All those red states with blue stater minorities... Apparently we can't dis those states because they're only run by far right majorities, that the states aren't completely, 100% deranged, delusional conservatives. What to do with these enemies of the state -- which is what conservatives are -- is a huge problem. Maybe just thoughts and …
All those red states with blue stater minorities... Apparently we can't dis those states because they're only run by far right majorities, that the states aren't completely, 100% deranged, delusional conservatives. What to do with these enemies of the state -- which is what conservatives are -- is a huge problem. Maybe just thoughts and prayers for the liberal, progressive minorities.
But since Roy references that "republic, not a democracy" thing, well, they're right. Check out the Constitution. Entrenches a minority-controlled state, avoids majority rule as much as possible. Meanwhile, state-enforced voter disenfranchisement has never been stronger. But the thing is that even by the definition of republic, we're no longer even that. A republic, by definition, is responsive to the will and need of the majority of people and that is not what the US has been for the last couple of decades. The ACA was an exception till the GOP started to work it over and the Dems chose not to fight back. Old Joe, being old, seems interested in actually doing something for the majority, but that's pretty much just prospective at this point. So no, not even a republic. Then again, since it's conservatives saying we're a republic so no greater proof is needed that we're not one; no other facts needed.
BF Skinner said something about if you want to know what a police state is like, live in a small village. I've seen plenty of towns and counties that were essentially fascist feifdoms, run by racist bastards with a collection of bullies and and guys in the Militias in their off hours..The sort of Justice one gets, should you run afoul with these gangsters, depended on your class, status and pocketbook.
Maybe there are some improvements, but steroids and tRumpism has not mellowed the Constabulary in my admittedly peculiar neck of the Woods.
I said: Failed state. Two exhibits: The response to the pandemic -- all the failures were deliberate choices -- and decades of ignoring the wishes and good of the majority of the nation's populace. re the latter, a republic is responsive to and serves the majority.
All those red states with blue stater minorities... Apparently we can't dis those states because they're only run by far right majorities, that the states aren't completely, 100% deranged, delusional conservatives. What to do with these enemies of the state -- which is what conservatives are -- is a huge problem. Maybe just thoughts and prayers for the liberal, progressive minorities.
But since Roy references that "republic, not a democracy" thing, well, they're right. Check out the Constitution. Entrenches a minority-controlled state, avoids majority rule as much as possible. Meanwhile, state-enforced voter disenfranchisement has never been stronger. But the thing is that even by the definition of republic, we're no longer even that. A republic, by definition, is responsive to the will and need of the majority of people and that is not what the US has been for the last couple of decades. The ACA was an exception till the GOP started to work it over and the Dems chose not to fight back. Old Joe, being old, seems interested in actually doing something for the majority, but that's pretty much just prospective at this point. So no, not even a republic. Then again, since it's conservatives saying we're a republic so no greater proof is needed that we're not one; no other facts needed.
If we're not a democracy or a republic, then what are we?
“A cult with an army (or 3)”is an answer, to this and other questions..
The USA has been low-grade fascist since at least 80s and maybe longer. Maybe just a corporation with an army and an anthem
BF Skinner said something about if you want to know what a police state is like, live in a small village. I've seen plenty of towns and counties that were essentially fascist feifdoms, run by racist bastards with a collection of bullies and and guys in the Militias in their off hours..The sort of Justice one gets, should you run afoul with these gangsters, depended on your class, status and pocketbook.
Maybe there are some improvements, but steroids and tRumpism has not mellowed the Constabulary in my admittedly peculiar neck of the Woods.
Not arguing.
I said: Failed state. Two exhibits: The response to the pandemic -- all the failures were deliberate choices -- and decades of ignoring the wishes and good of the majority of the nation's populace. re the latter, a republic is responsive to and serves the majority.