Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Tubby couldn't even let Election Day be about something other than himself. That announcement that he's gonna make an aannouncement was lame even for him.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Here's as sunny as I'm going to get because Congress:

A huge unqualified win was that apparent all the promoters of instituting election rigging lost; all the secretary of states and WI and PA gubernatorial candidates.

MI went all blue on the state and legislative levels. (Full disclosure: I find Whitmer at least as hot as Gabbard but neither insane nor a Putin puppet.)

And no matter how it plays out, there will always be the lulz of that Times story pushing imminent Democrat disaster based on a complete, deliberate misreading of four polls. Distant sources of joy: Every headline characterizing Trump as the election's biggest loser. Not sure I quite agree with the idea, but I love the headlines anyway.

As for DeathSantis2024, I'm for it if it would result in at least one debate between him and Trump. Can't imagine them but I just know that they'd be hugely entertaining.

The only negativity I have to spread is being peeved by Roy's disrespect for my beloved AOC, but I might be seeing something that isn't there.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

DeSantis will not play well nationwide without the stellar Republican machine in Florida behind him. He’s wooden, not terribly bright, and seems to have one or two rather creepy skeletons in his closet. Plus Trump will go after him like a pit bull. But hell yeah, insert the “let them fight” GIF here.

And yeah, outside of very red areas, the problem Republicans had on Tuesday was their messaging itself: “OK, Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class White America, yes, yes, we know gas is $5 a gallon and milk is $4.50 a gallon, and we’ll try to do something about that (although we won’t say what). But keep your eyes on the really important issues. To save the country, the white race, and the nuclear family we need to make sure your daughter can’t terminate a pregnancy she doesn’t want, even if she was raped or her life was in danger. Also, you know that one trans kid a couple of towns over who is playing high school soccer? We need to destroy that kid.” Did the majority of white voters still go Republican? Yep, sadly true. But not enough of them, because it’s increasingly apparent the GOP sucks.

Thankfully, conservatives are zealots so their movement can never fail, it can only BE failed. So Mister I’ve-Got-A-Chia-Plant-Growing-On-The-Bottom-Half-Of-My-Face himself, Matt Walsh, goes on twitter to say people need to be educated, dammit, on why impregnating 16 year old white girls should be legal and all trans people should be…I don’t even know what they’re proposing, made to wear a gold star, deported, killed? Probably one of those. Keep alienating the normies, Matt, it’s working out great.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I didn't see the period so I read it straight

through as " jerked off to Zendaya Bridge and tunnel bitches." I had no idea what

"Zendaya Bridge and tunnel bitches." were but, man- did I ever like the way that sounds!

I'm a suburban white guy( over 6o!) And I can attest - Sentient dogshit is an apt description. ( Not of me. I'm OK. My neighbors though...)

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

You can only think of one constituency that can't get enough of the Trump/Desantis bullshit? The more avid and important constituency is the media. The press is just *THIS FAR* from having multiple orgasms thinking about a Trump-Desantis throwdown.

It would be sooooooooo GREAT for ratings! And It would completely crowd out Sleepy Joe Biden/Brandon over the next two years--you'd not hear about him unless he died! And reporters wouldn't have to think about anything at all besides how to ingratiate themselves with the Trump camp or the Desantis camp--no thinking about policy, actual conditions in the country, nope: Nothing but horse-race, horse-race, HORSERACE for the next 18 months! And now that Musk has rescued Twitter from the woke people, the INSTANT Trump's account is reactivated, reporters won't even have to write anything--just reprint Trump's tweets!!! And just think about the endless endless Cletus Safaris to diners and dives in the heartland to find out what REAL Americans think!

America's media is going to end up hospitalized from masturbating continuously to this stuff.

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I only came here this morning to report on the hardcore kook / swivel-eyed loon clickbait pop-up I got a few times just preceding November 8: 'Would you vote for T____ a third time?' THIRD time? Y'all are so cute sometimes. It's precious, really.

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I'm old. I had to go and look up zendaya.

election results showed that not as many idiots are out there as projections forecast. (squeaky wheels getting too much grease). but still a depressing number. it will baffle me unto my grave how people look at the typical republican candidate, and think that's their guy! I reckon the answer is that they don't actually take a look, they just go under with the foul current.

this does give me increased hope for big gains in 2024.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"The apparent failure of straight-up white nationalist appeals to move the needle. The tendency of normal voters to hug the middle of the road can be very frustrating for liberals, but say this for Mr. and Mrs. America, they don’t seem to cotton to conservative weirdos talking like cartoon villains about the future of the white race, either."

Sadly, real racist appeals seem to have worked in Georgia and NC:actual online ads funded by Jewish Nazi's Stephen Miller's group said explicitly the Dems were supporting "anti White racism": ads darkening the skin of Warnock, Abrams, NC Justice Cheryl Beasley, and a raft of dog whistling lying ads.

76% GA White men voted for Walker: 72% White Women. These are the folks who hate the Black politicians as a power structure, and think it cool to put a broken brained ex Bulldog in as a compliant boy who will do as told.

The 8% of Black voters who did, the Killer Mikes and Uncle Ruckuses, are defiantly perverse. (It was 12% men, 6% women, some of whom are looking for Child Support.)

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

For the first time in several years, Minnesota went all blue on Tuesday, which for some reason has largely been ignored in the national press. All four constitutional statewide offices, the gov and lege are now in control of all 10,000+ lakes. The closest race was for the AG’s spot, where Keith Ellison, the former congressman who was the first Muslim to hold a congressional seat and who is African-American, held on by a margin just great enough to avoid a mandatory recount. He was attacked with barely-disguised racist ads showing Black carjackers and saying Ellison “endorsed” them. Okay, not even barely disguised.

The saavy local media types in MN predicted Ellison would lose, never acknowledging that maybe the racist vitriol might have dented the polls. But once again, the Twin Cities rescued the state and blocked the mouthbreathers from taking over. The capture of the lege was completely unforeseen, and I haven’t read or heard any analysis of why this happened. The metro area couldn’t have been responsible for this. Maybe the GOP candidates for the MM Senate were too wacko even for the outstate semi-normies.

Anyway, I feel good about things here. Especially after some comments on blogs elsewhere had casually written off MN as inevitably going red.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"But to be honest, most conservatives aren’t really suffering over this."

Wise words. They're perfectly suited for the role of opposition party, lots of poo-flinging, nobody expects you to do anything. But at the same time, boy do they hate losing (who doesn't?). So, you know, they're conflicted. Maybe that's what they love about Trump, he gives them the opportunity to be permanently on the outs, because he doesn't win.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

TheSkillPredator has really mastered the Pretentious Online Voice some people use on Twitter to make their pronouncements sound deep and important.

Conclude with single sentences.

It shows how insightful you are.

Think about that.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Our Fair State passed Medicaid expansion via initiative, and simultaneously re-elected Rodeo Barbie who fought tooth and nail against it — and also against repealing the food tax *until* the campaign started and it was popular, whereupon she did a 180° and the Republican zombies pretended not to notice or didn’t care.

So they’ll slow-walk the Medicaid expansion the same way they’ve done nothing to implement medical cannabis, which the voters approved two years ago. Great system we’ve got here!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I'm in Iowa and it's getting uglier by the day. We are sending 89 yr old saggy sack of petrified shit Chuck Grassley back to the Senate, of course. Iowa will no longer have any Democratic representation at the Federal level. Rep Cindy Axne was obviously going to be defeated by a 43 yr old combat veteran who is so dedicated to his anti-abortion beliefs he would allow no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother. Iowans threw out Democrat Tom Miller, the very nice and very friendly AG we've had for 38 years in favor of a 46yr old moon-faced lunatic who worked for Steve King. Her claim to fame seems to be using her last name, Bird, in a junior high school level commercial giving Biden "the bird". I cringed so hard I nearly fell down. I'm sure the President is in the Oval Office, head in hands, moaning "dear Lord, not Brenna Bird." Iowans reelected hag CovidKim Reynolds, of course. She nearly lapped the very nice black woman who ran against her. Iowans also amended the Constitution to protect guns!

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Shame on Jim Acosta -- "Trump is LIVID!" is such a clickbait spam mail tag.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Another terrific column. And as far as I'm concerned, AOC can't say enough bad things about the awfulness of NY State's Dem party apparatus. The re-districting fiasco played right into the hands of GOP judges and was a royal fuck-up. Just ask Carolyn Maloney and Jerry Nadler, who had to compete against each other thanks to the legislature's ineptitude. (Not particularly sorry to see Sean Patrick Maloney get the boot upstate, since he had a tendency to endorse Republicans over Democrats, but he faced an onslaught of negative ads funded by millions from national GOP PACs so we can't totally blame Dems for this one.)

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More Tubby sketches!

More Tubby sketches!

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