Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I long for the day when they get to establish their utopia of Galt's Gulch. I will buy 100 acres in that dystopia! But not to live there. Nope. Because the Conservative Paradise will do away with those pesky regulations, I will turn my 100 acres into a giant compost heap, collecting rotting produce from around the country and piling it out in the open. After all, my freedom to make money by heaping rotting garbage on my property absolutely trumps your right to not have a 100-acre heap of rotting garbage next door. Smell the freedom, baby!

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This is what passes for a grievance in the MAGAt Idiocracy: if 70% of the people in a given state live in and around cities and vote for one party, and the other 30% live in rural areas and vote for another party, the 70% are going to win, not because of tyranny, but because ….. the *majority of the people* who live in the state voted to elect that party.

These fascists are like one week away from proposing that anyone who can’t hit their neighbor’s property when they throw a rock should be entitled to have their vote counted twice, LOL.

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Ahhh, succession -- about 10 years ago northeastern Colorado wanted to secede because the legislature banned fracking. The largest city there is Greeley, and then there's nothing more than tiny farming towns to the Kansas border. I don't reven remember what they were going to call it. The United Assembly of Shitburgs, Honktopia, Mayo Island and Grievance Gardens? Who knows? Wheee!

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

From someone who has lived in both urban and rural communities (including Siskiyou County), the common opinion among rural residents is that the hardships that befall them are the result of their determination to conquer nature red in tooth and claw but the problems of city dwellers are all their own fault.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

All those red states with blue stater minorities... Apparently we can't dis those states because they're only run by far right majorities, that the states aren't completely, 100% deranged, delusional conservatives. What to do with these enemies of the state -- which is what conservatives are -- is a huge problem. Maybe just thoughts and prayers for the liberal, progressive minorities.

But since Roy references that "republic, not a democracy" thing, well, they're right. Check out the Constitution. Entrenches a minority-controlled state, avoids majority rule as much as possible. Meanwhile, state-enforced voter disenfranchisement has never been stronger. But the thing is that even by the definition of republic, we're no longer even that. A republic, by definition, is responsive to the will and need of the majority of people and that is not what the US has been for the last couple of decades. The ACA was an exception till the GOP started to work it over and the Dems chose not to fight back. Old Joe, being old, seems interested in actually doing something for the majority, but that's pretty much just prospective at this point. So no, not even a republic. Then again, since it's conservatives saying we're a republic so no greater proof is needed that we're not one; no other facts needed.

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Good lord, you can *sprout* buboes?? Do they come on little stalks?

What these kind-of malcontents need is good old-fashioned centralized authority, like in the UK. Gov't decides to redraw internal boundaries that go back, in some cases, to frigging William the Conqueror and beyond, for administrative convenience? Boom, redrawn. Fiat. Done. Suck it up, commoners. Oh, go ahead and mutter and whine and form "Historic County" societies, and issue charming government-funded maps showing the old lines if you want, but it's done. Whitehall has spoken.

That's the sort of thing the great middle range of Trumpism dabblers desire in their souls anyway.

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My stupid security software decided this post was a phishing attack."Don't click any of the links!"

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I’m trying to remember my high school biology to interpret that shitty flag. Two X chromosomes... is it undergoing meiosis?

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Here in the Southern Mountains, where folks have forgotten the place was generally (in the words of a Confederate officer)”a hotbed of Unionism and active opposition to the Confederacy”, I’ve heard folks yelling “we need another Civil War”(mostly over Civil Rights: first for people of color, amd now the LBGBT demographic..)

When I ask the folks with these sentiments, generally old or on SSI Disability, what that would do tho their monthly check, i get unfriended amd the occasional death threat.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Stick to your County Commissions and local school boards. Then wonder why nobody wants to live there.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

People here in Oregon who take showers and practice personal hygiene point at those dumb fuck 'greater state of Idon'tknow' secessionists and laugh.

The pity is that the democrats are once again stepping on their own dicks. Joe Manchin can bite me and Krysten Sinema? I don't even know what's up with that one. Anyways, no voting rights bill will be a catastrophe for the country. Fucking senate, what a useless organization.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Brexit was one of those shiny things the shit-stirrers waved at the rubes. Then, like Trumpism, it took on a life of it's own and got out of control. A secession movement could catch fire pretty quickly, given the current insanity in the body politic.

On a more positive note, why do so many good rock&roll bands come out of the Pacific Northwest? Perhaps the practitioners are channeling the crazy in a constructive way.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

These secessionist don't take separatism far enough. Here's my plan to take balkanization of the US to the big time.

Take the ratio of the population of our most to our least populous states, CA:WY, and you get roughly 40:1. Conservatives assert that the US is a republic and not a democracy, so the fact that CA and WY both get two senators, and an equal vote on amendments is absolutely fair and just.

Great, take them at their word, republic and not a democracy. So let's admit the district, not as one state, but as however many states we can divide it into that have the same completely fair and just population ratio to WY, that WY has to CA, which would be a bit over 1:40.

It goes without saying that I do not propose leaving it at that, 40+ little Columbias as permanent states of our republic. The idea would be to get these statelets to vote in amendments getting rid of the states.

If for some reason you think we should still have a Senate, fine, but let these senators be elected from districts of equal population. I would be happy calling the district that would encompass that whole corner of our blursed republic (present-day Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas) Greater Idaho.

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Fucking wypipo need even more power? The Seasteading Institute wasn't looney enough for them? Greater Idaho? The Founders fucked up royally forming their "republic not a democracy." Why are there two Dakotas? Combined, the population doesn't even equal Phoenix, Arizona, yet they have 4 Senators and 6 Electoral College votes. As it is, California has as many people as the 22 lowest population states combined, but those states have 44 Senators and twice as many E.C. votes. If California's population were apportioned the same as Wyoming the state would have 200 E.C. votes instead of 55. (See Glen Tomkins' comment).

I'm all in favor of wingnut states seceding, as long as they don't get to take all that sweet gub'mint money that donor states like New York and California subsidize.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Why has Allan West joined the Texas secessionists? Does he think he'll get nicer quarters than the other slaves?

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I've thought for a whi!e now that Republicans are in their Ghost Dancer phase, and elimination of majority rule makes perfect sense to them. if anything can shake the apathy out of the third of the electorate that doesn't bother to vote, maybe the threat of taking the option away might do it.

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