nothing like that ending, either the bomb or that afterlife punishment, will likely happen.'.

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I am so sorry I've been too busy and distracted to keep up! There is joy in reading this and I could have used it a week ago - but I can really appreciate it today, too!

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