It's true - I seem to attract the worst. My sister in laws second husband (out of 4) (so far) gave all the men in the family copies of The Turner Diaries for Christmas one year. I was like "Oh hell nope" He didn't ever really talk to me again. Had I known it was so easy I would have tried to piss him off way sooner. He was a major asshole.
You know the Bundy clan was found innocent by a jury of their piers. They're all about that toxic shit. If a bunch of guys from Nation of Islam or an Indian tribe took over a National Park it never would have made it to trial. They'd of got droned the fuck up by
You clearly know different rural people than I do
It's true - I seem to attract the worst. My sister in laws second husband (out of 4) (so far) gave all the men in the family copies of The Turner Diaries for Christmas one year. I was like "Oh hell nope" He didn't ever really talk to me again. Had I known it was so easy I would have tried to piss him off way sooner. He was a major asshole.
You know the Bundy clan was found innocent by a jury of their piers. They're all about that toxic shit. If a bunch of guys from Nation of Islam or an Indian tribe took over a National Park it never would have made it to trial. They'd of got droned the fuck up by
the noon of the second day.
Although, maybe because of the fanatic Mormon sojourn in Mexico, he pissed-off a lot of his supporters by urging kindness toward refugees.
Your point still stands, and I go further: his coddling helped to encourage the Lout Rampage that got us where we are now.