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Jul 10, 2023
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A belief that having acquired a billion dollars is evidence of genius, or character, or reward from an impressed God, cannot possibly persist, right? RIGHT????

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Yes, having been - even if only temporarily - The Richest Man In The World must be an INCREDIBLE mind-fuck. So much that your mind can't ever be unfucked.

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Well, what else can he do? Improve his product in the hopes of attracting more customers? Ah, you liberals just don't understand how the real world works.

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Jul 10, 2023
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The example is staring him right in the damn face, every damn day. Do people buy your cars because you're some kind of edgelord with the memes? Or is it just that they decide that want an electric car, and you happen to make one of the better ones?

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Jul 10, 2023
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Somehow General Motors sold nearly 6 million vehicles last year despite the fact that THEIR CEO HAS NO DICK.

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Something Must Be Done!

Do they make a Trans Am?

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I’ve got to say, Roy, the notion of Clarence and Ginni going at it is so revolting, it’s almost enough to make me wish you’d bring back Jared and Ivanka’s sex dolls.

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ugh! it's like anti-porn.

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Truth. Like Clockwork Orange-level anti-porn.

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"Eyes Wide Shut" level...

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eyes glued shut.

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I'm for some reason seeing this ending in Clarence In A Pot, a la Ken Norton in "Mandingo".

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Even more effective than "dead kittens"

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Grossest REBID yet.

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Festus done gawt his haid expanded.

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Ruth better sleep with one eye open tonight. *braying seductively* lol

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The idea of Clarence Thomas over me getting ready to come almost restores my faith in the concept of eternal damnation.

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If they wanted to read this sketch to incarcerated sex offenders as a deterrent, it would be banned as cruel and unusual punishment.

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No, it's just a stiff sentence for those doing hard time.

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Bit turgid, though, don’t you think?

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“Banned as cruel and unusual punishment?” Not by this Court.

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Ironically, the thought of the Thomases having sex also happens to be the world's most effective abortifacient. Regulate THAT, Clarence!

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It's just the fetus saying, "I don't want to be born into a world where such things happen."

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GODDAMNIT ROY!!!! Now I have to spend the rest of the day trying to poke my mind's eye out! UGH!

I will admit I was surprised that there would be any time at all between the butler stuffing the cash bag into the hole and hearing the thump when it landed far below. I would have figured Clarence and Ginni to have the entire basement filled to the floor joists with cash by this point, so the butler would have needed a jackhammer to make this one last bag of gold coins fit.

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Ick, a thousand times ick. Thomas was exposed as a privileged asshole at his hearing and it’s amazing it’s taken until now to expose just how affirmative his actions with the oligarchy have been. Among the “gifts” Republicans have bestowed on America, the World’s Worst Black Man ranks near the top. As to his bugfuck crazy wife, her mindless conspiracy counter factuals are the perfect complement to a man who wouldn’t recognize his true place in history if the moving hand wrote it on his bathroom wall.

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"Mene mene don't look here the joke's in your hand"

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"Came to tekel but only upharsin"

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My immediate boss is actually a pretty good Lefty.

He's not as rabid about it as let's say, me. ( I describe myself as more, like, obsessive)

One day last month out of the blue he starts talking about Clarence' s close relationship with Harlan Crow and how the Supreme Court was evidently corrupt AF. He was angry about it. I found that pretty gratifying. Maybe we get lucky and more people notice this then we expect.

( I gotta be honest. I'm not convinced Harlan Crow is a real person. He sounds like a character in an Elmore Leonard novel. A guy with George Jones Hair & glasses that don't look right on his big round head with chunky cheeks. He wears a lot of polyester and drives an 82 Sedan DeVille, the last year they had a real Detroit V8 and not some piece of shit Canadian North Star engine. He makes his money getting little Puerto Rican boys to crawl up under cars with a Sawzall to cut out the catalytic converters. He pays the kids 25 bucks a piece. Once a week he drives them to junkyard down in Toledo where he gets $85 for them no questions asked. One time he tried pimping out a couple of sisters that lived in the apartment upstairs from him. That went okay until he went to smack them around a little bit like he heard he was supposed to do. They beat the shit out of him and took to turning tricks for themselves. Now he hides every time he sees them.)

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I can see it! Call Walter Goggins!

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Same. Of course, Walter Goggins!

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I have started to cast this movie in my mind. If he were younger, I'd say maybe John Goodman as Crow.

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Yes, the John Goodman of O Brother Where Art Thou.

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Hear me out: Danny McBride.

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Another excellent choice.

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The thing I find most fascinating about Harlan Crow is that he has the kind of money that he could buy any art in the world, but what he does is commission a skilled but dull illustrator to paint portraits of himself with his Conservative heroes, straight from photographs, and hangs those on his wall. Great piece by the great David Roth: https://defector.com/the-art-of-american-conservatism

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Yeah. Whenever I see the infamous photo/painting of Thomas with billionaire Harlan Crow, Mark Paoletta (Ginni's Jan. 6 lawyer), Peter Rutledge (former Thomas clerk, now Dean of U. Georgia School of Law), and of course, the evil, ubiquitous Leo Leo, I just know that these pasty white aristocrats are listening to Thomas pontificating, cigar in hand, about America being destroyed by liberal elites.

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Everybody else's thought bubbles are, "Somebody shut this n***** up so he can get back to bringing us Planter's Punches like we told him to."

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“We own one of ‘em, just like the good old days.”

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Although prices are higher these days, but that's just the workings of the free market.

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Spent 90% of the art budget on Hitler paintings.

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Of great historical interest, of course!

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Not many know about this particular Thomas Kinkade series...

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Morning Light on Kehlsteinhaus

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AI's greatestest accomplishment!

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Or perhaps a Carl Hiaasen character.

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I think Carl's busy creating fictional analogues to the DeSantis administration. Joseph Ladapo alone will require all of Carl's talent.

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" “Bitch! Puerto Rican bitch!” in a low voice, and scribbles furiously."

Has the ring of truth.

My buddy Jack, a fine carpenter, and artist, and gay guy, does woke around Tybee Island GA: one well heeled client, impressed by his work, invited Jack to a little gathering where "you can meet Clarence Thomas!"

"Why the hell would I want to meet that asshole?"

So he lost the client, and says "good riddance."

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That’s an inspired typo you’ve got going there. Two marks, as our friend says.

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Typo? I think not. Joe Biden's secret digital gestapo has forced all computers to change any four-letter word starting with W to "woke."

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I meant work, but will not fix:

"By his typos shall ye know him.'

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Totally understandable, it's how the mind virus works.

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It’s how the mind virus wokes. Joe Biden wants “work” to literally be “woke.”

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Let's get to woke!

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T-shirt idea for Biden/Harris 2024

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Thanks for covering for me RC – heartily endorsed.

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Just never, ever do the Roberts or the Alitos, that would be Zap Comix level gross ( think Cap’n Pissgums and Ruby the Dyke Pirate meet the Green Demon level gross).

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Day’um, now I’m contemplating and rumination about Thomas’ Johnson 😵‍💫.

Meanwhile, I’m sure we’re all at least aware of the Times’ recent “profile” of Amerikkka’s most beloved Black SCOTGOP justice. Meanwhile, the Times and the rest of the media are cool with this coverage because it’s safe to presume that nothing will be done about SCOTGOP’s corruptions.

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Gosh, y'mean the far Left liberal media? Huh! 🤔

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Pfft to that channeling of a conservative shibboleth.

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Speaking of the far left liberal media, he's an article from the Guardian about George Santos that describes him as "picaresque."


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"...a gigantic cinched sack with a dollar sign on it." LOL! It really IS that obvious!

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The sacks marked "bribe" were all used up.

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This is absolutely perfect, spot-on in its portrayal of the Thomases’ sordid depravity, and I think I’m going to be sick.

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New " Justified" !


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“sheer mesh backless chemise” -- god help me, I clicked through.

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Don't encourage it...

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Festus' pappy meant to name his son Fetus, but he cain't spell too good.

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"My work is reversing all those crazy laws giving special rights to all kinds of people, including no-‘count colored folk want a free ride to college."

I know this is fiction because he's not as humongous piece of shit as he is in real life, and he doesn't then trash his sister for being a welfare queen, as he did in a speech in 1980: "She gets mad when the mailman is late with her welfare check. That’s how dependent she is... What’s worse is that now her kids feel entitled to the check too. They have no motivation for doing better or getting out of that situation."

His sister, who worked two minimum-wage jobs while Clarence was in law school, was only on welfare for four years to take care of an elderly aunt who'd had a stroke. Then she went back to work as a hospital cook. Thomas only gets mad when his vacay money doesn't arrive from Harlan on time, or when Leo Leo delivers a bag of money without having Ginni's name removed first.


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It's always projection.

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Hey, he EARNS those bribes!

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(Now we know why he never said anything when the Court was in public session--Harlan Crow was stuffing his mouth with dollar bills.)

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Like some kinda DRAG QUEEN

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Not bribes according to the 9-0 SCOTUS opinion in McDonnell

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Christ, what an asshole. Of course Clarence, as the pride of the family, up-and-coming law school grad, wouldn't be expected to put his life on hold to care for a disabled relative. So the job goes to his sister, who gets shit on for her trouble.

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Wonder what would've happened if wealthy and connected brother offered his struggling sis a little help? Oh, right, she would only become dependent. Like Jesus warned.

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It's for this reason Black people have no love for Clarence. He put his own personal aggrandizement above his family. He's now owned by White people and is therefore not to be trusted.

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Besides, hands-on caring for others is women's work.

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Unpaid, of course, that makes it more noble.

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The reward comes in the afterlife, silly.

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How fortunate that our shockingly high death-in-childbirth rates help to rush the ladies along to their reward.

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Apparently the latest load of bullshit from the Peanut Gallery concerning student loans is that kids took out 'way expensive loans they could never pay back to go to exclusive Ivy League schools to get their Lesbian Dance Theory degrees. It's been fairly obvious for a while now that grade and high school are just training programs for employment (or deserve to be, according to conservatives), but evidently now higher education is to be work training as well that you're required to pay for.

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Biden's $10,000 loan forgiveness wouldn't mean a lot to someone carrying $100k in loans from an Ivy League school, but it would mean a lot to my students enrolled in Public Safety (i.e. cops and firefighters) welding and automotive programs. Yes, to get a job in those fields you're expected to have some college now. $10k would about cover your tuition.

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Moochers! Losers! Layabouts! Give 'em an inch, and they'll spend their weekends at some swank pseudo-rustic "lodge," with perfectly restored antique boats and a four star chef!

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Mmmmmm...antique boats...mmmmm

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Making a note, if Bern ever gets on the Federal judiciary, we know what form the bribes should take.

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Wooden boats or steel bicycles, your choice, me boyo.

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My son earned an AA from a community college to become a certified Honda mechanic. It was at his college that Obama gave the speech in which he said that college should be accessible to everyone — the speech that wingnuts joyfully misconstrued as "elitist."

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Congrats to your son, and wingnuts do so much misconstruing that I wonder if they've ever once construed.

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I personally miss construing a LOT.

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