Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Considering these folks are the collective Voice of the Unheard, how come they’re all so incredibly fucking LOUD? Absolutely nobody brays invective at a higher decibel than a MAGAt.

Also, “Agreed to a phone interview with the stipulation that he would masturbate throughout” is so outstanding it should be put in the Smithsonian.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

So depressing that the Times still can't quit their addiction to this bullshit -- the fantasy relatively impoverished Trump voter -- even now. For another thing, the demographic focused on may not be all that accurate.

The worst is that the people the Times is spotlighting have a legitimate beef. The problem, as the condescending yet correct POV goes is that they're poorly informed. Blaming that ignorance on conservatives media overlooks the establishment media's failure to inform either. For example, the Times has never reported (or if they have, tucked away; an exercise in exception to the rule) a shit ton of what these people are upset over is that we have an extractive, hollowing out, parasitic, exploitative economy. Maybe if they had a clue, they wouldn't be so fast to keep electing Republicans. Likewise, the GOP can nearly never do anything worth significant criticism from the mainstream. Now that it's much too late, they crank up the criticism of Donnie without noting that the difference between Donnie and his party is insignificant for the most part.

As for the racism of these fine people, well, racism is our heritage, what America was and remains built on in, uh, huge part.

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Skeezix or Skeezicks? Gotta be the latter if he’s an Uncle Wiggly fan. 😀

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Watched The Circus this weekend. The crew's most-far-Right reliable Republican reporter went to Trump's wall event down in Texas. It was, as you might expect, awash in MAGAs.

At one point, he asked a woman about the insurrection. Two other women leaped forward to proclaim that they were there! They were at the whole event! These women, swathed head to toe in Trump 2020 and MAGA swag, both swore that the whole thing was actually Antifa and BLM. "Yeah!" chimed in a third woman, "It was all those Antifa people and the BLM."

Though he was wearing a mask, you could see the reporter's jaw drop. He stood there completely aghast at what he'd just heard these women say, unable to grok exactly how it was that they could actually say and apparently believe these things.

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Yeah, I want unity and healing with motherfuckers who even now continue to accuse me and the others on my side - WITHOUT SO MUCH AS A SHRED OF ACTUAL EVIDENCE - of cheating them. This when they've been laughed out of court again and again by their own judges.

So I'm seeing two possibilities here. (A) they're nuts, and who wants to unite with a bunch of lunatics? Or (B) they're arguing entirely in bad faith so fuck them and their phony pleas for unity and healing.

Either way unity ain't happening until there's an acknowledgement of objective reality.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Well, at least Mr. J’s interview had a happy ending. I’m waiting for a real report on the real feelings of real Americans in the real heart of real America: the South Side of Milwaukee. Standing in line for hours in a rain of coronavirus and racist taunts to vote out the most fascist president since (choose one: Wilson, Reagan, Bush II), then be ignored by the media in favor of some West Virginian who thinks George Soros has a secret robot factory with enslaved White children microchipped by Bill Gates’ mRNA vaccine turning out androids who will take over local governments and kill all Christians.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

The paragraph beginning with “a political science professor” should be bronzed and hung inside the lobby of The NY Times. Aces.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Well, that's certainly a caution. Can't we all just get along? But seriously I am amazed by how quickly folks want to avoid simple questions about lying. I think of Mark Twain's sophisticated understanding of lies and still I can't account for the open ways people pick and choose what they want to believe even when there's no proof, evidence, or a good reason. A bad reason or just because apparently will do. Someone clever should take up the subject and make me laugh.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

A comment to the original Times article: "When will you be writing about and interviewing all of us that are happy that Biden won? Just checking!"

Good question. Has anyone ever read such a piece? Do conservative publications endlessly send reporters on Dierdre safaris?

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So what happens come Thursday? And thereafter? If, as we've said and seen, Trump gave the MAGAts permission and encouragement to be loathsome in public, what happens when he's no longer center stage? They're not going to flock to Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley, no matter how repellent they are. Does Qanon fade away? Does the GOP base erode until the edifice collapses? Even if Trump stays out of jail, he'll never get the coverage he's just had for 4 years. Yeah, yeah, they call me a cockeyed optimist (immature and incurably green), but I could be right.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

As a friend and professional associate of Booger Dump, I feel compelled to say the following: Booger Dump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

To the best of my knowledge there’s no actual Flatnut, South Dakota. However, we have an Athol. In fact, we’ve got lots of Athols.

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

That black people were the children of Ham and thus rejected by God was mainstream evangelical teaching when I was growing up back in the 60's. Yeah... that shit.

53 percent of Germans don't trust Americans.


I'm astounded that any of them trust Americans. I don't trust your average American as far as I can throw him, and given the obesity epidemic in this country, that ain't far! And I live in this shithole country.

A third of the people in this country are outright fascists and another third of the country can't tell you what a fascist is and wouldn't care anyway. The remaining third is left wondering WTF!!!

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

I commend you Mr. Edroso, satire is a tough row to hoe when reality has achieved escape velocity. I suspect we're seeing the end of the Cletus Safari, since it's only purpose was to give Media a frame to wrap their heads around the reality of Trump. Once he's gone, that imperative goes with him.

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Uh, I heard an episode of "The Daily" that may have directly inspired this, and though I hated the feel-goodism of ending it with a best-case interviewee and didn't try to estimate the fractions of the Trump supporters represented by their contacts, I found a couple of the segments heartening in a way I'd hoped to do.

One was a 'well they fixed the election but we shouldn‘t sack the Capitol' guy, which can at least be lived-with, and another content with 'they won, we lost, I was sorry we lost but that‘s how elections work'.

(Another restored my excessive faith in our own side's impression, that being of the incredibly snowflake-y Trumpist whose plaint was entirely 'they called us bad names for so many years so what else _could_ we do?'—now there's someone who couldn't survive being anything except a stereotype-made-flesh white, Christian, man.)

I think some of these people will be wise-up, and others at least not be active threats, and I'd much rather have to worry about (say) forty-five million people than seventy-four million. I'll take what I can get.

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Way to go, Kitty Bennett.

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