I'm also fascinated with the way the Trump campaign and administration has led to an influx of grifters, faux-intellectuals, televangelists, sadists, abusers, addicts, and perverts coming out of the woodwork to get a piece of the action, whether it be through any number of channels in the pro-Trump media apparatus or in the government it…
I'm also fascinated with the way the Trump campaign and administration has led to an influx of grifters, faux-intellectuals, televangelists, sadists, abusers, addicts, and perverts coming out of the woodwork to get a piece of the action, whether it be through any number of channels in the pro-Trump media apparatus or in the government itself. How many Trump associates do we know to beat women? How many have committed sexual assault or worse? How many are in prison for one reason or another? This all peaked for me when Steve Bannon tried to buy that castle in Italy to set up some sort of alt-right academy. That was the moment the film "Salo" was recontextualized for me from the abstract to the literal. I did not anticipate that turn.
Years back Kim Newman wrote "Anno Dracula", in which ol' Vlad 'wasnʼt derailed in his attempt to take over the British Empire by an affair with the wife of a rural solicitor'. After marrying Victoria and taking charge, every Count No-count strega, vrudolak, and blutsafter we know from endless cheap flicks flocks to London….
(Newman wrote it c.1990; two years back, referencing Dracula's ascendancy, a character muses 'Everyone remembers where they were when they found out that the worst person in the world had become its most powerful.')
I'm also fascinated with the way the Trump campaign and administration has led to an influx of grifters, faux-intellectuals, televangelists, sadists, abusers, addicts, and perverts coming out of the woodwork to get a piece of the action, whether it be through any number of channels in the pro-Trump media apparatus or in the government itself. How many Trump associates do we know to beat women? How many have committed sexual assault or worse? How many are in prison for one reason or another? This all peaked for me when Steve Bannon tried to buy that castle in Italy to set up some sort of alt-right academy. That was the moment the film "Salo" was recontextualized for me from the abstract to the literal. I did not anticipate that turn.
I'll upvote the hell out of a Pasolini reference. Always.
That Bannon Italian job reminded me more of the Night of the Long Knives scene in The Damned.
I'll upvote Visconti !
Years back Kim Newman wrote "Anno Dracula", in which ol' Vlad 'wasnʼt derailed in his attempt to take over the British Empire by an affair with the wife of a rural solicitor'. After marrying Victoria and taking charge, every Count No-count strega, vrudolak, and blutsafter we know from endless cheap flicks flocks to London….
(Newman wrote it c.1990; two years back, referencing Dracula's ascendancy, a character muses 'Everyone remembers where they were when they found out that the worst person in the world had become its most powerful.')