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Jun 12
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It’s weird how Roberts has been openly conspiring to decimate voting rights his entire career, and yet he’s the reasonable one. I guess when institutionalists are desperately searching for normalcy it’s any port in a storm.

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A chunk of Republicans are still old school like Roberts. They focus on getting the job done, not owning the libs. They tolerate MAGA because they need the eggs, err, votes, but still clutch that fig leaf because they know owning the libs is not sufficient for taking over the federal government, and while MAGA wants to dismantle the federal government they want to keep it around just in case they need it for something, like a war or depression.

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2 marks for the eggs.

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He doesn't have to make the case. He makes the law.

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"I make the law and the law lost."

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They're a doubles act, Roberts and Alito. Good crap bad crap.

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Brilliant! I was laughing out loud as I read. So fucking funny!

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Sammy deserves everything he gets for that outfit.

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The AC/DC bit was inspired!

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Sammy's neighbors are...alright.

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So... intemperate. And I love it!

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I spent the evening reading the "Special Report on Foreign Interference in Canada’s Democratic Processes and Institutions" just released by a thing called The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians...which, I dunno. Anyway, to save y'all the effort, here's my one-sentence take:

The foreign interference to destabilize Canadian elections would never happen here, ‘cause alla them furriners know we are perfectly capable of doing it ourselves.

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Adding here that I just talked to my Canadian about this. He informed me this is old news. I s'pose that partially absolves Canada, somehow...

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Thanks for this brilliance - I'll be giggling about it all the way home.

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Amused: this piece.

Not amused: That Sammy Stealito's* work at his day job--that is, his serial slamming of the butts of the Constitution and related jurisprudence (w/apologies for channeling Dr. Tingle)--gets many magnitudes less coverage than his personal beliefs (fully manifested in the stuff the media ignores) or MArtha-Ann's mmm... quirks. (As if her behavior many millenia ago at her Sammy's Senate confirmation hearing wasn't a good clue.) (*As always, h/t to America's Most Beloved Con Law Professor, Leah Litman.)

While rightly shitting on our exceptional media, I'll bite: how is reporting on the slam dunk yet fully partisan conviction of Hunter Biden competent or honest when the issue of appealing is completely ignored? Even if the conviction holds up (likely) the odds of any punishment beyond a wrist slap holding up is... pretty unlikely.

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You say “slamming of the butts” like it’s a bad thing…

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[inching away from the thread]

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U smart

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I hate when mommy and daddy fight.

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It's all your fault, you must have done something wrong. Maybe if you did better in school.

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There's an oof in there somewhere...

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Nah, just meant to rip off Dr. Tingle's style.

But, yes, yet again you've corrected me. The correct expression would be more like "sodomizing and raping the Constitution and related jurisprudence (presumably) without consent". Of course, put like that, I'm not so sure about the consent issue.

I guess I should just leave it at a near fatal vicious assault?

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Well, I guess you could just be funny, but that’s just me… I will never not find it funny, for instance, the way you respond when tweaked. Like here, reminding me of the violent fantasy that underlies homophobic expressions, for example, is wildly funny — like I’d forget that str8 men have such propensities. Written so proudly too. Amazingly funny. Who says there’s not a str8 pride month?

Any given queer person could offer, without hesitation, 25 quite droll double entendre or euphemisms for the act.

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You’re reading stuff that is completely not there beyond inadvertently, clumsily, etc., saying something that offended and hurt you. But I’ve always been sloppy at that: saying stuff that can be taken ~100 degrees from a personal POV. In this case I’m at the least completely live and let live/UBU about all things LGBTQ+-wise.

But inadvertently fucking and being offensive and repulsive is just the personal brand…

Worse: it sounds like you’ve been feeling the way I have been off and on the last couple of weeks. Maybe I’m wrong or just projecting. But hope I’m wrong.

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Literally do not give a shit about this response, which checks all the boxes of what one doesn’t need to say.

Happy Pride! Off to slam butts!

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Do tell us about Martha-Ann's behavior at Sammy's confirmation hearing —

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She ran out crying when her Sammy was questioned about Roe as per the mandatory kayfabe of SCOTUS nominee hearings.

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Woulda been more fun if'n she'd throwed a chair...

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She's so beyond letting Demoncrat bullies provoke her to [staged] tears, though it served its purpose in 2006. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna10824017

It's not as if Sammy and the other psychos haven't been getting their payback ever since, and Martha-Ann's pivoting to 2025: All VERGOGNA! All The Time.

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Vergogna with Gorganzola and Parma ham shavings is one fine anti-American antipasto. Serve cold.

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Just don't get it near the pasto!

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"What the hell happened?! That Italian restaurant exploded and took out the whole black!"

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Is this "antipasto" anything like antifa? Inquiring minds etc...

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The way I make it it is!

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“Antipasto” should always be read in yer Boris Karloff voice.

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"What's the final step?"

"Uugggh. Mash good!"

"Oh, Igor, you impetuous young boy"

"Mash good!"

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Hearted for the random.

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It's all word-association over here.

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The tomatoes make that unacceptable to me, as a start, but sherry? WTF? having read that, I'm not sure I trust Karloff as a chef. Vincent Price, on the other hand: hell yes. That guy knew his way around a kitchen.

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I was working in the lab late one night....

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I was workin' in th' lab one night

Attempting to do something right

With a boxa avocados

Ina trunka the El Dorado

When I had an idea kinda bright

Dug out all the avocado meat

Tossed in lemon, salt and salsa, sweet

I swear I had no grudge

But I mashed it all to sludge

And proceeded to dig in and eat

I had Karloff over just to try it

He said that he was on a diet

Asked me for the recipe

Which he stole away from me

And there ain't no way he can deny it

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Boris Karloff was never called an asshole

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She tells the interviewer she's German, but then chooses the Italian word for "shame" for the imaginary flag she dreams of flying. I carefully weigh these two pieces of evidence and conclude she's fucking' Loonie Tunes.

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Well, that's what happens when you embrace the Dark Side. When your only goal is POWER to enforce the Change You Want To See In The World, anything that stands between you and POWER, like Reality, is merely an obstacle to overcome, or destroy. They all literally have no choice but to commit to the bit.

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Two there are. Always two. No more. No less.

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Martha-Ann rants and threatens (Ginni waves back!)

Wasn't M-A suggesting she comes from, uh, good stock? And she married into Italo-fascism. Too bad their personal neo-Axis has a little reach beyond being the neighborhood loonies.

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Being of somewhat-Irish ancestry myself, I've heard this said of the Irish, that they can carry a grudge FOREVER. Oh, we'll get you back, if it takes A THOUSAND YEARS. Never heard it of the Germans. Are we just makin' up our own ethnic stereotypes now, is that what we're doing? Because, let me tell you, nobody has a sense of rhythm like those Belgians.

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Jun 12
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Did not see where that was goin'...

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Like Germans will wait a thousand years. As if.

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Sure'n now laddie, yer talking about the British.

(Me too, so I get a pass)

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I did see (but forget where) that someone pointed out that she's 2/3 the way to the Axis.

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And she loves sushi. Hmmmmmmm.

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One fascist short of an Axis.

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"All Vergogna

All Vergogna

Hanging Judge, Bigot-Filled,

All Vergogna"

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When a judge buys a boat but don't pay for the note,

That's Vergogna...

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When an RV is free not for you but for me

That's Vergogna....

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Gosh, I saw some schmuck assert just a little while ago here on Substack that CF Donald was going to get 15 years for "a one-night tryst with a porn star in 2008", because YEAH FERSURE that's what the fucking trial was all about, so I guess Hunter Biden deserves ONE MILLION YEARS DUNGEON for gun.

(Plus, the guy was whining about porno in the library AND was citing Matt Taibbi in The Twitter Files!!1! 😱 so it was an easy choice to block.)

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Heard one guy bitching "She's not even the best looking porn star! There's tons of porn stars prettier than she is!"

Dude, this is not the defense you think it is....

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She's hot. Would smash.

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First time the reichwing has ever cared about gun control laws.

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THIRD WOMAN’S VOICE: Brown-eyes matter!

"Even more raucous laughter. MARTHA-ANN ducks inside, comes back with a Hummel figurine, hurls it; it smashes.)

So I lost it at "brown eyes matter" then I lost it even harder at "even more etc.) and by the time she threw the Hummel I was laughing so hard I had to leave the office. So I got to go back in now and I'll probably have to answer some questions. Depends on who's asking on what kind of answer I'm going to give them. There's one guy, if he asked me what I was laughing and I'm going to tell him that there's a picture going around the office of his junk.

Anyway, funny AF! Shame it's all connected with the highest court in the land.

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What a fun place to work! Pistels! Stamens! Assholes!

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"THIRD WOMAN’S VOICE: Brown-eyes matter!"

See -- THIS is a funny butt-sex reference!

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Unfit to be on the court. Half a dozen words that sum up Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch. Barrett may yet prove to be something much different than her initial vetting indicated!

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Vetting is such a nice way to describe the stuffy, and ultimately empty, ritual drama performed by the Capitol Players.

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And yet, occasionally, the sham "vetting" process does reveal real dirt, really scandalous behavior that should keep anyone off the court, which is then promptly ignored if the nominee is a Republican.

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Jun 12
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Nobody buys a used car today without a CarFax, but with Supreme Court justices, a smile and a handshake are enough. Lucky Lennie Leo's not gonna steer you wrong!

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FashFax is in beta.

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Clerked for Scalia? Check

Opus Dei? Check

Likes expensive vacations? Check

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CarFax. When I bought my used RAV-4, I got a CarFax report. No damage history! No abnormal service history! Yay!

Well, except for the fact that the steering column had been rebuilt for some reason. And put together wrong because the windshield wipers are wired backwards. And as near as I can tell, the only way for that to happen is for the car to have been crashed hard enough to deploy the airbag.

So, CarFax is about as good at vetting cars as the Senate is at vetting Supreme Court justices.

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Right! The empty ritual drama moves no one and affects nothing, but the august senators each get to drone on for fifteen minutes, pretending they’re Cicero and Atticus Finch all rolled into one.

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If the stakes weren't so high, it would be funny to observe the confusion and general homina-homina that ensues when their "investigation" yields actual information: "Hey, this wasn't 'sposed to happen!"

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[prospective justice, nominated by republican, pulling bump-stock-equipped, large magazine gun, applying liberally to demo-senators]:

"Amend THIS!"

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"Well, now I suppose the liberals are gonna try to exploit THIS to politicize this deeply-respected process!"

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Surely you're thinking of The Capitol Steps. Ah, remember PBS political satire? Them and Mark Russell, the poor and unfunny man's Tom Leher?

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That there, that right there, that is a deeply discerning burn, right there.

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By the time Mark Russell came along, Tom Lehrer had move on to teaching math, so we made do as best we could with the poor substitute, like drinking ersatz coffee in wartime.

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"How dare you waste our delicious ersatz beans!"

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I think when Tom Lehrer quit writing songs it was because, he said, Henry Kissinger had received the Nobel Peace Prize, so satire was dead.

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I do wish there were more people like Lehrer in the news biz.

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That's right where my mind went. The Capitol Steps had some good ones.

A Whole Newt World

A new repressive point of view

Everything's absolute

For Speaker Newt

A world of pain for you and me....

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Its only ignored by Republicans, which is enough most of the time.

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It’s contrary to current pseudoconservatism to let your wife have her own opinions. Since Alito is nothing if not a fully fledged member of the American pseudoconservative movement, there’s no question that Martha-Ann’s actions are his own.

Either that or Jim Hoft will be calling him a dickless cuck any day now.

Also, if Justice Barrett doesn’t stay on the Thomas-Alito-Gorsuch train, her husband will be guilty of the same sin of not adequately controlling his wife, as God intended. It’s tough being a married rightwing asshole.

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"Either that or Jim Hoft will be calling him a dickless cuck any day now."

Will complicate the inevitable hearing at the Corte di Tutti Corti* when Holt's bankruptcy case gets there (Impossible, you say? You ain't been payin' attention to modern top-end jurisprudence, I respond).

*I first spelt this "Corto di Tutti Corti" which google in its infinite AI translated "Short of All Shorts" which I will leave here for your collective delectation, and which will no doubt show up in one of the boss's upcoming wardrobe descriptions...

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I am wearing my "Corto di Tutti Corti" today. Along with my Gretsch t-shirt

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Bold statement in raymentary aplomb.

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What a fine example of Christianity she is!

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Clarence's defense when it got out that his wife - a highly-paid right wing lobbyist - was pushin' this Stop The Steal shit before Jan. 6: "Oh, we don't discuss politics at home, my wife's actions are her own, we don't talk about those things" Same with Alito, "Oh, my wife does all that, we don't talk politics." And I wonder about these married couples where they don't ever talk politics, because honestly there are times when MY wife would like that deal.

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Jun 12
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Yeah, I'm not being fair, she's much more politically active than I am, so her idea of "talking politics" is discussing what was said at the 350.org meeting about a planned action at CitiBank. When "politics" strays into "complaints about a certain orange-skinned felon" she shuts that shit down pretty quickly.

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Jun 12
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I think we should try to talk Steve into inviting his wife here for, like, a 20 minute chat. We'd hafta be sure Steve is outta the room first, just to be certain we get the good stuff.

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The first several years of Psych were very good. The last years were kind of flaccid

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Dude, TMI! TMI!

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Don't speak

I know what you're saying

I know that it's bullshit

I don't need your reasons

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

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[hand raised]

[another hand raised]

[another hand raised]

[another hand raised]

[another hand raised]

[another hand raised]

How many wives ARE there?!

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Damn boy, even the Moties only have three. We talking hecatoncheires here?

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Well I dunno...the missus seems to be endowed with pretty much just the standard appendages.

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You KNOW that asshole made the pubic hair in the Coke gag. I got kicked out of Wonkette? Eschaton? for recommending a low tech solution to that 'high tech lynching'. Oh, that's beyond the pail, that's horrible - Look, this guy is going to undo the damn country, OK, you think me making a joke is bad? Sheesh.

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In trumplandia, joke is on YOU!

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I got out of the boat to look at that blazer. Oy vey iz meyn ogen!… Is THE PRISONER some kind of fashion statement now?!

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Such a mensch you are!

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Was it an ELECTRIC boat? And was there a SHARK nearby?

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Trump decided he would prefer electrocution. Judge Merchan, take note!

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Sure, Trump took a position on Electrocution v. Shark, but what's his position on Werewolf v. Vampire? The public demands answers to these important questions!

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Jun 12
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Right, it would NEVER occur to him that the reason nobody else has asked it is because it's a dumb question. And he's spent his entire life surrounded by people who put off his idiocy with stuff like "Nobody ever asked that question before." What was Deborah Birx's reaction to "Drink bleach and shove a UV light up your ass"? "Uh... we have no research on that, sir."

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Jun 12Edited
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Of course it's possible he knows he's being humored and treated like an idiot stepchild, but he likes it, because it shows how powerful he is. Or he's just too damn stupid to ever catch on, take your pick.

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The very best time we had on "Rained-out Ranger Training Day" was when we got a snootful of rescue videos. And the best of those videos was the one about self-rescuing from a submerged car. And the best part of that video was that the electric window motors continued to work for several minutes while the car was totally submerged. Which is important because when you find yourself ina car 20ft underwater, it might be difficult to force the door open. So just lower the window a little and let the water trickle in til the pressure is closer to equal, take a last gulp of air at leisure, gently open the door and swim out. Easy peasy.

No humans were electrocuted in the making of that video, but the sharks were circlin' the car...

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Well, that's what YOU say, but did you have an uncle who taught at MIT, huh?

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Also, he says that the guy who owned the boat company responded with "We've never gotten that question before", which Trump took to mean "You're a genius, sir!"

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Damn. Took me a minute. Fucking genes, how do they work? (Protip: not that way)

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Why hell, who doesn't know that? Geez Louise.

On a less light note: you made me flash back to Boy Scout Lifeguard training where we had to watch videos of kids drowning. It worked - I was scared shitless.

Mr. Mark was well known for being a hard-ass.

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Well, the punchline of the day, after we'd all had fun with the sunken car, was BUS PLUNGE!

Yeah, they sunk a bus. Hilarity ensued.

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That was Herschel Walker's area

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And people said, "What a goof, we don't want him as OUR senator!

Then Trump does basically the same schtick and it's Pure Gold.

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Make it so.

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No, but Otto was!

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Periodic reminder that the Electric Boat Company (formerly the Holland Torpedo Boat Company) built submarines for the United States Navy and eventually became General Dynamics. But as he believes that said people are "suckers and losers", he knew none of this.

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But... but... SHARKS

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And the guy he's asking this question of doesn't make electric boats, he makes gasoline-powered boats, but he kicked off the conversation with "THEY want us to make electric boats" in the same way any right-winger might say "THEY want us to eat bugs." So ask a question about electric boats of a guy who doesn't make them, because right-wing questions are never meant to elicit information, they're only asked to OWN THE LIBS. Do you feel owned, punk? Well, do ya?

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And if he'd asked the question of someone who did make electric boats, the whole thing falls apart, it's no good as a story to tell his adoring crowds, because the electric-boat-expert would just answer it patiently, in a way that shows they know more than him, and where's the fun in that?

The most important thing about conservative questions is that they must NEVER be answered, all questions are purely rhetorical. Asking a question out of a sincere desire to actually find something out is for suckers and losers.

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Demand-driven capitalism...how does it work?

I eat bugs. But then, I like Moxie. YMMV.

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[Lou grant voice]

"Pig, you got moxie"

[Pig, speechless*]

*I know, but work with me

[Lou Grant voice]

"I hate moxie"]

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[wipes away teat] Thanks Mr. Grant.

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Sirrah, thou woundeth me.

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*jazz version of "Pop Goes The Weasel" plays in background*

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Pope Francis: "It's sad she is the face of the Church in America"

Jesuits: "Go Martha-Ann go! Opus Dei! Opus Dei!"

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Knights of Malta will chime in soon…

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"Hey, who took our boid?"

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“Quiet, numbskulls! I’m crusading here.”

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"OK, OK, sorry – they only got the decoy"

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Oh Elaine / Oh please come out / time is short / the guards are hanging about / Your Cedric's here / No kidding Cedric's here

And any attempt to sing the next line in Christine McIntyre's register leads to throat (and testicular) damage

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Stunt double be sayin' "yeah, yeah, just gimme a minute..."

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Hat tip. I hear the voice of spring anew....

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"If the Hays Office would only let me, I'd give him the boid alright"

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"Hey Martha-Ann! Is my Torquemada suit back from the dry cleaners? I'm going to wear it next term. Clarence has already got his white robe and pointed hood, and I don't want to be left out...."

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"Martha-Ann and the Vendettas" sounds like it's straight outta Motown.

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From Check-Mate, Libs Records

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Ok, a couple more – I'm in a good mood.

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A one, a two...marks...

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That's good! But I'm far too tired to try a "Dancin' in the Streets" parody

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Roy I think your work is great, this one was pitch perfect for me, couldn't hold in snorts or laughs, got weird looks on the northbound B train this morning, worth it, thanks!

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[taps microphone] Is this thing on?

Tough room.

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Hey, out of fairness to Justice Alito and our own liberal open-mindedness, let's at least have a look at other countries run by religious zealots to see how well... uh, nevermind.

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Jun 12
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Funny thing is, at the time they thought "No state establishment of religion" was clear enough, but it's hard to get through to the deliberately obtuse.

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Oh these jokers are not ready to meet Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson AT ALL.

Christian nation my hammy ass.

Remember, the Puritans left England because the Church Of England was *too* tolerant. That's why they got their sourpuss asses kicked out.

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But that's only because they're run by the WRONG religious zealots!

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"India is a Hindu nation", how can anyone object to such a commonsensical statement as that? Aren't most Indians Hindu? Why not elect a party that builds its platform on this simple, obvious fact, perhaps with the goal of codifying it into law, what could possibly go wrong?

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Ethnostates are NEVER problematic!

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I resurrect here my analysis of current status within the Indian subcon:

"Drinkin' wine spodee-odee

With Prime Minister Modi"

because I am shameless.

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Yes. Yes you are.

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My my my my vergogna!

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Well, one bit of entertainment in the camps will be the ensuing religious war. Catholic! Baptist! (Foursquare Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Southern Baptist - the Baptist sub-war will be awesome!) Methodist! Presbyterian! Pentecostal! Church of Christ, Scientist! Church of Christ, Standard! Assembly of Who? Jehovah's Witness! (Hey, how'd that last guy get in here?!) Unitarian! (all combine to kick to Unitarians out).

It will be EPIC.

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