"Here is where the oh-so-'woke' liberals — who I like to call 'Woke-o Haram' as well as 'Too Woke Girls,' 'Woke-o for Woke-o Puffs,' 'Woke-lahoma,' and, when they are being sexually permissive in their entertainments as well as 'woke,' 'Wo- Kalcutta' — show their ignorance of real America."

"Wo-Susanna, don't you cry for me, I'm going to see Rhianna with a gun strapped to my knee."

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Hahahahahahahaha the idea that any wingnut would have heard of Oh! Calcutta! I think Roy deserves a glass of crisp pinot grigio just for that one.

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For conservatives of a certain age I am sure that heavily-advertised spectacle ON BROADWAY WHERE RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN PLAYED was a watershed liberal corruption event.

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More like "Hammer-and-Sickle-stein" if you catch our drift

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OK, OK, of a certain age. Meaning--ulp--*our* age. It's still funny!

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I know I'm stating the obvious, but many old school right-wing culture warriors live in coastal elite cities or went to ivy league (or private) schools inaccessible to the drooling masses they fleece on a regular basis, so it's more likely they have a familiarity with DuBarry Was a Lady than the Dukes of Hazzard.

Erickson may pretend to be a heehaw, but he grew up in Dubai and went to an elite private university in Atlanta. Little Lord Fartleroy was exposed to elite society for his entire life. If Christianity was more supportive of women, he'd probably ditch religion.

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Growing up among the elite just makes it all the clearer to Erick(son) how awful they truly are. If there is even the least little bit of liberal instinct left among those elites, it must be shamed out of them.

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Again with facts!

Sooo unfair to use them against people with none available to use in their defense.

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We know he's a hypocrite and a liar. Old, old news. He and ilk must be ignored and plowed over. Which is why that ancient moderate Biden is such a breath of fresh air.

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I will never forget how Erick once conveyed how annoyed he was that he had to walk .75 of a mile (literally 5 city blocks in my urban hellhole! I mapped it!) to get home for some podcast or interview which didn’t happen and he got a blister on his foot because of it.

Suffice to say, he and his ilk are the Real Men of America!

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He is the suburban guy who’s got a $50K pickup truck and uses the flatbed twice a year.

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To bring home a flat screen TV from Sam’s Club.

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But we should all remember that only the Left can virtue signal...

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[rolling coal to Own The Libs]

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Like Erick would even have the balls to roll coal!

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If he walked more often, he'd learn to buy more comfortable shoes.

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so, the sidney powell defense, reworked? oh lord, why didn't you make me a grifter?

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“This is what Jesus meant when He said we must become like little children again.” I. Am. Screaming.

Christian conservatives are the best type of conservatives because they are continually coming out with absolute howlers. For example, I love how some of them *highlighted* the fact the Atlanta massage parlor killer attended an evangelical church IN HIS DEFENSE. As if we don’t know that conservative white Christians are MORE likely to be hate-filled racists, misogynists, LGBTQ-phobes, etc. than the average person, but with a paper-thin decoupage of Jesus on top as their cover story.

If there was one good thing about Trumpism, it was how it ripped the mask off their whole As-Christians-We-Adhere-To-Principled-And-Deeply-Held-Moral-Beliefs scam. Even the normies see through them now.

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Yeah this. "I'm a Christian" = "Only white people get to be Christians."

(Dude doesn't just want to be a hanging judge when he grows up. He wants to be a *lynching* judge.)

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And the conservative white Christian opposition to CRT and anti-racism, claiming it is in fact anti-Christian, is so nakedly aligned with enforcing white supremacy I’m almost – ALMOST -- surprised even THEY are shameless enough to make the argument with a straight face.

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I remain confused:

1. How does the extremely limited regulation comport with the 2A's requirement for good regulation ("...well regulated militia...)? Looks like psychological deficiencies, so to speak, are not a bar to Son of Erick's state mandate.

2. How does the antipathy for Blacks (or "racism") comport with the state arming them? How will cops' be made to tolerate this? Or will the answer be same as now: Cops are licensed to kill Blacks with impunity and essentially immunity, so that's the answer?

3. This idiocy again raises the questions: Are people like Son of Erick that stupid and just pandering to people who need to be pandered to, not informed? And whether or not they're as stupid as their audience, does it matter? Probably not, but I wonder anyway.

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They assume they won’t be in that night club, church, school, or supermarket when a fellow ammosexual decides to get off by gunning down people they don’t accept as fully human. Or they fantasize they’ll be Die Harding their way to glory if it happens.

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I recall an experiment run some years ago (after the Virginia Tech shootings, I think) in which the experimenter set up a classroom in which one student had a gun. A crazed gunman would then burst in and start shooting. Would the armed student save the day? Nope. Got gunned down every time. Even when the student was warned about the gunman, still got killed. When the teacher was the one with the gun, the results were the same because the teacher was inevitably the first one shot.

So this idea that the "good guys" are going to successfully shoot it out with the bad guy is just lunatic fantasy. In fact, in the Boulder shooting, one of the victims was a cop. There's your good guy; trained, well-equipped, wearing body armor. And still unable to stop the nut with the gun.

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In the two times i’ve been subjected to violence publicly (as opposed to private abuse) it went down so quick a gun would have been worse than useless.

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There's also the issue, unmentioned by Roy's Son of Erique, that most if not all of these "gunmen" do it intending to die. So the fact that ten out of ten innocent bystanders might be armed might not be the deterrent EE thinks it is.

AND, there's the fact that, in a moment of chaos, especially in a dark theater or a supermarket with weird acoustics, it's hard to know who the single bad guy is. You pull your (gov't.-issued) gun, you see others are brandishing theirs, and how are you to know they're not the problem? Or how are they to know you're not? So everyone is primed to shoot everyone else. Sure, it SOUNDS like fun, but is it? Really?

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Scalia already ruled that the well-regulated militia part is completely unrelated to the right to keep and bear arms part--the two clauses simply bumped into each other and got inadvertently stuck in the same amendment.

Black people will be required to show photo ID, bring a notary as witness, and pass a literacy test before being issued their guns.

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And, of course, having any kind of record with the police--including having gone to the police station to pick up the required ID--will be grounds for refusing Black people the right to a gun.

Few remember that just a couple of months after Trayvon Martin's murderer got off on "stand your ground" as a defense, a single Black woman who had been repeatedly beaten by her former husband and had a restraining order against him, was arrested and charged with felony endangerment for firing a warning shot into the ceiling of her house when said ex-husband broke in and threatened to beat her yet again. Even the hallowed "stand your ground" law does not apply to Black citizens.

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I thought , per Colbert, that Karl Rove was Hamface. Has the mantle of pork-visage been passed to Ewick while I was preoccupied with whatever it is that has taken up residence on Ted Cruz’s jaw?

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I make the rules around here, buddy.

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Boss !

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Specifically “Ham Rove.” Literally a canned ham with wire frame glasses.

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Yes. Erick Son of Erick has an alleged face, so it's not at all the same. Also he's more Danish canned. where Rove has a home-cured look.

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This is why it's important to Know Your Hams.

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"Release The Krakus!" (http://www.krakusfoods.com/categories/2)

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Sen John Kennedy as he started to change the subject to drunk drivers strongly resembled Ted Cruz after a seven-day bender, quite possibly one including a very sudden need for a favour from Michael Corleone.

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A science-fantasy author (vagueness intentional to avoid spoilers, please don't say if you know) has an apocalyptic pseudo-Christian cult whose hotline to an Old One is provisioned via a crustacean that eats your tongue and somewhat replaces it. Disciples get a certain heavy-jawed look to them (different to the Innsmouth Look, but the two together could be a trend…except Old Ones are very jealous).

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But the women that have sex with you to spread the Old One are quite hot

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The sect is viciously anti-sex, even for prostitylising. The crustacean is referred to as the Host (parasite joke there) and distributed at your first communion.

(I wonder if this author ever read Jack Chick's "The Death Cookie"?)

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Others have said this already, but I absolutely howled at "Wo-Kalcutta."

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I couldn't get past Woke-lahoma ..."where the whinge comes sweepin' down the plain"

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"But though my blessings are huge they are not unmixed." Thanks, for that one.

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Indeed, a sublime mix of the poetic and the absurd.

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Yesterday, you posted two screenshots on Twitter, one where Erick said the equivalent of "aw shucks I sure do hate guns, but I need them to protect my family" next to a photo of the newspaper he shot up with a gun. It's basically Turd Turdson in a nutshell, it's just missing some irrelevant gawdtalk.

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"who I like to call 'Woke-o Haram'"

Oooh, I've got one! "Woke-ol Harum"! They wouldn't even have to change the title of "A Whiter Shade of Pale".

"They laughed and laughed at the idea of making everyone in the country carry a loaded gun and thinking it would lead to less gun violence."

(chef's kiss)

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Right there in the Bible it says "suffer the little children so they may come unto me and I might make fun of them for throwing like a girl or not running fast or wearing glasses."

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«O! Qu'el con 'l'est!»

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If some enterprising progressive picked up Erickson's proposal we could have handgun and black-rifle control in weeks.

You can get a government-issued self-defense handgun but only after you've passed a background check, received a laudatory note from your pastor and spouse (like they do in Canada), watched a safe-handling video where VP Kamala Harris shows how she safely stores and uses her weapon, and demonstrated the ability to put three bullets into a target at 10 yards. Once you've done all that, Representative Jayapal will look you in the eye and hand the weapon over personally.

Each neighborhood can also apply for a certain number of government-issued black rifles, to protect their community from MS-13, hurricane looters or hurricanes. Those people have more stringent tests.

That way everyone can get a gun, but everyone is trained. This has bipartisan legs.

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"a safe-handling video where VP Kamala Harris shows how she safely stores and uses her weapon" and she's dressed as -- A COP! <traveling music>

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In the same "Federally allocated guns for everybody!" piece, after crowing about how he carries a concealed Glock* 43, der Schinkengesicht also wrote this:

"Guns scare me. They make me nervous. I go to a gun range and outdoors to shoot machine guns, but guns in my home and on my person bother me. But they are an instrument — a tool — that I increasingly think every American needs to have and learn how to properly use. I have had to overcome my fear of guns and it is so clear to me now that so many of those who make the loudest arguments against guns have never even tried to buy one."

I've lived my entire life of almost seven decades in what right-wingers deem the scariest place on earth. It has a population 50 times that of Erickson's home town, and more than half of them aren't even white (the fact that makes it so scary to wingnuts). Erickson's right -- I've never tried to buy a gun and I've never fired a machine gun, but I've never lived in such fear that I thought I needed to do either.

PS Cindy Sheehan says "hey!"

*A favorite brand of mass murderers: Omar Mateen (Pulse nightclub), James Holmes (Aurora movie theater), Jared Loughner (Arizona mall parking lot -Gabby Giffords), Dylann Roof (Charleston church), etc., etc. ad nauseam.

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Ewick is the type of gunhumper who thinks it makes him safer (even he recognizes it may not, hence his concern about having it his house). There are also gunhumpers who like the way they look and collect them, the way some people collect guitars. Then there are the gunhumpers who fantasize about shooting someone with their guns - a bunch of people in a church or store or classroom in some cases, or the shooter of people in a church, etc. All these people know more about guns than I do, so I don't argue with them. But I know that all of them share an attachment to a weapon designed to kill people and I don't think binding yourself to a gunhumping cult that worships death is a good ethical stand.

This is different from hunting and I personally, although I don't hunt, see a moral distinction between the gunhumpers described above, whose guns I think should be "regulated" into scrap iron, and hunters.

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He's virtue-signaling. 'Cause here in Meddle Georgia (if you're white), it's God, Trucks 'N Guns, and not necessarily in that order.

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"Why wouldn’t it work forever?"

And that's all they've got anyway.

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