Aug 31, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

(Hitchens of course is suffering in his own private hell--one where it's perpetually 7:30 AM on Sundays, nothing on HellCable except religious programming, and he can't get a drink.)

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all i came to say is that i'm glad you're writing for our side. this stuff would be pretty persuasive for the mouth-breathers were it disseminated on OAN ot the WSJ.

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"Hameed McGillicuddy" is the funniest thing I've ever heard since , well, the last funniest thing I've ever heard. Just so happens, you wrote both. Coincidence? I think not !

The worst person in the world is the detestable fuck that sent reporters out to interview the families of what were hopefully the last troops to die in Afghanistan with the instructions" See if you can't get one of the mom's all worked up"

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Roy, I don’t know how you come up with these names, but I’m loving every minute of it, lmao.

For me, one minor surprise about the conservative meltdown is not just that the perpetual war hawks are out in full force – that was totally expected – but that the war chickenhawks, who felt it expedient to criticize the war by the late aughts after it was clear things were going badly, have now pulled another about-face and decided the war was good, actually. But I really shouldn’t be surprised, even though that degree of bare-faced shamelessness always pulls me up short. Their only guiding principle is “Does this hurt Joe Biden?”

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I have absolutely no doubt that the American government and media learned nothing from this war. Our 800+ foreign military bases, our bloated military budget and our military oriented foreign policy will remain unchanged. Of course there are voices bewailing the end of the war - for them and America our military is the ultimate expression of our superiority, despite our losing war after ill-advised war. If only this “crisis in Afghanistan” made us rethink our self-destructive emphasis on our military empire and neglect of our land and people.

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Is it me (likely!) or does mocking the fine members of and those adjacent to the Blob® just not work? Having like the mainstream and ignored Afghanistan for, well, twenty-odd years but unlike said media, I've been doing some deep diving to get a clue and I gotta tell, to call our fucking over of that relatively innocent shithole of a nation for well over forty years and counting for no fucking justifiable reason, there's nothing I find conceivably funny. But I'm a dotard and have lived through way too much right wing shitting of nation and world and am cynical and bitter.

That said, a) Roy, as always, did a most excellent channeling job and I'll confess shitting on Hitchens who died without understanding that enabling bad actors is actually bad itself and indefensible always works for me and b) if anyone can find something legitimately amusing, it would be Roy.

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

And that's just the right-wing response. You should see MSNBC right now (actually, you shouldn't). Adam Kinziger saying that "only" 20 years in Afghanistan shows we can't stay the course. "Liberal" network invites Republican to criticize Democratic president. I'm sure we can all easily imagine the mirror-image of that happening on Fox.

Oh, and it's all going to encourage ISIS, and nobody can remember what country ISIS came from or what we did to said country that helped create ISIS.

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It's like a bad dream (as Brother Roso has pointed out) passing by a news channel & seeing the exact same "serious" "foreign policy wonks" on all the shows, doods who have never been right in their entire lives [I mean these chudwinks get "Can I take your order?" wrong 95% of the time].

Why? Because the media is just a cheerleading arm of a vast military imperial edifice, & both parties will always vote for more war, no matter how unstable it leaves the world in actuality...

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Our new arrival Donald Rumsfeld is having quite a different experience.

I'll bet he is. Does he have an asbestos suit?

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The idea this would have gone any better under Trump is fucking hilarious.

I'm thinking we need a new word for a military endeavor that drags on for 20 years while accomplishing so little. It would have literally been cheaper to have a soldier burning hundred dollar bills with a Bic lighter 24/7/365 for the last 20 years.

I give you: #scorewar

And God help me, I agree with Peggy Noonan, who argued in the WSJ that we wouldn't be in this mess if Junior Bush had just taken Osama at Tora Bora all those years ago.

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I had my biggest laff at "Lincoln Center," but that just shows how sophisticated I am, which we already knew. Also "Screamer," which is (chef's kiss).

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I want the guy who wrote this story:


To go fuck himself very hard.

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Hilarious. I'm betting that Hameed McGillicuddy is just an innocent flower grower whose pretty poppies provide the best "hair-on" Beetroot's constituency ever had, too.

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I might be too naïve, but I think Hitchens and his cupbearer, Sullivan, were sincere in opposing torture—I've seen no evidence otherwise, and all I need to oppose people is that they be wrong.

I think the need to assume insincerity in an opponent is a crutch, one that might allow me to feel that I must be right because I know _I_ am sincere without ever needing to call my own beliefs and positions into question. Well, no: there were and are sincere Nazis, N.K.V.D. men, Taliban and Da'esh fighters, and Republicans—also some brave ones, and a few in sweet love with someone too.

It's also lazy and unimaginative; I return (as I too often do here) to the man who confronted us 'Kerry 2004' sign-holders at a Manchester, N.H. corner who seemed incapable of believing that we hadn't been paid to do it, the man walked away literally shaking his head in disbelief.

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OT, but if all goes well I'm interviewing Roy on an audio livestream tonight at 8pm EST. Listen at http://radi0.ca . Call in at 216-306-0216.

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