If I didn't know this was satire, I could be easily convinced it's an actual transcription of reality.

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My wife looked at the photo of the vet and his family and said it was ............."interesting". I too found it that.

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They're pretty camera-ready. But that's a subset of the military tradition: Some vets know how to parlay their experience for the media -- look at Ollie North. Bonus: you can't criticize a disabled vet. (Time was you could if he was a Democrat, like Max Cleland, but no more -- if you could they'd have ragged Tammy Duckworth up and down. Wonder how that came to be.)

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Republicans love war because it facilitates the industrial complex raking in extra big profits but they are at best indifferent and hostile to actual vets - look at the VA scandals.

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'Sad' doesn't begin to cover it.

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"When you're a Fed you're a Fed all the way

from your first fingerprint to your last IRA"

'Cause when you're a Fed, they tell you about the Federal Acquisition Regulations as the only way we can *legally* buy things. Check out part 3.101-2, "Solicitation and acceptance of gratuities by Government personnel." https://www.acquisition.gov/content/3101-2-solicitation-and-acceptance-gratuities-government-personnel.

(TLDR--he can't take the money.)

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So the guy’s just another right wing grifter? This is my shocked face...

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“Butterfly kisses.” <shudder> Ew ew ew ew ew!!!! Thanks for sticking THAT picture in my head, Roy. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go bleach my brain.

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“American Thinker readers were warned about General Mattis over a year ago in this article. Briefly, Mattis was and remains a supporter of global warming.

The issue of global warming continues to be a reliable and simple litmus test. If someone believes in global warming, then you can be sure he is a globalist who loathes Western civilization.“

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