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Because you, like me, and probably like most of the gang here, cannot fundamentally accept the fact that 70 million people voted for a man who is a lying, dysfunctional fraud, but who is OBVIOUSLY a lying, dysfunctional fraud. It's why (to me, at least) all cults are interesting. They're so OBVIOUSLY insane, how can seemingly normal people believe and follow them? That "obviously" suggest to me that I'm defending my most fundamental notion of what it means to be a sane, decent human being.

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Yes, cults are interesting, aren't they? But with a cult I get the impression the members actually mean it. That's what's so maddening about these fucking people, maybe they're just putting us all on? Do they actually believe anything? (a question I have asked a thousand times before and am no closer to answering)

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Yeah, cults are True Believer-dependent. MAGA folx go home at the end of the day to their bibles and guns and video games like nuthin's different.

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No matter what happens in the usa, nothing fundamentally changes for angry dentists with boats. They can act out all they want and no matter what chaos results all their ducks are still in a row.

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"angry dentists with boats" is perfect.

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This gets at the Great Question of our time, What The Hell Do These People Want? Or more succinctly, Why? Trump clearly fills a need in These People, but it's important to remember that These People, the Loud'nProud, are not a big percentage (27 feels about right) but out of 300+ mill that's still a big number. That need is at the core of the answer to the Great Question, one that I am not qualified to answer. But I can design the parameters for anyone willing to engage in some Deep Thought.

Trump is comfort, power, strength, triumph, cocksure arrogance and a lover of Vogon poetry like the classic The Snake. All of that fills a need.

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I wonder if you took some average Republican-voting car dealer and made him sit through the whole 2-hour performance that is Trump at a Trump rally, the reading of The Snake, the extended comedy bit about being on an electric boat, choosing between electrocution and being eaten by a shark, all of it, and then ask: "You think he should have access to the nuclear codes?"

But it's never gonna happen. The loons who eat this shit up and ask for more are a minority, much more common is the deliberate not-knowing, especially among those who voted for him in 2020 and refuse to see how much crazier he's gotten since then.

The loons draw all our attention, but if Trump is elected, it will mostly be due to "Oh, is it time for another election already? Better go fill in the little circle next to the R!"

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Humph! Death's too good for them!

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