My entire life I’ve had to suffer incompetent, malevolent conservatism at the state level, and to varying degrees at the national level. But when these whiny shitbirds lose a tiny bit of their privilege, they’re nailing themselves up on a cross faster than you can bleat “secession!”
My entire life I’ve had to suffer incompetent, malevolent conservatism at the state level, and to varying degrees at the national level. But when these whiny shitbirds lose a tiny bit of their privilege, they’re nailing themselves up on a cross faster than you can bleat “secession!”
My entire life I’ve had to suffer incompetent, malevolent conservatism at the state level, and to varying degrees at the national level. But when these whiny shitbirds lose a tiny bit of their privilege, they’re nailing themselves up on a cross faster than you can bleat “secession!”