"[I]sn't she married to --the fellow from the Subway ads?" Snerk.

At least that Jared paid for his crimes.

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Not enough, but point taken.

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I had to click on the link and now I want that tunic, damn you!

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I knew the jackets, have never seen Pee Wee's Big Ad. though, so had to look-up that character,

and do not want.

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Watching Jared Kushner play a lead role in the government’s COVID-19 response may be what finally breaks me. Who the fuck does that sentient cup of plain yogurt think federal stockpiles are *for*? There isn’t a state called Federalania.

The best description of Kushner I ever saw was on twitter when someone said in every picture taken of him, he looks like the ghost of a 10 year old Victorian boy who is only visible in photographs, and a week after you see him you die.

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I know, but I'm still barely restraining myself from propositioning Sunday Style over that description. That was amazing.

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It all makes perfect sense as soon as you realize they view the federal government as a monarchy that rules over the various 50 vassal states and doles out its “own” resources to the most loyal fiefdoms while punishing dissenters with a corresponding lack of aid.

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The whole "our stockpile" thing freaked me out on some level. They really do think they are the only real people.

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Well, certainly it seems some people (Republicans) are more equal than others (everyone else) but in this case I think it more that they view the stockpile as the “king’s personal treasury,” for use by him and his court and to be gifted from as the king sees fit.

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I said the ghost of Peter Quint that only the governess can see in Turn of the Screw, which shows I have less imagination but definitely seeing the same thing.

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All of these descriptions make me think we need a hashtag and to see what the intertubes makes of extremely dark humors and Jared.

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Let the market decide!

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Do you mean 'The Innocents"?

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Didn’t see this coming. I thought for sure it would be Peter Thiel.

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Musk has out-musked himself.

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I'd love to read your take on Trump's take on the whole 'uninterested in sex with women' potential roadblock in Thiel's case. I imagine it would be something on the order of 'well, who really likes them anyway, but try it, maybe Ivanka can show you something'…and then telling Thiel to imagine that he's Trump—Ivanka might like that, huh?, or, aternately, Ivanka does that to tolerate Jared…at which point Thiel suggests that he imagine that Ivanka's Trump, at which the President takes umbrage.

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The laughs are getting grimmer.

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“You know, like Hitler. Had to kill himself, nobody else could do it. Also, tell ya the truth, I got so much of that ‘medicine’ in my bloodstream it probably kills the thing on contact, like Raid.” I can’t even. Genius, Roy.

(Seen elsewhere: “You gotta say this for der Führer: he’s the guy who finally killed Hitler.” “Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler. How fucked is that?”)

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I don't find much to laugh about these days but this one tickled the old funny bone. Thanks!

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If this whole bleak episode (of America, not of the list) ends in Elon finally being universally acknowledged as a clown no one will be able to say no good came of it.

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Criswell predicts Invanka vs. Melania, Godzilla-sequel style.

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He might not be following your script exactly, Roy but Captain Chaos seems to be setting Jared up for something. And has there ever been a more likely patsy?

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