Feb 26, 2020Liked by Roy Edroso

With you on the zoning out, it's all over for Bernie now save for the winning in November. He can beat Trump, I just worry that he can't beat Trump + the establishment + deep state + oligarchs + corporate media + electronic voting machines + voter suppression + health insurance industry browbeating employees into line. But in Bernie's favor, there are a lot more poors than all of the above combined!

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Feb 26, 2020Liked by Roy Edroso

A jaw-dropping moment for me last night was when I realized Bloomberg believes he’s been performing *well* in these debates. Somewhere along his long, moneyed road he’s just bought his own reality to live in and people to tell him he's right. Remind us of anyone else?

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Feb 26, 2020Liked by Roy Edroso

Couldn't agree more. These so called debates are a staged forum for framing the candidates. Turn the lens around to see how dumb the framers believe the audience is. Is this a presidential debate or is it Miss America? Post debate Jim Carville actually made some excellent observations about how the candidates fell short, failing to take charge and redirect the BS questions favorably. Where are the drones when you need them?

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Feb 26, 2020Liked by Roy Edroso

I can't imagine anyone I know except my parents voting for Bloomberg in the primary, and my parents are the kind of people who call themselves "independent" as they vote for every single Republican in reach since 1964. So I don't see Bloomberg winning the nomination -- unless direct mail across Los Angeles is a Path to the White House. Last night I finally picked up the stack of mail I've been accumulating for 7-10 days, and there were five -- FIVE (5) -- pieces of junk from Bloomberg. So now I hold him in the same esteem as the cable company. Maybe contempt is the word. I don't think he's got a campaign. I think this is a case of a little guy somewhere who runs a direct-mail agency blatantly scamming a hilariously rich dude.

(For comparison, I have sent money to Bernie, Warren, Amy, and Pete, and the total mail I've gotten from them is: zero. Because, I like to think, they know what the hell they are doing.)

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